At her mercy

If she has any.

It’s all right, he has a desk job so as long as he can basically limp in and his fingers aren’t too bruised to type, it’ll be OK.
Apparently it’s best not to think about it too much. But then, when it happens, it’s hard to think about anything else. Dilemma, really. Where’s all that thoughtlessness that got you into this mess, when you really need it?
I expect the two of them will get a bit jealous, of all five of you down there together.
Don’t worry: she’ll make sure you get what you deserve.
Actually, professional wrestling’s all for show: no one really gets hurt. Of course, as an amateur, that doesn’t apply to you, but it’s nice to know, isn’t it?
I don’t know what she’s talking about; just put this up because I thought the two of them looked pretty.

Not now, darling

I don’t see what’s odd about it. My SO loves the sound of me being hard at work: sometimes she’ll set me to a particularly backbreaking, pointless activity, just to help her get off to sleep. It’s much better than taking pills.
Her choices, that is. You already made your choice.
Ah, dommes and their ‘first meeting’ directions. It’s a good thing I have a fetish for being criticised for failing at pointlessly complicated tasks… it’s like a bonus 5 minutes on the session.
That’s good… many types of slave food are actually quite high-calorie. Cockroaches, for instance, especially plump ones that are still fresh and wriggling.
Bets view of the dancing, that is. Your view of the actual ball-busting part of the show might be a bit less clear, through the tears and red mist of agony. But the dance is great: it builds up, you see, starting slow but circling in towards you, high-kicking more and more vigorously as they get closer, before the grand finale.
I’m sure his boss knows what she’s doing.

Unnecessary evil

It’s just for fun.

Many men in these circumstances make the mistale of starting with an apology – which is insulting and offensive to her, as it’s a way of trying to control her reaction, you know? It’s a Mars/Venus thing. Try just calmly acknowledging the facts of your behaviour, observe her reaction, then after that (or during it, even) apologise as profusely and abjectly as you feel the situation merits.
They choose a different male to participate every day – oh, and two on Saturdays, when there’s a matinee show for kids, of course.
So much simpler that way. There’s enough that’s complicated in this world: shoe buying shouldn’t have to be.
Don’t feel you have to be brave for her. She wouldn’t enjoy it as much if you were.
Despite what you might think from the picture, their order’s habit (clothing) is actually very mainstream. There was just a mix-up at the laundry, some of the clothing got mislaid, so they had to buy a few extra nun costumes, and as luck would have it, the only place still open was the local fetish shop. Obviously, they’ll be taking this up with the owners of the laundry, who might find themselves in need of rather a lot of penance.
Isn’t it sweet, how she’s not just thinking of her own pleasure?

Malicious maidens

There are no problems – only solutions.
Don’t forget to agree a safeword – not ‘auurrgh!’
My wedding night was memorable… I still occasionally wake up in a cold sweat of terror.
They’re always looking for volunteers for their practice sessions, if you want a free show.
She’s a bit fierce on the hockey field… finds it to be a place where she can work off her anger.
You might think that jerking yourself off in front of a mocking naked girl is humiliating, but is it really worse than jerking off in front of a computer, all alone in your room with your trousers around your ankles? Hmm?

PS, I understand there’s some kind of election taking place today, in one or other of Britain’s former colonies. As a non-American, obviously I cannot advise anyone who does have that status on how to vote (although I’m happy to provide tips on how to spell words like ‘neighbour”, to point out that the phrase ‘I could care less’ actually makes no sense at all and to explain the difference between jelly and jam). The important thing is to vote, regardless of which candidate you… you… what am I saying? He’s a deranged idiot, everyone who has ever worked with him says so, how could anybody even be thinking of… oh, just do what you’re going to do. I suppose anyone whose vote might be swayed by what they read on a pornographic blog like this probably shouldn’t be voting at all, on general principles, right? But… I mean to say. Really. Again? Fucking hell.

Just do as you’re told

I mean, how hard can that be?

