6 thoughts on “Where no woman has gone before”

  1. Caption 1: She can take one of them on a tour of their and demonstrate how their males are treated on earth. Every female crew member gets a male slave to tend to all their needs on their tour of duty, in and out of bed. Captain Delane has her little slut chained up to her bed now.

    Caption 3: Well why would she free them? She has a better idea. Now they can serve them instead. Don’t worry, they’ll treat them with more kindness, I hope.

    Last caption: Doesn’t sound too bad. The roles are flipped without the bad traits of a male dominated society? He’ll why not. Earth needs to see a womans true purpose as ruler. I say fire off that beam.

    1. All of it sounds absolutely fine to you and me, Squaw, because we’re sensible and tamed, or at least longing to be so. But there are still so many feral males out there. Thousands of years ago, humanity undertook the first great domestication, taking in wild species and making them useful. One great domestication still to come.

      Best wishes


  2. Malfunctioning sex robot? Do you mind, that’s my wife you are talking about.

    I dare you to stare into her eyes…..

    No Nonny No

    1. You’re not supposed to marry it, Nonny, it invalidates the warranty. It’s your own fault if it starts attacking you violently, sneering at your sexual performance in public and forcing you to sleep below the bed while it fucks other people. That’s just ‘wife mode’ working the way it should.

      Best wishes


      PS – By coincidence, I had to ‘verify I am not a robot’ in order to post this reply. Apparently it involves identifying bicycles. You should try your wife on that, just to make sure. “Oh look, darling, that two-wheeled thing! Whatever is it do you suppose? A rabbit? A subatomic particle?”

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