Under her tutelage

I’ll confess I don’t understand husbands who don’t do as they’re told. Do they have something better to do?
This could be the beginning of a beautiful obedience.
In my experience those situations are rare, although my SO has frequently expressed her profound regrets that I’m such a useless, annoying, unattractive and tedious piece of shit.
I think the idea that there might be a universe in which I have sex with someone like her calls the many-worlds explanation of quantum phenomena into serious doubt. I mean, Nazis winning WW2 sure, dinosaurs living on in Australia why not… but there have to be limits.
Hmm… not sure I’ve quite grasped the difference. Maybe try the first again?
Fortunately, she’s not run out of effort.

Commanding voices

No sense in rushing these things. My SO always says that I can spend as long as I like – longer even – across the whipping bench, any time I feel like putting one of her orders off until later. It’s nice to have that kind of flexibility.
No cruelty involved.
The name hardly matters, anyway. Usually she’ll just announce what she wants done and you’ll be able to tell when it’s you who’s supposed to do it, just from the tone of her voice.
Her logic is irrefutable (and any attempt to refute it would be a long and painful process anyway).

These are of course the magnificent Goddess Sophia, on (and in) the right there, who has had the discomfort of having to scrape Servitor off the sole of her shoe several times over the years. And Ms Morrigan Hel, on the left, with whom I have not had the pleasure, although she did once walk past a cage I was in.

Presumably she’s about to try to lead Rosie away from evil, back towards the path of kindness and virtue.
Beta Boy has a small circulation but it has very low labour costs – indeed, many of the staff pay the proprietrix to work there – so it gets by.

Indisputable truths

Don’t worry, you’re not doing too badly. The most important thing is to take her orders. Adverbs like ‘literally’, ‘immediately’, ‘subserviently’, ‘unquestioningly’ are important but next-level.
Men in strict chastity see many more sexy women on the streets… simple fact. It’s best to treat it as a bonus of the regime.
Another bonus: no need to worry about self-control when someone else is doing the controlling.
She’ll give you her hand in marriage and you’ll take it.
The first time I defied my SO’s orders, soon after we married, I was worried she’d be upset but in fact she enjoyed herself immensely over the next four or five hours.
She’s just read him a lovely bed-time story called “Spunk on my face!”

And apropos nothing very much, here’s a nice little bit of found femdom, which corresponds closely to a scenario I’ve featured once or twice here.

That little chat

You know… that little chat. The one she’s been promising you all week. Don’t keep her waiting.

And don’t forget what happens to sissies who tell lies. Although I don’t imagine you will, after that last time.
Oooh – potential ally! Maybe you could start by explaining how oppressive and inappropriate disciplinary spankings are, see how she reacts, then develop the conversation from there.
Unlike many mothers-in-law she’s quite pleased with her daughter’s choice of husband and enjoys her visits.
Maybe they’ll have a ‘bring your sissy to work day’ at the silo.
Those slaveboys… they get up to such mischief. Good thing she’s there to keep an eye on him.
He is lucky. Look at all that effort she’s putting into their relationship.

The wonderful Lady Kenworthy, demonstrating the sound of one hand clapping.


I’m sure Annie would be glad of the help. Boys can be such a handful.
It’s usually something simple like that – if the motive unit’s not receiving enough pain, from one source or another, then it’s not surprising it runs slowly, especially if it’s one of these older ones.
She mainly does it for the social benefits – all the best people are into brutal canings, these days.
Hotel cleaners like them are used to having to deal with messy situations and inconsiderate clients. It must be quite frustrating… I wonder what they do to relax.
What Lexi suggests, it’s best to accept.
Curiously enough, she does have a step-dad as well, but her mother insists on being the only one allowed to hit him, much to Kitten’s annoyance.

She knows, she just doesn’t care

Erm, right, thank you, Ma’am.. Miss… Ma’am. Yes… well, you see, it’s like this. I don’t – or at least, let me start another way, erm…well, I’ve been thinking, erm… in my own time, obviously, and, errr… well…
Salmon? What – real fresh salmon? Then how is she ever going to persude him to eat the tin of disgusting, gristly cat food with jelly I saw her get out? I’m not sure she’s thought this through.
What an astonishing plot arc. They’ll win prizes for originality for that, for sure.
Marie’s not really selfish. She was just enjoying herself so much she didn’t think about how much she was leaving for others to play with, that’s all. Don’t judge her harshly.
Don’t worry: these bouts are more about play-acting than real violence. Anyway, I expect the medics can sew it back on; I’m pretty sure she didn’t swallow.
Looks like a nice gentle start to the session… maybe you should try some brattish behaviour, to liven things up?

The flesh is weak

But fortunately steel is a lot stronger.

She can supply both, but usually prefers to dole out only one.
If you’re worried about the client who was abandoned in the cell for so long, don’t be: he’ll be fine. She’ll give him a discounted rate for all that extra time.
It was a labour of love. Which would have caused pages to stick together in the old days of typed manuscripts, but now it’s just a matter of wiping down the keyboard from time to time.
Some couples find it uncomfortable to talk about money, but there are ways of making it easier – romantic, even.
She’s a sweetie really, once you get to know her properly. It’s just a matter of surviving long enough to learn her little ways.
Hopelessly unrealistic. A nun with jewelled rings on her fingers? I don’t think so!

Her guiding hand

No need to try to remember when you last saw it, obviously, as you don’t forget something like that.
Teach a man to fish, he’ll catch fish whenever he feels like it and probably spend most of his time masturbating; brutally cane him whenever he fails to meet his fish quota, you can live off the fishery earnings for life.
Isn’t that more important? I mean, for one thing she’s going to have a lot more orgasms than you would – as will the two lads too – so it’s a net plus, in utilitarian terms.
Honestly, they’ve gone to all this trouble to give you a terrifying, agonising and life-threatening experience… seems churlish to whine about the weather.
But any lady who does actually decide to break a leg should make sure it belongs to someone not in the show.

Just a quick word, darling

She believes actions speak louder than words anyway. Speak softly and carry a heavy paddle and all that.

She’s a very fair woman – indeed, perfect in every way and never wrong. Just ask your father-in-law. I think you’re in luck too, in that your lovely wife takes after her.
Everyone talks about life-long learning these days but few people actually get to live that dream.
She operates a system of rewards and penalties, where the reward is usually her deciding not to make a penalty quite as harsh as it might have been.

Goddess Bojana, I believe, who was once a Balkan Brat and is now… well, a Goddess. Still beautiful, aloof and severely gothic.

Just think what she’s doing for the country’s productivity statistics!
I’m not looking to hide anything, it’s just that this choke-chain is uncomfortable. If I were permitted to talk, I’d tell her.
Chin up indeed. Arse, too.

She must be right

We want to hear happy positive words: specifically your online banking details.
Can you believe the ungratitude – and look at all the effort she’s making, you can see that just from his back.
After all this time not able to get an erection, it’ll be nice to be doing that again. Up – zap! – and down. And up again and – zap! Aaanndd….
There are twenty-four verses but I’ve spared you that.

This is the firm and very fair Tamara Kenworthy. Look at the determination on that face – I can only hope her husband learns to appreciate his luck.

If you’re worried about any darts missing the board and piercing you in the neck or face, don’t be. It’s going to be on a long cord, so it’ll be hanging lower down your body than that, just about over your stomach.
Or you could maintain your dignity and accept a spanking and early bedtime without supper, if you don’t want to demean yourself.
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