And apropos nothing very much, here’s a nice little bit of found femdom, which corresponds closely to a scenario I’ve featured once or twice here.
Category: age regression
Docile and domesticated
To err is male
… to chastise, divine.
Well… at least until it stops stretching, obviously. Otherwise why go to all that trouble? |
She’s smiling but she’s crying inside. Don’t make this harder for her. |
Thank goodness (and her) for that. |
My SO generally prefers me to be silent – except when I’m strapped down onto the whipping bench, when she usually removes my gag. It’s her opportunity to hear how how I’m feeling. |
Lots of older men seek to relive their youth, with attractive young women. Looks like Timmy has hit the jackpot. |
Hit me (hit me!) hit me (hit me!) hit me with those laser beams!
Frankie Goes to Hollywood of course. Another memory of brief and never repeated wild sexual excitement as a teenager. There was a music show called The Tube and this unknown band appeared on it, performing Relax… including two lovely ladies in leather dancing about with whips.* Yes, actual whips… my teenage brain exploded.** The lovely ladies did not appear to do any actual singing, which probably explains why, a few months later, when Relax became a massive hit, they’d disappeared from the band*** which had also thoroughly embraced its gay vibe. So, video at number one, leather imagery everywhere and not a female to be seen.
Anyway, this isn’t a post about Frankie Goes etc. It’s just an excuse to put the word ‘laser’ in the title, because it’s a science fiction post. And if the first one today doesn’t get me a mention on 11dutch’s blog I really don’t know what ever will.
I understand there’s a latex fetish scene with a Zygon, too. |
I understand the preferred terms are ‘Trekker’ and ‘perverted little freak’. Anyway, it’s what you do that actually matters, not what anyone calls you. |
She’s bound to get found out eventually. No robot could ever be as cruel and controlling as a real human bride, after all. |
* Here’s a scene from the trailer!
** Here’s the whole thing, starting about 0.55.
*** Ooh – here’s a whole article about them and what happened. Called ‘the leather pets’ they were.
And a photo! Bloody hell, it’s good this Internet thing isn’t it? So much stuff out there.
Subjugated verbs
Like many women, she has been liberated from repetitive household tasks by the development of automated technology. It brings a warm glow to your heart, doesn’t it? |
My SO is constantly thinking of my comfort, in almost everything she does – she’s very creative, actually. |
Mmmm… hard to say. I do a nice line in self-referential self-loathing if that helps? No? Let’s move on. |
Oddly enough, two years later Uncle Luke had to have his IQ and grumpiness taken out too, so Timmie got a playmate and a new auntie. But that’s another story too. |