Makes me shiver

Makes me quiver…

What were you thinking? Did you forget your marriage vows? The real ones, I mean, not that nonsense in the church ceremony.
It’s a very fair system; she manages using data. And you’ll just have to manage without.
Make sure you get a doggie suit, not any other animal, though. The caterpillar suits can be hard going over stony ground and fish play is really not recommended in the Czech winter.
They’ll jingle jingle even more when you dance. And you will dance, sissy.
Once you reach your one thousand and fortieth it’s hard to find any one strapping particularly memorable, but she’s going to give it her very best shot to celebrate the anniversary.
He did manage one last publication after entering Her service: Charabdis, P. and Smackmybottom, S. S. (2017) “Dynamic optical scattering as a measure of surface smoothness at nanoparticle scale: applications to boot-polishing”, Annals.Phys. Ltrs. Vol 23, 4462 – 4473.

Give way to oncoming women

Or “yield” as I believe the Americans would put it.

You might imagine your life would be harder if you really cut down on spending on yourself – but actually, it will be much, much harder if you don’t.
Oddly enough, the most unpleasant-tasting thing a domme has ever made me ingest in session was something that was actually intended to be food: a jar of cheese and cauliflower babyfood. No wonder babies learn to talk so quickly, if that’s what we’re feeding them.
No, no Brer Fetish Model … please don’t make me clean out your sweaty latex!
Good thing you’ve got something to do to take your mind off the humiliation of what’s going on upstairs.
Fortunately I’m largely immune to SPH as my ego is even smaller, if such a thing can be imagined.
Yes: blame yourself. She always does, so why quibble?

Owning him

When your Mistress is a perfect 10, it’s only fair that you have to be graded too.
And we don’t ‘bob’ so much as immerse and hold down.

Oh, if there is one Lady I’d love to see again, it is Lady Sophia Black. She lit our lives up like a, like a… hmm… comet? No, something brighter. Like a flamethrower, then retired too soon, too too soon.

She’s focused on what’s important in the relationship and you should be too.
That’s an interesting question – let me ask you one in return, preferably on my knees, with my paws up like a begging dog.
He has an excellent retirement plan and one day she might tell him what it is.
She also likes to play “this little piggie”, especially the bit about shrieking all the way home.

The shape of things to come

Another science fiction-themed post! Sadly not featuring those whip wielding Amazons from Space 1999 this time but I’ll try to remedy that in future.

It’s very important to maintain carefully controlled conditions, in science. I expect that’s just what she intends to do.
Maybe when The Change happens, whatever that is (and how do they pronounce those capital letters anyway?) everything will become much clearer.
They had to replace the ‘Cruelty free’ label with ‘Cruelly tested on male animal experimenters and cosmetics industry executives’ but it didn’t do the sales any harm at all.
Her culinary ideas might be a bit odd but she’s really good at sex. Just ask the vacuum cleaner.
And you don’t even need to wear a condom: absorbing your bodily fluids is actually her goal. So what’s not to like? Apart from imminent death, obviously, but if you’d run away you could have been hit by a bus or something that same day, you know?
Oh dear. I hope she finds some sort of use for it.

Fettered access

The control collar was going on sooner or later, anyway. Married life will all be done ‘the hard way’ so why not the wedding ceremony too?
Don’t worry, you’re not taking advantage of the situation. You have permission to pay her double, too.
Everyone’s a critic.
Ooh – you’ll be the last one! I guess that makes you special. And they’ll probably try to make you last, too.
She’ll be OK. Everyone’s agreed there aren’t enough women in high-profile STEM jobs, nor enough men in menial and degrading positions.

Intelligences greater than man’s

minds that are to our minds as ours are to those of the beasts that perish, intellects vast and cool and unsympathetic...”

It’s a science fiction special.

Actually, he doesn’t even need to access the control software. All the sexbots that can have dominatrix modes enabled come with a safeword on a piece of paper, at the bottom of the box . Unfortunately, the makers imagined their customers reading the instructions leaflet all the way through at the start of the unpacking process, then carefully following the recommended procedure, step by step. Rather than just tearing it open, ignoring the leaflet and powering their new toy up straight away. Forgetting, in short, that their customers were male and unlikely to have a female assisting in the unpacking process of this particular product. Oh well. Think of it as a learning opportunity.

