Oh darling, before we start playing – here’s something you’ll
You have a secret admirer!
No, really. You know those photos
of you tied to the bed that we posted to the blog, ages ago? Well, there’s this woman – at least she
claims to be a woman – who runs a blog where she posts captioned photos and
stories and stuff. And she’s used a lot
of your pictures – oh, in at least 15 posts now.
It’s a bit different from our domestic discipline blog –
much heavier and darker stuff. Like
castration, torture, snuff – that kind of thing. She’s really clever, though – you wouldn’t
believe some of the creative ways she has you killed, in some of the
stories. There’s one where you have your
eyes pecked out by a trained crow, and then you die of starvation after being
led into a pit by her voice. And there’s
another where you’re nailed to a board, and then she hangs it up on the wall and masturbates looking up at you dying.

Yeah, I know. Well I did say it was quite dark, didn’t I? I don’t think I found a single story in which
you managed to keep your balls by the end, for example. It’s amazing how many different ways she
knows to remove them. The crow features in one of those too – she’s photoshopped it into one of the pictures of you. It’s rather good, actually – you’d really think there was a bird between your legs. She doesn’t try to show any actual action, of course, that would just look fake. But it’s pretty menacing, especially once you know what happens in the rest of the story.
I’ll give you the address and you can have a look for yourself. It’s called Boymeat, or something like that.
How did I find it? Oh, I don’t know. Just playing around on the Internet. There’s so much weird stuff around, isn’t there?
Anyway, someone out there thinks you’re really sexy! Pretty exciting, huh? Maybe I should be jealous of her!
If it really is a her.
You ready now? I
thought we might try a little teasing tonight.