Heavenly beings

If there is, I’m sure it’s a problem that won’t take her long to sort out.
You know, true connoisseurs can tell from just one sniff which mistress pissed in their wine, and what she had to eat over the last 24 hours.
Actually, he has a sneaky plan to take an emetic and vomit it out, so he’s smiling inside. It’s great, being a submissive, isn’t it? Imagine how awful it would be to have a different fetish, one for which you didn’t have to suffer.

Yes, her. But her web site seems to have last been updated in 2019, so alas…

She puts a lot of effort into it too – I hope you’ll be suitably grateful, once you’re able to speak again.
Callers can end up spending a lot of time on hold, listening to annoying music broken by an occasional recorded message assuring the caller that all their operatives are currently busy or can’t be bothered to take a call and that his call is utterly unimportant to them.
Some people say it’s cruel. Others say ‘Yeah, sure it is. And?’

Uncontrolled devotion

Develop the habit of cringing in terror early enough and everything else pretty much follows.
My SO recently bought a trophy cabinet, so she must be expecting to win something. I asked her what and she just laughed and said it was going to be a surprise. It could be anything, really… I mean she’s good at so many things.
You just have to tell him you’re not doing it any more, that’s all. Stand up for yourself. Be a ma- anyway, stand up for yourself.
If you do have any questions ask now, because when the procedure starts you’ll be screaming much too hard to get any intelligible words out. It’s important that you understand the details of the procedure, as it’s much more fun for them that way.
I’ve got a skilful tongue too – just ask the toilet seat.
He is seriously rich – might even try to bribe them not to go through with it. But they’re professionals: he booked them for four full days of severe school discipline and they’re determined to give him his money’s worth.

Managing partners

It was kind of her to warn you. Sadly, she’s out of kindness now.
Many people get quite nervous, going on live TV for the first time. But ‘Goddess’ here doesn’t get nervous and while ‘submissive worm’ certainly does, he long ago learned to focus his fear on what – or who – really matters.
Don’t worry, it won’t all be vegetables. She has tins of various meat products too, some with marrowbone jelly.
Of course, the sissy who is complaining here could always use his own safeword. Mistress is very committed to consensual BDSM and allows her sissies to safeword any activity they don’t like. But we’re only a couple of months into the year and he’s learnt it’s best to save it for something really brutal, rather than face ten months with no recourse except pathetic pleading.
Why not both, at the same time?
Try asking about her hobbies over dinner… it’s boring just hearing about someone’s work, anyway.


Happy Hathaday! Yes, regular ‘readers’ of this blog may be aware that Servitor has several soft spots for the greatest actress of her generation and future first Female Supremacist president of the United Matriarchy of America, the divine Ann(i)e.

Today marks the day we celebrate an additional year in which we have been blessed with her presence, to set against that dark period of 13,700,000,000 years or so over which we did not. And what better way to honour her than by putting up some captioned images utterly misrepresenting her personality and even speech patterns, for sad weirdos like you and me to perve over? I certainly can’t think of one. So here they are.

Penny in my thoughts

Not a proper post, just a quickie to note that this blog was an early admirer of British politician Penny Mordaunt.  Not for her political views, to be honest I barely know what those are and I doubt I would actually find much to agree with if I did.  But more for her firm, no-nonsense style and the fact that… well, she looks like this:

I mean, goodness.  Don’t you think?  I do.  And since you ‘read’ this blog, I suspect you do too.

Oh, and the one other thing I knew about her is that she once made a speech in parliament purporting to be about poultry farming, which was actually an excuse to use the word ‘cock’ as often as possible in a formal legislative debate, as a result of a lost bet.  See – she’s not all stern strictness.

Anyway, yes, her job at the moment is the one announced in the photo below, and as you can see, she is firmly determined and ready to do… to do… well, whatever it is a Lord President of the Council actually does. No one really knows – it’s a British thing to have political jobs with weird titles, like Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster, Chief Whip or Black Rod. 

But one aspect of the job became clear yesterday.  She does this:

Penny Mordaunt MP is breakout star as her sword is 'Pippa Middleton's Bum  of Coronation' - Daily Star

To which all I can say is, if she ever runs out of umbrella-holders in this grey and damp little island of ours, I stand (or better, kneel) ready to serve.

