
Yes, just imagine how awful that would be. But don’t imagine too hard, or the spikes might start digging in painfully. Oh – too late? Sorry.
It’s amazing how modern technology can take the drudgery out of life but to a sufficiently determined woman, there’s still plenty of drudgery to be found.
I expect it’ll turn up eventually… and while it’s missing, you might even find out you could have done without it all along. It’s often that way.
Oh dear. And her feet too! Sigh. Scurry.
Don’t be so selfish – or possessive. In fact, it’s probably a good idea to get out of that last habit, now you don’t have possessions.

Life is pain, Highness

True, that. I’ve experienced a lot of pain in my relationships with women and I can only hope and pay for more in the years to come.

The dog gets the jelly bits from the cans of food, too… it’s really not fair.
It might be quite difficult for Treasure at first, as she has such a kind personality, but with the right teacher I’m sure she’ll learn to enjoy it.
As if there was any doubt that men are pigs – look at this guy! Couldn’t he have made at least some effort with his appearance, for the most important conversation he’ll ever have?
Apparently that’s called a ‘power pose’ – makes her feel powerful and in-charge. Although frankly, even sitting down in a comfy chair with someone draped across her lap awaiting the hairbrush, she comes across as pretty in-charge to me.
Phobia play’s a lot of fun and you don’t need the complicated set-up depicted here. Claustrophobia play, for instance, can be effective using something as simple as a heavy sack and a cupboard. And with two claustrophobes, it’s more than twice as much fun.
Might start to chafe after a while.

Degraded images

She’s going to take her time – no rush, is there?
Oh well, it’ll make a change from the chewing gum those big-city dommes pick up.
I must say, thiose bridesmaids are taking their duties very seriously. At my wedding, they were only there for the ceremony – although my best man stayed around for quite a while, now I come to think of it.
I used to think my SO was mixing up her two remotes, but it turns out she just set the TV control up to give me an electric shock every time she changes the channel or adjusts the volume.
It’s amazing the things medical science has come up with these days. You know, back in medieval times dommes engaged in medical play would put leeches up their clients’ bottoms? We’ve come a long way.

This lovely lady is Maitresse Blanche, based just outside Paris, whose medical skills have from time to time been employed in trying to sort out the many, many things that are wrong with Servitor.

Ah… lesbian femsubs. Many male submissives fantasise about their mistresses taking on a pretty little submissive but the reality is less ‘threesome’ but more doing a lot of housework around a rather giggly ‘twosome’, twice as much laundry and fewer ‘onesomes’ than ever. Not that I’m bitter – or complaining, obviously.

Resolute women

They always make sure that their New Year resolutions are kept.

It’s odd, because generally she prefers to be asked for her approval for everything I do.

Now this one’s just putting on a show of indifference to suit the ‘callous uncaring domme’ persona.  Inside, she’s a swirling mess of worry that licking up cow shit might make you horribly ill, but she is concealing it – true professional that she is.

She does teasing and denial play too.  That’s when you pay her and fuck off, frustrated and lonely.  It’s only very subtly different from the findomme variant, to be honest.

Happiest day of your life, boy.  Remember that.

Looks like she has stuff lying around the house she doesn’t need or want any more.  Many people do, at this time of year.  Best to just take the bold decision to throw it out, rather than leave it cluttering the place up.  She won’t regret it.

Firmly-held opinions

Tsk.  And he’s hardly even made an effort to look smart, either.  Men!

A Rose by any other name…

If the weights do tear the ring out and make a nasty mess, I think we all know whose fault that will be, don’t we subbie?  Yes, yes we do.

If you don’t want to know, don’t ask.

One advantage is that only the very best nurses work in the RPU.  It’s very competitive – you’ll be in the hands of the elite; a much more professional standard of care than you could normally expect with a silly old ingrowing toenail.






Her whim be done

Reminds me of this amazing time I paid a pair of sex workers for the ‘two girls’ experience.  That was a lot of ironing, I can tell you – not to mention dealing with the mess they’d made of the sheets doing whatever they were doing while I was slaving away in the utility room.




Don’t worry – she’ll discover new interests when she’s married.  People do.




Women sometimes take a while to accustom themselves to just how much flogging males really need.  There’s no end to it, truth be told.





If they’re feeling kind maybe they won’t pass the ‘mad bitch’ comment on.


Do pay Cruella a visit.  Still going after all these years.

Mistress is going on a business trip in a few weeks leaving the two of you alone together, so perhaps that will provide an opportunity to resolve this nonsense once and for all?  Really talk it through, I mean.  Maybe even try to find a compromise.  She’s not going to risk a smacked bottom, after all.


Tender moments

I am in their loyalty programme.  I get to pay more when I book flights, as I accumulate points they demand ever more expensive gifts and on board I am treated with extra contempt.



I expect you’ll want to evaluate this proposition quite carefully.  I mean, that’s a lot of money to lend someone you barely know, just on the strength of… on the strength of… sorry, what were we talking about?




I can multi-task!  I can flounce and simper, both at the same time. 





As story-writers say, don’t tell: show.


Oh, I don’t know.  There are advantages.  For one thing, it’s not one of those wildly unrealistic fetishes that’s completely divorced from real life.  For example, I am actually a lazy, worthless and sexually unattractive male, deserving the contempt the women I know barely bother to conceal.  So I can live the dream, so to speak.


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