You want to watch out for those dominatrix sex robots…

Girls cosplay Star Trek for the futuristic vision and for the strong character development, boys for the miniskirts and boots.
Galactic law says that a superior species like theirs has to respect the customs of the planet they invade – and that is what they are doing. Just not the human inhabitants’ customs. Spiders live here too… who’s to say we’re right and they’re wrong?
They say that great inventors are rarely appreciated in their own time. Which is not the case here: these two seem to be very appreciative of the technological breakthrough this chap has produced.
As I always say, there’s nothing girls can do that boys can’t, as long as it is explained slowly enough using simple words, and it’s understood that we’ll probably fuck it up.

Incidentally, in the ‘other’ universe Artemis 9 made a flawless re-entry (female pilots…) but there was an unfortunate misunderstanding when the (tragically male) President greeted the returning heroines. In fairness, everyone agreed that he did have a very slappable face.

Saviours of the Universe

 Flash!  AI-AAAH!

Sorry.  Science fiction post, anyway.

Who wants to live forever?  HAHAHAHAHA!  Diiiive!



Just one female supremacist from a parallel dimension against an entire male-run planet?  Her chances can’t be better than evens… 75% at best.



It is very beautiful in its own special way… her people write poetry about it.  Maybe she’ll
read you some while she’s working you over with her ovipositor.




Hmm?  No, no everything’s fine.  Just came into the wrong room, that’s all.  I suppose I might briefly have imagined seeing five figures changing into pretty young ladies from… from… something else, but obviously that didn’t really happen.  Just my imagination… how silly.  But how lovely you all look!  What beautiful dresses!  Now, if you’ll excuse me….



Yes, unfortunately maleness itself is incurable, even with their advanced technology, but most of the visible symptoms can be removed or suppressed.



The sun shines every day in this parallel world.  It’s a paradise – for full citizens, anyway.

Ladylike behaviour

A caption from the days before teleworking, of course.  These days busy executives can do a full working day and tawse their husbands as often as needed, all without even leaving the house.

Obviously, men are allowed in the toilets to clean them – but that’s a privilege reserved for the best-behaved and longest-serving residents.

If they put that finding together with the body profile they deduced from the outsized maid outfit also found in your house, they just might get a clear picture of what happened.  Science is great, isn’t it?  Just ask Serena and Alice.

Some people who are generally quite dim can turn out to be brilliant at maths.  Just like some of us with quite high IQs can often be fucking useless stupid morons – or as often as I can afford to pay people to tell me I am, anyway.

He must have very good genes.  Shame there’s no question of them being passed on to the next generation.

Hit me (hit me!) hit me (hit me!) hit me with those laser beams!

Frankie Goes to Hollywood of course.  Another memory of brief and never repeated wild sexual excitement as a teenager.  There was a music show called The Tube and this unknown band appeared on it, performing Relax… including two lovely ladies in leather dancing about with whips.* Yes, actual whips… my teenage brain exploded.** The lovely ladies did not appear to do any actual singing, which probably explains why, a few months later, when Relax became a massive hit, they’d disappeared from the band*** which had also thoroughly embraced its gay vibe. So, video at number one, leather imagery everywhere and not a female to be seen. 


Anyway, this isn’t a post about Frankie Goes etc.  It’s just an excuse to put the word ‘laser’ in the title, because it’s a science fiction post.  And if the first one today doesn’t get me a mention on 11dutch’s blog I really don’t know what ever will.

I understand there’s a latex fetish scene with a Zygon, too.

…or even an even older man from 2023.  I don’t put captioned images up as soon as I write them, you see.  Except the Billie Piper one above, because as soon as I’d made it and stopped chortling happily to myself I just had to post it.

I understand the preferred terms are ‘Trekker’ and ‘perverted little freak’.  Anyway, it’s what you do that actually matters, not what anyone calls you.

She’s bound to get found out eventually.  No robot could ever be as cruel and controlling as a real human bride, after all.

Lexx is thoroughly recommended for all perverts reading this blog.  The lady above is (in my utterly humble opinion) only the second most stunningly attractive incarnation of the character she is portraying… just think on that.

* Here’s a scene from the trailer!

** Here’s the whole thing, starting about 0.55.  

***  Ooh – here’s a whole article about them and what happened.  Called ‘the leather pets’ they were.

And a photo!  Bloody hell, it’s good this Internet thing isn’t it? So much stuff out there.

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