Who is Penny Mordaunt? Leader of the House of Commons had a star turn at  King Charles's Coronation | Tatler

Oh, and while ‘researching’ this post, I discovered images of her like the below too.  No, not a photo-manipulation.  This is the actual member of Parliament for Portsmouth, taking part in an actual diving competition on TV.

She’s also a vice-admiral in the Navy, by the way.


It’s good to be the Queen

Nice of her to ask, but she really needn’t have.



Don’t judge her, OK?  Let her judge you.




Every hour is devotional time, surely?




Technically, it works just as well when he’s not conscious, obviously, but she finds it harder to get motivated.




Poor things, I hope they’re not too cold.  Thank goodness they have coats, anyway.



Keeping it real

More images of female domination that aim to expose the harsh – sometimes even bleak – reality that underlies our harsh – sometimes even bleak – fantasy world.

Subs are all about rules.  It’s good of dommes to indulge us. I don’t know what I’d do with myself without my chastity regime, for example.

Fake lesbian crap?  On this blog? Surely not.

We would not.

…and I suppose it would be exciting to imagine that she’d be sitting on him, too.  But her fantasy is probably more along the lines of her sitting somewhere else entirely – a nice cafe, for instance – properly dressed.


Lady’s man

I certainly am… well, a lady’s boy, anyway.

There’s nothing like standing in the corner with a well-smacked bottom on display to give you a sense of perspective.

Her fees are reasonable. She isn’t, I’m glad to say.

I tried calling the NHS helpline once, because I thought it would be a turn-on to ask a nurse all sorts of questions about the safety of enemas and how to deal with unwanted erections. The nurse I ended up speaking to was very sympathetic and started taking me through all of the details – but I must somehow have let on that I was just phoning for the sexual turn-on, so it got a bit embarassing after that.  Anyway, he was very nice and we’ve agreed to meet up some time after lockdown ends, so that ended well.

Sometimes a session starts badly, but I find when that happens the best thing to do is put it behind me and try to enjoy myself, anyway.

Wearing a shock collar can give you a sense of perspective too… along with a lot of very unpleasant electric shocks, obviously.

Secondary sex characteristics

In case you’re wondering about the title, that’s the term used in biology for aspects of sex determination other than genitalia.  So, for example, typical male secondary sex characteristics are incompetence, laziness and servility, while typical female ones include divinity, firmness and unapproachability.  Secondary sexual characteristics can be particularly useful when the primary sexual characteristics are missing or too small to see.

Many people find such labelling unduly restrictive in these days of gender fluidity.  I asked my SO what she thought my main sex characteristics were and she just looked puzzled and said she couldn’t think of any.  So there’s hope for the world.

And soon he’ll have a lot.

Mistress Eleise, of course, who has more sexual characteristics than one could list in one hundred blog posts and even managed to retain her poise and grace on several occasions when her Paris apartment was flooded with an inundation of raw, untreated Servitor.

If you do everything she says voluntarily then you don’t get whipped – so where’s the compulsion in that?

Even in exile,  the OWK ladies still speak fondly of the ‘Great Slave Rebellion, though the OWK itself is no more.  There are rumours that the perpetrators are still imprisoned in cells deep beneath the grounds of the former utopia. An unlikely story, true, but they must be somewhere.

Welcome to Plan A.

Balloons?  Anime cosplay?

It Came From Outer Space

And this is how the message ran…

She should put him in the stocks. ‘Cos the sonic doesn’t work on wood.


I believe there are still traces from which civilisation could be reconstructed, under the guidance of the Galactic Community.
I think you’re about to experience their rigorous clinical testing procedures personally
I would just like to point out that as an arachnophobe, I did not at all enjoy searching Google images for the picture on the right hand side in the background there.  I suffered for my art.  Now it’s your tur – oh, I did that one already, didn’t I?
I don’t really understand how anyone can be an atheist, in a world that contains Arianna Grande.   
What’s that you say, blog ‘reader’?  You don’t think this one fits in with the overall science fiction theme of today’s post?  Oh yes, it does.  You see: this is your future.


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