You know where this wonderful image originated, don’t you? Of course you do.
Category: ignored
Charming savagery
Of course, it’s not actually a threesome if only two get to come… maybe you’d better explain that to them. |
Perhaps you could learn German instead. I hear she offers lessons. |
They also serve who only stand and wait. |
The next bit might not be entirely consensual and safe, truth be told, but who really cares? |
NB, tonight the Servitor household are packing up the whips, canes and portable travel-cage to head off for two weeks of sun, sea, sand and sadism. Long term readers, who were here in the days before The Thing will know what this means…
A total portrait with no omissions
The divine Ms Harry, for contemplation and worship.
Sometimes she’s in the mood for screaming and frantic pleading but right now she’s trying to enjoy her book, so just keep it down, hmm? |
She can show you both heaven and hell – as, to be fair, can the priest but in a very different way. |
See? Cruella’s not all about bleak post-industrial settings. This photo-shoot’s in a bleak pre-industrial setting and a refreshing change it is too.
Don’t you just hate being the third one on a date? I do – but she doesn’t seem to care. |
Go on – not many kinksters get to live out their fantasies in reality. |