Reasonable orders are easy enough to obey

But unreasonable ones are so much sexier. Wouldn’t femdom be dull if our goddesses were reasonable? Today’s post celebrates the unfairer sex.

Don’t worry, she’ll be happy to whip you after your explanation too.
She knows you could go quickly even with your ankles chained to nipple clamps, if you really wanted to. And the spurs will help you want to.
She prefers to concentrate on the basic facts and not be distracted by irrelevancies – and it’s hard to think of anything that’s much more irrelevant to her than which male is which.
Actual quote from an actual session. Only what was being pointed to was an area of the dungeon containing various things, only one of which was actually meant. I got it eventually.
You need to rethink your priorities. Don’t worry: she’ll help you.

Lovely Lady Sophia Black. Don’t even ask – she’s retired.

Clever Kitten solved the problem and now the two of you can focus on what’s important.


I’m sure Annie would be glad of the help. Boys can be such a handful.
It’s usually something simple like that – if the motive unit’s not receiving enough pain, from one source or another, then it’s not surprising it runs slowly, especially if it’s one of these older ones.
She mainly does it for the social benefits – all the best people are into brutal canings, these days.
Hotel cleaners like them are used to having to deal with messy situations and inconsiderate clients. It must be quite frustrating… I wonder what they do to relax.
What Lexi suggests, it’s best to accept.
Curiously enough, she does have a step-dad as well, but her mother insists on being the only one allowed to hit him, much to Kitten’s annoyance.

Captured moments

There are worse fates than being trodden upon.
I’m sure you wouldn’t. Not really. Not really really really. Right?
I always find it so hard to remember my details in these circumstances: my name, date of birth… all of that, just flees my brain. Fortunately my password’s ‘Shoelicker’ so that’s easy.
Thank goodness one of you came prepared.
If you think about it (and Kitten’s thought about it a lot) a pay piggie is just like an ideal sugar daddy, because Kitten gets more money to buy the things she wants, doesn’t have to have sex with anyone old and ugly and doesn’t even have to pretend to like you.

Divine furies

No, not ‘furries’. The Furies “were goddesses of vengeance and justice. Symbolized by snakes and blood, the Furies travelled the earth dispensing punishment, as well as torturing souls in the Underworld, the Greek realm of the dead.” Don’t they sound lovely?

That’s the thing about girls that boys often don’t get: girls like to play together as a team, all working towards a common goal even in what is notionally a competition. Superior social skills, you see. They hunt in packs.
Of course, she’s going to need occasional videos to prove he’s still alive and they’re treating him right.
Some subs find real ashtray play with lit cigarettes quite challenging but the trick is to adopt the right attitude: as long as the domme doesn’t give a flying fuck whether they find it difficult or not, it’ll all work out.
It’s a mistake to think boys don’t need any education in maths. If a pair of panties takes 30% longer to handwash when it’s her time of the month, for example, what time on a Sunday does her sissy maid have to begin washing the week’s supply in order to leave time to start the dinner? Of course, males can get help – my SO very frequently lets me practice counting, along with thanking her.
Haven’t you got better things to do than just stare at her suspenders and stocking tops? No? Oh, OK then.
Kitten doesn’t want you to be sad. She wants you to be happy because she’s happy.

…and a bonus image, in the unlikely event that any of you have been following the viral ‘Bentley girl’ breakout of the lady pictured above (whom I call ‘Kitten’ and place – no doubt grossly unfairly – in captioned images to epitomise exploitative but hot ‘sugar daddy’ style findomme). Example video here, Kitten herself getting into the joke here….

If you don’t know the videos, you won’t get it, and it’s not femdom… but then that’s why it’s a bonus, see? Like getting an extra slap from a domme when leaving a session, without paying any more.

Mostly harmful

A note and apology to everyone who has tried to comment in the last few weeks. I had a new spam filter on and the settings were much too restrictive. I have turned them down and I have belatedly found the allow requests lists and approved everyone who didn’t look like a spammer. So do please try again.

If you get blocked again, let me know with a short comment if it lets you post something, or in an allow request if not. I’ll keep tweaking the settings. There are no restrictions on ‘adult’ words or content, it’s all about detecting phrases that seem like ads and scams. So it’s possible your witty and sexy comment about a findomme who wants to MAKE MONEY NOW!!! still won’t get through…

Sorry about this, still getting to grips with WordPress. I’m not the first. I think at one point, Paltego’s site at Femdom Resource was blocking comments with words like ‘femdom’ or ‘dominatrix’ in them, which was a bit unfortunate.

I once paid for a lesbian show, back when the authentic lesbian experience used to involve boilersuits and earnest conversations about the latest article in Spare Rib. But I hear things have moved on.
They’ll operate a dual-key system, after you’re married. It’s a lot more secure.
Obviously, he’s paying too – more, actually – but you know what she means.
She knows how much pain untruths can cause in a relationship.
Who’s Queen Patricia going to believe, anyway? Them, or her own lying slave?
When you’re done, just remember it’s not a good idea to go swimming on a full stomach. Unfortunately, Kitten doesn’t seem to know that – or perhaps just doesn’t care.

