Perfectly entitled

She doesn’t have to repeat herself, but of course she’s perfectly entitled to say the same thing every month.
He, on the other hand, is not at all entitled but is hoping for a favourable outcome. I’m sure she’ll say yes: it would be mean and capricious to say no, after all.
He thought it would make the scene more edgy, using a real loaded gun, and he was right. Some dommes would just work it into the scene, maybe even applying a wickedly tight tourniquet to the affected body parts (helping to staunch the massive loss of blood as well as providing a kinky thrill) but it seems this one has had enough. I expect she needs a quiet evening in, with a hot bath, a bottle of wine and her cats – to put her weird and kinky clients right out of her mind.
Don’t worry: no one will think any less of you because you’re only a homemaker. They all regard you with utter contempt already.
Nothing like a cold shower in February to bring a brisk dose of real life to a femdom session, I find. PS – why are dedicated dungeon spaces often so f***ing cold? Perhaps I should just play domestic scenes in winter months, curled up over a lap in front of a nice warm fire, with a nice warm bottom…
She’s a pro and she demands a professional service.

Give me shudders in a whisper

Perhaps she should leave him out there for a while, to help him understand the mistake he made. A little cruel, perhaps, but as my SO says: sometimes you have to be cruel to be kind. Not that she’s in favour of actually being kind, you understand, but she likes to cover all the bases.
I always try to be brave in session, as they say it’s only through failure that we really learn.
Actually, a well-trained python can provide an exciting twist to bondage play – or to a tight-lacing scene, for that matter.
I once bought a blow-up sex doll and it was actually a much more realistic experience than I’d expected – the shipping company delivered it to some other guy to fuck and charged me extra for the meal he had delivered.
Actually, there really ought to be a ‘k’ in electrode, as it’s from the greek ‘ἤλεκτρον’ meaning amber. I once dated a girl called Amber and as she was clamping the wires onto my genitals, I realised what an odd coincidence that was and was just about to point it out, when she flicked the switch and obviously then I was far too busy writhing, screaming and desperately pleading for mercy to say anything. Then she put it on a timer and went home. So it wasn’t, like, a serious relationship or anything but I think of her fondly.
She’s much misunderstood. And she so dislikes being misunderstood – just ask Gordon.

Apropos nothing whatsoever, I thought this was very lovely. She can definitely come to my funeral dressed like that! No, hang on, erm… someone else’s funeral that I’m at…. but not someone so close to me I’d be too sad to perve. Oh, heck it doesn’t even need to be a funeral at all.

Superior wisdom

Every idea I’ve ever had is above my station, I reckon.
Good thing someone thought to bring clothespegs.
Yes. If the pain’s too much, she definitely wants to know, OK?
She can make quite a persuasive argument. In fact, I’m hooked already.
They shouldn’t worry too much. The mistresses there mostly aren’t into heavy pain play. Not with female subs. And with male subs it’s not really ‘play’ anyway.
Funny how I wanted to say “No. No there isn’t! And there won’t be any more coffee for another couple of months! How do you like that you… you…” But it came out as “No, I think that was the last, darling. Shall I make some fresh?”

Romantically hers


What a nightmare.  That happened to me once, but fortunately the lady I’d been following was very kind and really nice about it.  I can’t say the same about my SO when I was finally handed back, but being kind and nice just isn’t her thing.

If it’s important, it’s worth discussing properly, right?

Here we go again.

The weird thing is, he had his tonsils out when he was a kid. Must have grown back, I suppose.  Things sometimes do, you know.

Probably she’ll just be lying in bed later, trying to get to sleep, and it’ll just pop into her head, just like that.  Or in the morning.  Whatever.

Speaking of subjective opinions, I’d be interested in any thoughts on Blogger/Blogspot’s new policy of requiring sign-in for adult-themed blogs like this (I’ve personally always thought that it’s best described as childish and immature rather than adult, but there you go…).  I hadn’t even noticed, as I’m permanently logged in, but a commenter on my mirror Tumblr site let me know.

You’re the wrong people to ask, really, because by definition you’re here so it hasn’t stopped you.  But it seems from Internet chatter to have happened around the start of February and my traffic stats do seem to have dropped in half, overnight.

