In trying to come up with that title, I was thinking of ‘Blonde justice’ and had a sneaking suspicion I’d used it before, so I searched and found… oh dear, four posts all called ‘Blonde justice’. Is the blog really so forgettable, even for me? Maybe been going too long… but I’ve still got another 2772 captioned images unposted and I write more all the time, so I’m afraid we’re just going to have to carry on.
Anyway, blonde post. Yes, of course Mistress Eleise is in it. Did you really need to ask?
Obviously, it’s going to be very painful – it often is when a relationship ends – but don’t worry: one day she’ll look back on it and laugh. Possibly even next Thursday, when you come home with that funny bruised face.
Why should he mind? Why should she care if he does?
She’ll freely admit she’s a trophy wife. First prize in the ‘deluded and regretful old fool’ category.
I hate hypothetical questions. Strap me to the gurney and let me see the scalpels, then it will feel more like a real choice, that’s what I say. Assuming I’m still allowed to choose.
If you keep it up long enough, even an obese 220-pound man can easily lose as much as…well, 220 pounds, eventually. By weight, I mean. A lot more pounds sterling, obviously but who’s counting?
Told you. She’s magnificent. What an extraordinary honour and pleasure (and pain) it was for me to session with her a few times, in Paris some years ago.
In fact… shall we have another Mistress Eleise image? I say we should and it is my blog, after all.
She’s laughing inside. |