In case you missed it: Kitten went viral over the summer! And there’s a new one, too… love the way she slams the door.

Newcomers welcome

Newcomers are particularly welcome to this blog, of course, since ‘readers’ unfamiliar with my style may take a while to notice that I basically just re-hash the same old tropes over and over again. But more importantly, I want to help newcomers to the world of femdom to get over any anxieties they might have, especially before that nerve-wracking first contact with a pro-domme to actually try out all those grubby little fantasies in reality.

So, as a service to such newbies, I have in the past posted several items of advice to a novice sub. That series later also included a few respectful items of advice humbly proferred to any to ladies thinking of embarking on the noble dominatrix profession, too.

I hope that by passing on my expertise to a new generation, they can avoid the mistakes I made and instead make entirely new ones.

So, in that spirit, here is more of the same. Re-hashing tired old tropes, like I said.

Hope you enjoyed that. Any prospective subs actually trying the approaches recommended above will not be missed from the human gene pool, so think of it as evolution in action. Not that many of you were likely ever to be allowed to place your nasty, sticky genes anywhere they might actually lead to a new human being forming anyway. The real advice to a novice sub is to visit that domme and the only real mistake Servitor made was leaving that so late.

In other news, those of you paying very close attention to some minor themes on this blog (and I know some of you do that, to my repeated surprise) might like to note that Kitten has gone viral. Bonus Kitten image below in celebration and homage.

Unreasonable demands

Kitten can be awfully careless, with things that aren’t expensive designer items. She can be quite forgetful too, often letting things she said she’d do drift for months at a time. Months and months. But you have to forgive her.
Dommes are goddesses and should just spend their days in leisurely pursuits such as lounging around wearing uncomfortable rubber and leather gear, having the dirt on their boots pointlessly smeared around by a devoted slave’s tongue.
I will proudly bear the marks of any Mistress who chooses to beat me, as long as she doesn’t object to all the snivelling and frantic pleading for mercy that inevitably ensues once I realise that it’s much less fun in reality.
Try to make the most of it: after all, you’ll almost certainly never be as happy again as you are right now, on honeymoon with your beloved.
Schoolgirls hunt in packs – teachers should always remember that. By the way, in case you are worried, they didn’t like, kill, Mr Hargreaves or anything. I’ve been assured he’s still alive, although obviously the location they keep him in is a closely-guarded secret.

Tears are not enough

But they can help.


BBWs go well with SIMs – scrawny, insignificant males.



Andy wasn’t very likeable but Janet very much enjoyed his company, towards the end.



A well-equipped playroom, I see.


I was once taken in by a policewoman strippergram that someone had arranged as a surprise at my 18th birthday party – I actually genuinely thought I was in trouble with the law!  How we laughed when I was released six months later.




Kitten likes to keep the conversation focused on things that are important.






Everything she wants, any way she likes, right now

She was beside herself with worry, the poor thing. Nothing to worry about now… for her to worry about, I mean.

might add to it, if anything.  But it’s nice when it finishes – or when
the weals heal, a week or so later, depending on the severity.




In the event, she realised of course that she didn’t actually want a slave with a bashed in face and a pulped, deformed nose, snuffling around the whole time.  So both of them ended up having to leave.  Funny how some people just don’t think things through, isn’t it?  Still, no real harm done and I guess she learned something.




Oh dear, that wasn’t a very tactful thing to say.  She’s not an unkind person, you understand; it’s just never occurred to her not to despise you.




If Kitten can’t have nice things, why should you have nice things?




For those of you who might have sleepless nights worrying about Kitten not being as happy as she deserves to be, all the time, I am delighted to share the following picture:


Isn’t that lovely?  Doesn’t it make the world a better place?  You can think of it every time you pay off the monthly installments of the loan – ten years, wasn’t it?  Lots of time to think of Kitten’s happy smile.  And she decided to keep the black one, too, for when she’s just not in a red car mood.

Now… Kitten has some ideas for other things she’d like to have.  Get a notebook: you can make a list.



*** UPDATED***

Kitten saw this and would just like you to know that she has always liked yellow best of all the colours.  


Come on now, don’t be mean…




When things are looking good there’s always complications

 (but the song is actually about a car)


Don’t worry, it’s still quite fresh.



You don’t want Kitten to get cross again.  Kitten has very sharp claws.



Oh well.  Arguably ‘lightening the mood’ isn’t really appropriate at the start of a strict disciplinary session anyway.  Better just get on with it.



She could try telling him it’s kinder this way, but that wouldn’t really be true.


No, not ‘talking it through’.  I mean, she does still intend to talk it all through.  But only after putting her brilliant idea into practice, when he’s in a more receptive mood.
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