Hmm.  It’s not too bad.  Many people have Google IDs and some won’t even notice, like me.  But it’s a shame if new people cannot get here from search engines and suchlike.  I looked into alternative places to blog a few years back, when there was a threat to block adult blogs entirely, and I set up my Tumblr site but I cannot move fully there because (a) it doesn’t allow nakedness and although unlike many adult blogs, I rarely feature fully undressed ladies, this blog has never had a problem with images of males in the natural animal state in which the Goddess created them, their vulnerable flesh reddening under a whip or goose-pimpling as they engage in vigorous productive outdoor activity on a crisp winter morning in the snow.  Sorry, where was I?  Oh yes: (b) Tumblr is basically a clip or photo-sharing site.  I need a blank sheet of paper to write stuff; I still occasionally write stories and so on. Tumblr is more like a social media ‘feed’ but this blog – like its author – is hopelessly stuck in the past and I want a web page people come to and ‘read’.

Any thoughts?

When her pet-name for you is ‘maggot’

 … then you know you’re onto a good thing.


Make sure you get the right one, this time.



She’ll have plenty of sex and plenty of money – she prefers to get them from different people, that’s all.  That’s not going to be a problem, is it?



Sexual pleasure is over-rated anyway, so I have been led to understand.

Princess Neive and Miss Analisa, there, and also here.  But neither working in person any more, I believe, alas.

Oh well.  You can enjoy watching her eat too, I suppose, just like you watch her do the other thing.

I asked a sex worker for a nurse roleplay session and when I got there she threatened to go on strike, harangued me about the state of NHS funding and then fell asleep, exhausted after a 14-hour shift. Exactly as I’d asked for in my pre-session email… what a pro.

Punitive pleasures

She’s right, of course.



She puts a lot of effort into giving feedback and making sure the overall messages of the review are clear. So you’ll get a lot out of it. She appreciates obsequious upward feedback too.

I expect Cruella’s employees get plenty of feedback.  As do unpaid employees or random passing gawkers at their photoshoots, I imagine.


Another lady with an interest in giving clear feedback. Shame Harold won’t have much chance to learn from it for next time.

I asked my domme once how she managed to switch from non-stop verbal humiliation and contempt to chatting in a friendly way at the end of the session. She just smiled and said she’s a good actress, but she’d probably run out of ideas if it went for more than five minutes or so.  Which I didn’t really understand because we’d had a two hour session but it was time for me to go, so I never got the chance to ask.

Hmm… Looks like you’re not going  to get a chance to impress her with that dazzling wit.  Or anyone.  Oh well, win some lose some.  You did win some, right?  I mean, at some point in your life?




If it’s Tuesday this must be femdom

Fortunately their arguments are usually quite short.  She’s very sensitive, poor thing – hates it when there’s disagreement in her marriage.



Her husband’s very sensitive too, which is just the way she likes it.



“This slave is so privileged to have the honour of directing your divine footsteps, Mistress, and ventures most humbly to suggest that Mistress’s perfect feet should first take a left (by which is meant her left, needless to say, not the left from the perspective of this worthless insect), then…” etc etc.



Apparently one of his favourite maledom fantasies concerns ‘caning to real tears’.  So he’s in for a real treat today because that’s definitely on the agenda.




Just to be clear: she’s fairly unlikely to hold with that sort on nonsense after the wedding day, either. And there are other words for which you’d be wise not to dispute her definition: ‘husband’, for instance.




But I got what I deserved

Tried to hurt me but now I know.


Kinksters can sometimes be over-sensitive about when something might be considered ‘public play’.  Sometimes a slap in the face is just a slap, after all and sensible bystanders will realise that.




It never did matter much, to be honest, even before I started wearing the thing.




Oh, she shouldn’t worry.  Nothing creepy about enjoying the sight of an elegant pair of ladies’ shoes.  Or the taste of them, for that matter.

Thank goodness for that.  Words can cause real pain – as can bullwhips, too, obviously.



The thing about schoolgirls is not letting them know you’re afraid of them.  Make that mistake once and you’ll be doing a lot of homework for other people, believe me.