Don’t worry: you won’t have to say much. Counting and thanking for the most part, maybe a few hundred words of apology and gratitude at the end.
Don’t you always feel uncomfortable, on the outskirts of a conversation like this? I do.
Of course it’s fair. Every ten weeks (subject to good behaviour, obvs)? That sounds like a non-stop sex party, as far as I’m concerned.
I’m told that the trick to buying a car in America (yes, it’s American – see, they put the steering wheel on the wrong side? Oh – and that blue jacket too…), is to negotiate on price and hold out for a good bargain. Just be aware, though, that that same tactic is absolutely catastrophic when approaching a findomme.
Thank goodness the only face we can see is the lovely one of Princess Kali.

Still lovely, still here.

In fairness, Sissy usually gets to go to bed a lot earlier than Mistress, too.

The only way is her way

Like ordinary wedding anniversaries, divorce-iversaries have materials associated with them. Appropriately enough, given his situation, this one is concrete – and the next is steel.
Oh yes… sweaty foot-dirt. That must taste just… awful.
Some men behave as if they’re losing their manhood when they go bald, which is just silly. Losing your manhood feels quite different.

Note to non-British readers. ‘Slaphead’ is a word for a bald person that is normally considered derogatory and insulting. However, since almost all bald people are male, there is no reason not to use it freely.

Actually, one of my wife’s regular bulls is vegan. Says it helps him with strength and stamina and he certainly seems to have a lot of both.
It’s a once in a lifetime experience, I’ve heard.
I think if Rachel were my teacher I’d get all the sums wrong, all the time. Goodness, she’d be cross.

Note to non-British readers: Goddess.

Heavenly beings

If there is, I’m sure it’s a problem that won’t take her long to sort out.
You know, true connoisseurs can tell from just one sniff which mistress pissed in their wine, and what she had to eat over the last 24 hours.
Actually, he has a sneaky plan to take an emetic and vomit it out, so he’s smiling inside. It’s great, being a submissive, isn’t it? Imagine how awful it would be to have a different fetish, one for which you didn’t have to suffer.

Yes, her. But her web site seems to have last been updated in 2019, so alas…

She puts a lot of effort into it too – I hope you’ll be suitably grateful, once you’re able to speak again.
Callers can end up spending a lot of time on hold, listening to annoying music broken by an occasional recorded message assuring the caller that all their operatives are currently busy or can’t be bothered to take a call and that his call is utterly unimportant to them.
Some people say it’s cruel. Others say ‘Yeah, sure it is. And?’

Someone to look up to

What she doesn’t realise is that I always do my best… it’s just usually rubbish, that’s all. Fortunately, I’ve had a lot of practice at scurrying.
She can resist anything except temptation.
At the OWK there’s always a bucket available, in case one of the slaves feels sick. Usually it’s just the bucket the food comes in, actually.
Of course, I don’t necessarily know that this is actually what happened behind closed doors, and I’m just imagining a scene that happens to fit what I would like it to have been. So… just like the actual series, The Crown, then.
His name won’t go down in the record books along with hers, but his scream will be what a lot of viewers remember, when watching the footage of that historic day. Plus, he got to attend the medal ceremony, curled up and sobbing on the grass by the podium. It did delay his trip to hospital but how many times in your life are you going to be the target of a world-record ball-busting kick?
I guess he was asking for it. But not paying… so unfair.

Sorely mistaken

She enjoys a good laugh – and a good ballbusting, too. Sometimes she likes to enjoy them both together but today she seems to be in a more serious frame of mind.
If you don’t even have to pay for Option B, then I reckon it’s the deal of the century. I pay hundreds of pounds an hour for that.
It’s a dilemma. I’m sure they’ll do the right thing, in the end.
Aren’t males disgusting? No wonder he’s not allowed in the house.
You should be brave and go first, even if it is a bit dark and eerie. Don’t worry: she’ll be right behind you.

With apologies to those readers who aren’t really cellar fans.

She has to deal with so much nonsense…. you can’t imagine.There are some very sick websites out there that will just make up all kinds of hurtful stuff with no basis in reality, especially about a big star like Ann(i)e.
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