Malicious minds

 Don’t you know I’m caught in a trap?


Any specific plans?  Or just an early night… that would probably be best, actually, so you’re all ready in the morning.

But the diet doesn’t have to be healthy all the time, either.  She likes to mix and match, so to speak.  Femdom’s all about choices: having them, denying them, whatever.

 The lovely, wise and occasionally delightfully cross Ella Kross.


Or even a bit longer if she needs it… it’s traditional for a bride to arrive a little late, keeping her anxious groom waiting at the altar.



Wherever she goes, but on all fours and two paces behind, I hope.


It makes my blood boil, seeing the divine Anne being disrespected.  To be honest, it makes my blood boil just seeing the divine Anne, so we’re actually all the way into pulmonary embolism territory here.


A few bad men

Let’s hope she learns from this little conundrum.  An espresso machine prepared and ready to go just within button-pressing reach of a pilloried hand and she can have her aching, tearful, regretful husband and a freshly brewed cup, both at the same time. 

Most of the choices I face are no-brainers, which all the women who have ever known me would probably agree is just as well.

Princess Kali, there – lovely and an accomplished author too.

She could even theme your confession with the outfit by putting the lasso of truth around you. That would be a nice, gentle start to what is about to happen.


Let’s hope the greeting ritual she chooses is number 17.  I’m particularly good at that one.



Come on… you’ve got this.  Two pawns down is nothing – you started with ten of them, right?  Something like that.  Try moving one of the little horsey ones.

Forceful females, meek males

Oh dear.  You had one job… Well, OK, you had several jobs if you count all the chores and you even had two jobs at a time during the spit-roasting bit but you know what I mean.

It’s their ‘rattan’ anniversary.

Maybe she should.  I hope she makes her mind up quickly rather than dithering about it… odd, because she’s usually very decisive.


The extra said yes – well, of course he did – but sadly the scene was cut from the movie.  He has developed quite a successful career though and has now had several minor speaking roles.  He was “Squeaky-voiced guy in elevator” in one of the recent Marvel movies, for instance.




It’s the way she tells them.





Sweet surrender


It’s basically harmless: it’s just in a cage to keep it from getting into trouble, that’s all.




Life-long learning.  Apparently we’ll all be doing that in the future, which sounds very exciting.




No, nothing.





Happiest day of your life they say.  OK, that’s not always true but it does seem certain there will be a great many days after this one that are thoroughly unhappy, so it’s quite an accurate description.

Oh well.  She tried.  Now she’ll try something else.


Womanly vices

Sure she can.  Lucy doesn’t mind a few bruises on her toys – if anything, it can make them even more sensitive.


She finds it pretty annoying working for a male CEO, actually, which is why it’s so important that she can talk through her day and work off some of those frustrations when she gets home.



A bit more lube, maybe?


It’s as if your pain receptors are directly linked to the pleasure centres of her brain.  It’s great when a couple just ‘clicks’ like that.

He didn’t have the nerve to ask whether she allows her clients ‘happy endings’ but she does – specifically, she unties them and lets them limp away.


You know, I’ve often been struck

She’s actually communicating her feelings on several different levels here.  It’s a Mars/Venus thing – you don’t have to understand but you could at least try to feel her pain.

If you argue it might go on longer – and wouldn’t that be just awful?

Some of us are already having the cry, thanks.  Although oddly it’s the cuddle that usually brings them on in floods.

What to do, what to do… You might want to try playing safe. They won’t let you (and anyway, you’re not safe), but I expect you’ll want to try.

She’s being rather unfair here.  She often is: if you want my honest opinion, she’s a vicious and vindictive person with serious anger management issues.  Always was.  Anyway – congratulations on your special day!  I’m sure you’ll be very.. well, maybe you’ll both be…  anyway, congratulations, yeah?  You’re a lucky guy.  We all think so.

Tie me up and I’ll confess

 …a thousand ways that make you statuesque. (just more old music, nothing specifically femdom I’m afraid.  But it does feature Louise Wener and those lucky sleeperblokes, which is femdom enough for some).



Watch and learn – although it’s by no means certain you’ll ever get the chance to put it into practice.



Not often I feature maledom here, but I’m open-minded about it – I don’t mind maledoms, as long as they end up beaten, enslaved and crushed in body and spirit.





They are very concerned with fairness – and with unfairness too, obviously.

Well, as long as he’s cool about it I suppose you should be too.



Rule 18

A while ago I published one of my helpful posts aimed at novice dommes and subs, drawing upon my years of experience to give guidance – top tips, so to speak – so the new generation can avoid the mistakes of its predecessors. 

Within that, I suggested what has become known – to me at least – as ‘Servitor’s Rule 18’, namely: 


Since then, I keep coming across* images online which can only cause me to think that no one reads this blog.  Rule 18 violations abound.  Here are a few – just a few – examples



CFEM play: Clothed Female, Exhibited Male.  Note, however, that most clients admitting to a fetish for ‘exhibitionism’ are unlikely to be seeking to be put in a glass case with a small type-written card explaining their provenance and archaeological significance. But for those that do: Rule 18 applies.



Eskimo play (more properly called Inuit play nowadays) is actually straightforward enough if you happen to own a punishment igloo and have access to dried seal meat. However, most clients request the domme to wear an outfit (not shown) that can be hot and uncomfortable, so this qualifies for Rule 18.





Servitor top tip: if the scene requires knowledge of industrial chemistry it’s probably a Rule 18 violation.




Dalek dress | Doctor who cosplay, Doctor who costumes, Dalek costume
Actually, this one’s quite a turn-on for me.  Now where’s my sonic?




Known in the business as ‘Violet Beauregarde play’, I believe.  Dommes attempting it are advised not to use pumps that can exceed the officially recommended pressure (and if not sure, should undertake the inflation in an open public space).




Ah, yes: ‘Latex nun birdcage guy’.  My SO remembers sessioning with him. She still has the birdcage somewhere.


Rule 18… so very Rule 18.



NB: for anyone taking this all too seriously (a) you’re reading the wrong blog, mate; (b) YKINMK-ETDAMTLN-BIRYKAAMKAFWT**.


* Note to self: remember to add feeble ejaculation-related pun down here. 

** Your kink is not my kink – except the dalek and maybe the latex nun – but I respect your kink and anyway my kinks are fucking weird too.  

Craven cravings


It’s not that Robert can’t do his own, obviously.  But you’re so much better at it than him – and so much worse at sex.  It just makes sense all round.


You’ll notice she hasn’t said you have to decide quickly, as she’s getting a lot of interest from other potential occupants?  That’s because she isn’t and anyway, she’s already decided.



A cover’s probably best.  They’re quite compassionate, the two of them, so having something unpleasant like that in sight could ruin what they had planned to be rather a special moment.



Ah… back in the time when the gimp suit came off at the end of the day. I miss that stage of our relationship, but times change, I suppose, and we move on.




It’s best not to quibble about the word ‘enjoy’.  It’s like the word ‘slavery’ – means different things to different people.

Liasons dangereuses

Urban foxes maybe?  We used to have urban foxes, round where I lived in London. They used to steal so many things: shoes, certainly.  They’d even take the panties and bras off the clothes lines of my neighbours…   Yeah.   Nasty little beasts. Agile too, to leap up high enough to reach the clothes line.

No, no: don’t get up.

Actually, it’s not quite true that she doesn’t care about your feelings.  Truth be told, she enjoys the thought of your misery.  But she’s too kind to admit it.

That’ll teach her.

It’s a pretty effect, isn’t it?  Makes a change from the usual striping.

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