Decadence: the Ladies

What would this blog have been over its 10 years of existence, without its regular Ladies?  Ridiculous question, as that’s obviously where the main attraction lies.  Let’s pay tribute (no really – get yourself to an ATM and stuff an envelope) to those ‘regulars’ who all unknowingly, unceasingly, uncaringly and without regard to copyright, so often enlighten this otherwise dismal corner of the Internet.  

Some domme, some vanilla – the sole criterion today is frequency of appearance.  So here they are again (and they will all be back).  Most names are hyperlinks.

Mistress Eleise

 Not a particularly interesting caption, I’m afraid, but when the image is perfection itself, who cares?





Mistress Mina

have never met her, but her lovely, wicked smile is so much more fun to
caption than the stereotypical ‘domme grimace’ that she features here a


I have not met her either, obviously.  But I do envy her dog.

Mistress Sidonia





 Do you think we might like another picture of Gal?  I do.



The Ladies of Cruella (who took a flamethrower to my brain as a teenager in the 1990s). 

Link may not work but worth tracking down, as the guy who does ‘modern Cruella’ does seem to be the same as the one who did these all those years ago (he seems to keep re-doing his Internet sites, presumably trying to find ways to monetise this stuff – I hope he succeeds, as he deserves it).  The modern material isn’t bad at all either, but I have very special memories of furtive visits to Soho to summon up the courage to buy magazines featuring these lovelies.

NB: I once saw them on sale on the top shelf of a regular Pakistani newsagent… I could never imagine asking in a context so vanilla.  “Yeah, 20 Silk Cut please mate and erm… have you got a copy of the latest Cruella?  Oh – that’s last month’s isn’t it?  I’ll take the Goddess, then: the one with the guy licking the boot.  Yeah, thanks.  Oh – and I’ll have this Kit Kat too.”

Madame Katerina 

Whose name I have spelled many different ways over the years.  Shhh… nobody tell her, please.   OWK came in just about the end of my teenage formative years.  They published magazines for a couple of years, because they started just before Internet femdom took off.  They had advertised for a year or so in Cruella et al before launching: extraordinary, evocative pictures of concentration camp femdom.  The magazines did not disappoint, when they finally arrived.  Impressively high production values, and a convincing commitment to the fantasy.  I don’t care in the least whether it was ‘real’ in any meaningful way or not, I really don’t.


‘President Hathaway’ series would be rather shorter, without Megyn
Kelly.  I’ve never actually watched her on TV, I doubt I’d like her
politics.  But boy, does she look the part.  In fact, Fox News (now
without her) appears to feature almost nothing but leggy, imperious
blondes which is (for me) essentially its only saving grace.

And although I’m mostly heterosexual (or would be, if anyone ever let me), I’ve got to admit Trudeau does have a very spankable butt…

Nata Lee

lovely Russian model.  A lot of her content out there consists of what I
must regretfully call ‘tit and bum’ shots, which I think rather
unnecessary, given her sweet, extraordinarily pretty face.  But of
course, that’s up to her.

Lady Sophia

domme, whose in-session persona was actually very similar to this. 
Retired now, so no link – sorry, you’re just too late and that’s that.

Divine Mistress Heather

Rodea and Cindi

know, I know… Miami/American Mean Girls is a very commercial site,
nothing at all authentic about it – even some questionable content
recently too.  But unlike almost all the mean girl ‘hey loser’ content
out there, a lot of it is done very well and these two especially are
lovely: their disdainful personas perfectly matching their elegant
beauty.  ‘Goddess Rodea’, incidentally, has moved on to other things and
clearly despises the whole humiliation fetish scene.  Which just makes
it even better, ironically…

Young Goddesses, especially Irina

No link for this one because the guy who used to make them took against the whole business and links to his sites now just lead to complaints about the unprofessionalism of the ladies he had to work with, along with warnings about the perils of excessive masturbation – and not in a good way.

But there are some lovely images of some lovely Russian ladies, doing quite unpleasant things, out there.

Irina is the one on the left, showing off her trademark delightful, amused smile.  She is findable on the Internet as Irina or occasionally as Cofi Milan and she smiles a lot.

The Hunteress


and of course…

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