
I’m sure Annie would be glad of the help. Boys can be such a handful.
It’s usually something simple like that – if the motive unit’s not receiving enough pain, from one source or another, then it’s not surprising it runs slowly, especially if it’s one of these older ones.
She mainly does it for the social benefits – all the best people are into brutal canings, these days.
Hotel cleaners like them are used to having to deal with messy situations and inconsiderate clients. It must be quite frustrating… I wonder what they do to relax.
What Lexi suggests, it’s best to accept.
Curiously enough, she does have a step-dad as well, but her mother insists on being the only one allowed to hit him, much to Kitten’s annoyance.

Nonsensical sex

More of these.

Aren’t you just the perfect host? Sorry, I meant pervert. The pervert host.
I always get so excited on Pervemas morning, waiting to be unwrapped.
I don’t know what they pay those sweatboys for. Oh, don’t they? Oh, OK. Even so, there’s no excuse for not doing a professional job.
I don’t know what it is about the phrase “Purely routine anal probe” but I feel (deep inside me) it’s not used enough in our own world.
Although everyone says that no one carries coins these days, public shining posts like this one (like the many coin-operated public lavatories you can still find chained up with gaping mouths in Pervworld) often end the day with a rectum uncomfortably full of change.
It’s a lot greener than most other forms of transport, especially since a lot of their fodder is recycled.

Implausible truth can serve one better than plausible fiction

Attentive ‘readers’ will recognise the magnificent Mistress Eleise, of course. Her web site, alas, seems not to have been updated since 2019, so this might be as close as you’re ever going to get.

The presence of Lady Sophia Black, on the right there, brings to two the number of extraordinarily beautiful and creative dommes who are now retired, in today’s post. If you missed out on both Mistress Eleise and Lady Sophia then… well, I’m afraid you face a lifetime of sadness and regret. Sorry and all that, but there it is… you can at least be happy for me that I managed to meet them both. Several times. Does that help? Anyway, fortunately, Lady Lola, on the left, appears still to be active and I’m sure will give you a ballet lesson to remember, if you ask very very nicely.

Supreme beings

It’s good that she can laugh about it.
With the actions, sissy, with all the actions.
Ah, those glamorous Cruella photoshoots. Goosepimples never looked so sexy.
Our society today is going to look so primitive to future historians and their slaveboys.
You know, if she’d only used that hockey stick a bit more on Mr Musk, maybe things would be better in today’s world.
Make it realistic by refusing to do anything unless she hits you repeatedly with a stick.

Thirty years of hurt (but this time with Lionesses)

So, after all these years of being told that football’s just a silly game in which a bunch of moronic boys chase a ball around in a field and surely I’m not asking to be allowed to put the ironing off just to watch that nonsense, apparently it’s a remarkable display of female skill, grace and power. Who knew? Well, my SO did, obviously, and now I do because she’s told me and that’s that.

Personally I’m not so much interested in the football itself as in the players’ muddy boots and sweaty socks in the fact that we are now officially all allowed to cheer ourselves silly(er) for a team called ‘The Lionesses’. That I do like, rather a lot.

It’s coming home. Unless the Lionesses lose on Sunday, obviously, in which case it’s going somewhere else. [UPDATE: They did. It is.]

Anyway, back to the depressing porn.

He did start by getting down on one knee, but it wasn’t enough.
I find the most effective humiliation scenes are the unexpected ones – for instance, when you think you’re just going on a vanilla date, but the woman intuitively senses that you’re into humiliation, so mocks and belittles you in front of your friends, then slaps you and walks off laughing, leaving you to pay the bill. Yeah, that’s a good one. How do they know?
She has some lederhosen for you, seeing as you’ve expressed such an interest in leather.
See how Mistress Vixen is keeping a straight back, there? That’s very important: it’s so easy to develop back problems in later life if you don’t sit right. Very sensible.

I have posted this before, but ‘too few’ is always the number of times I have done that, so here’s the lovely Mistress Vixen playing the piano.

Yeah, you can relax now the ceremony’s over and just enjoy the honeymoon – and the rest of your life.

Delightfully unpleasant

She did initially feel some sympathy… well, pity, anyway, which is practically the same thing.
To be fair, a dentist trying to act as a professional dominatrix for the first time would probably feel a bit unsure of herself too. It’s best to ignore those fearful, nagging voices that say you can’t do it and just have a go.
My SO once made me lick my own feet clean, after a long day’s pony-play. As I’m in my fifties, you might imagine I’m not supple enough easily to get a foot to my mouth, and you’d be right, but fortunately she had a strong bondage harness that could bring disparate parts of my body closer together and with a lot of effort she finally managed to get me buckled into a position where I could reach. The funniest thing was when she released me just a few short hours after I’d finished cleaning my feet: I couldn’t walk and had to lurch around bent double, for a couple of days. How we laughed! Well, one of us did anyway: the one who matters.
She’s quite possessive about stuff; has a controlling personality. She knows about it and tries not to go too far, but mostly she takes the view that people around her just have to learn to accept it.
I think it’s really important that couples should discuss these things. Many ladies new to chastity play might be surprised just how much fun they can have, talking to their partner about the frequency of release or the likelihood of its being imminent.

Just the way she likes it

  and no other way.  Ever.

Don’t worry, she’s a very good shot.  She’ll hit exactly what she’s aiming at, nothing else.  

Respect doesn’t have to be mutual to be heartfelt.

I hope he’s appropriately grateful for her trusting, easygoing nature.  I think things might get quite difficult for him if she loses that.

Oh dear.  I hope she doesn’t feel too bad about letting her friend down like that.

I’m sure she’ll say yes.  She’s a very kind person and it wouldn’t hurt anyone to… well, you know what I mean.  She’s not going to say no to her girlfriend, is she?  That would be mean.

Derogatory remarks

Did everyone get what they  wanted for Christmas? I hope so. I didn’t, not really. But apparently I got what I needed and what I deserved, which I’m given to understand is actually better for me. So that’s nice.

I wonder what she’s talking about. The usual  explanatory notes didn’t come with this one, I’m afraid.

I remember – very soon after I started seeing the lady who became my SO – very nervously broaching the subject of whether she might be prepared to try incorporating a little light spanking play into our bedroom routines. But she wasn’t really up for it. She said she preferred to stick with the bullwhip, shock baton and testicle clamps so I just pretended I’d been joking and I dropped the whole subject. I’ve often wondered how my life might have been different, had she said she’d try it… but it’s no use wishing for what might have been, is it?

Well… sex is important in her work, just as crime is important in a policewoman’s.

It’s going better than she’d dared to hope and she hasn’t even reached the gravel yet.

Oh dear… she’s not exactly trying to make you feel special, is she? But then, you’re not.

Beauty and some beasts


In some great literature, the characters form lasting attachments. In snip-lit, it’s usually the opposite.



It’s good that he’s supporting her artistic development – and she his.


Trevor’s the one on the left.  You might think, looking at him, that he’s made quite a few ‘noble gestures’ lately, but in fact it’s just that his work shift on the treadmill happened to coincide with Madame Sarka’s turn to be overseer.

Or it might not.  It’s really not going to affect things either way, to be honest.

I think it’s horrible when people abuse riding crops by using them on horses.







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