At the risk of alienating readers by going into re-runs, I thought I might offer an even more embarassing insight into my deviant little mind by presenting my top 10 favourite captioned images from (over 200!) posted in the three months this blog has been going.
I’d be interested to know whether others like the same ones or have different interests.
There are some things I just don’t do, though. Attentive readers will have noticed that in none of these pictures are the ladies unclothed or engaged in any explicit sexual acts (except kissing their lesbian lovers). Nothing wrong with that, but it’s just not my kink, as they say, so don’t even ask.
I love the smiles on their faces, their happiness at dispensing extreme violence… Having grown up during the Cold War, I also occasionally marvel at the fact that the OWK, which so perfectly acted out my sexual fantasies (and added a few more), was the product of a former Communist state. Presumably some of those haughty OWK ladies grew up as good little Young Pioneers learning about Marx and Lenin…an extraordinary thought. |
Like the previous one, but in a more traditional femdom setting, I just adore the unforced and surely genuine laughter so evident on the dommes’ faces. I don’t know what had made them laugh so much, but it could well be something like the situation described in my caption. |
More carefree, happy and powerful women. This time schoolgirls! No further explanation needed of what I like about this one, I hope? Some scarier alpha female schoolgirls here. |
OK, total contrast. She looks quite serious, doesn’t she? Cruella played a hugely important role in my sexual development. It was stunning partly for the higher production values than other magazines on the market, also for the greater degree of violence, being prepared for example to present castration fantasies. Their later video work seems to me more formulaic (although there are many gems) but this is an image from one of the very first magazines, presenting the notional editor ‘Victoria’. I loved it then and I love it now. Isn’t she magnificent? This is my other favourite Cruella image from those years. Oh, and, er, so is this. |
This is a common theme of mine, especially around chastity: trying to ‘normalise’ the situation as much as possible. When my captioned ladies discuss chastity, they don’t leer or cackle manically, they simply present it as something that’s part of normal life. Decisions that for you are of crucial, breath-holding importance are made in an utterly offhand way (“An orgasm darling? Oh, I really don’t think so. Maybe next month…or is that when we’re having the decorators in? Maybe two months’ time.”) |
Yes! Jane Austen day! I do like to do things that are a little outside the mainstream of femdom porn. I am proud to say that I am now the top Google result for ‘Jane Austen femdom’ and the only Google result for the phrase “Hot chicks in empire-line dresses”. There’s glory. |
Dominant ladies don’t have to be evil, sneering tormentresses. In this one, the humiliation comes from the fact that she is trying very hard not to humiliate you. If you see what I mean. Works for me, anyway. This one uses a similar idea in a more sexual context. |
Such a wonderful, scary, unsmiling expression. It needed a serious caption to match it. |
So, at the risk of over-analysing, this is about the arbitrary nature of the power exchange in the femdom relationship. She is not the teacher because she knows more than you do, but simply because she is an attractive young woman with a cane and you are…well, whatever you are. And if she says it’s spelt “potatoe” that is how you will spell it.
Incidentally, I have regular maths lessons with the lady above. That’s why there are 12 images in this ‘top 10’ list. |
I don’t know if the mainstream meme that subbie males are more likely than average to be high-achievers is true. I suspect there’s a selection bias resulting from the cost of visiting pro-dommes, for one thing. But I like the idea of a hugely successful man being recognised as totally successful in that field of life by a domme, but it counting for nothing in the role she wants him to play. Hence the Nobel Prize winner. |
As far as I can tell from pageviews and search results, this is the single most popular captioned image on this blog. You seem to like it. What I like (akin to the call centre chastity picture earlier) is the contrast between the quiet reasonableness of her tone and the horror of the situation she’s discussing. Sure – it’s an important decision whether to castrate you. Also, she has important decisions to take about how to redecorate the back bedroom, you know? It’s not the only important decision in her life. |
OK, well I try to subvert femdom conventions at times. This one might be a little too contrived. But the notion of humiliation that goes beyond play-acting, that strikes at the real heart of your self-esteem (because is it really demeaning to pay or seduce someone to let you pretend to be her maid?) is quite exciting. For example, it’s exciting to think of a domme deleting all of my postings and computer files, to teach me a lesson. I also like the change in perspective that comes in the third paragraph. Oh hell, it’s not a work of literature. I just thought it was funny… |
I’ve also been posting stories here. Most are intended to be funny, some are rather silly parodies, for example of a 1970s BBC science programme. Others are ‘humorous’ vignettes featuring a thinly-disguised version of my Significant Other (pro, wonderful!) and Her friend, which I originally wrote to amuse Her. And a few impossible medical transformations of slaves. However, I have posted just one which is serious and my impression is that that is far and away the most popular of all. It certainly appears to be, from the page views. So maybe I’m on the wrong track with all this ‘humour’. But the silly ideas come easily, the serious ones take work. Any reader feedback on this is welcome.