Sorely mistaken

She enjoys a good laugh – and a good ballbusting, too. Sometimes she likes to enjoy them both together but today she seems to be in a more serious frame of mind.
If you don’t even have to pay for Option B, then I reckon it’s the deal of the century. I pay hundreds of pounds an hour for that.
It’s a dilemma. I’m sure they’ll do the right thing, in the end.
Aren’t males disgusting? No wonder he’s not allowed in the house.
You should be brave and go first, even if it is a bit dark and eerie. Don’t worry: she’ll be right behind you.

With apologies to those readers who aren’t really cellar fans.

She has to deal with so much nonsense…. you can’t imagine.There are some very sick websites out there that will just make up all kinds of hurtful stuff with no basis in reality, especially about a big star like Ann(i)e.

Bending to her will

Let’s hope Julie’s not still upset about that bad performance review.  Sometimes feedback can be unpleasant and hard to take – but it just has to be accepted. I hope she understands that.
Remember you’re an individual: you’re not defined entirely by what’s written on your collar.
Ah, teenage masturbation!  Goodness, that seems so long ago now.  How lucky I am that my SO has put all that well and truly behind me.
The boots are a lot tastier than the airline food.
The female orgasm can be a mysterious – and very painful – thing.

Frustrating femmes

Increasingly, I find ‘the prospect of an orgasm’ is all there is, along with the memories of them too, of course.  But my SO has other means of motivation, so that’s OK.
You might want to try to get used to it, just in case the witch doesn’t co-operate.  Good thing you’ve got someone to look after you, anyway.
She’s a very sympathetic person – just ask the boys – but even her sympathy has its limits.
On that principle, I ought to be a very good person by now, but oddly my SO doesn’t agree.
It’s funny how vanilla sex workers can be crueller than the dommes.  Without even knowing it, sometimes.

Controllable desires

They’re not a substitute for more traditional methods of marital control, of course, but they can help a husband get over those difficult first few weeks when he still has silly notions about freedom and suchlike.
Anyway, lightening never strikes twice, right?
She has strong views on the importance of self-esteem in education too – far too much of it around these days, for her taste.
Oooh – exciting!  I wonder where you’re off to?
I myself am often tempted to wear my wife’s clothes, especially on really cold days, but I know it’s wrong and would only upset her.

Under control

You’re lucky she’s so tolerant of your failings.  Imagine life if she wasn’t…




It’s one of those marriages where they don’t need to keep reaffirming their commitment, but just show it every day in the way they behave towards one another.


Thank goodness for that.  He was considering whether he might have to ask at work for some proportion of his salary to be paid to him directly, instead of into his wife’s account, just for that month, but he was dreading that because it would seem so weird.



Good to know who’s in charge.  Don’t worry: your wife has agreed some hard limits and anyway, she has a safeword.




Sounds like a great set-up for a CFNCSMM scene: that’s ‘Clothed Female, Naked, Cold, Shivering and Miserable Male’.  Sadly, neither of them are into that. Not sexually, anyway.
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