Fateful decisions

Fateful for you, that is. The decisions are hers alone.

I think there’s room for some negotiation here, where by ‘negotiation’ I mean abject and unconditional begging for her forgiveness and scurrying off to do exactly what she said.
It’s one of his domme’s favourite activities. The local pet supply shop does so well out of her, the owners sent her a Christmas card.
Ooh – sounds like she might be about to give you a second chance! Guess that cheesy chat-up line worked after all, huh?
‘Dress for success’, that’s her motto.
Next, I expect she’ll ask about what happens when you plug it into the electrical mains and turn the dial. They always do… those that don’t just try it for themselves without asking.
I’ve never understood guys who get sexual pleasure from tying up or gagging women. If she can’t speak, how can she order you about? Anyway, such men are nasty perves who enjoy hurting people, and there should be zero tolerance of that, so I’m sure they deserve whatever these two public-spirited ladies and their friends have planned.

Strictly controlled

It’s actually an important sign of how well a relationship is developing, when a couple can both be in the bathroom at the same time without embarassment. I can still remember the first time the woman who became my SO came into the bathroom to pee, while I was there. I wanted to leave, but I was much too firmly tied in position to go anywhere, and as the ring gag prevented me saying anything, I just had to lie there while she did her business – which I found quite distasteful at the time, but it was the first of many such intimate moments and nowadays it just seems routine.
But if you don’t, then there’s ‘fear of missing out’ so really you don’t have any easy options.
It takes a lot of control and self-discipline to be a ballerina, so laundry boy’s going to have to up his standards to meet theirs. Good of so many of them to make the effort to help help him see how he needs to improve, especially after a long hard rehearsal.
Ironically enough, she actually does believe that all men should be treated equally and with exactly the same degree of dignity.
Don’t worry: Sami won’t do anything unless her owner lets her.
My own subconscious often seeks out brutal punishment beatings, usually by making me behave in an “irritating” manner without any conscious intent to do so. Funny things, minds. Even male ones, which must be relatively simple.

Pleading hearts

Don’t worry if you’re not ‘man enough to take it’, that won’t bother her in the least.
If it gets too irritating, she could always turn it into one of those cults where everyone kills themselves. Or I suppose she could just stop reading their prayer-filled messages on social media… Anyway, she has options.
She’ll see the funny side eventually.
That’s the third time Mistress ‘forgot’ this month. She never used to be that forgetful. I do hope she’s all right.
If it’s really the nails that are bothering you, she could use screws? Or just industrial glue, I suppose, but that would be a lot less fun for her.
Or have a sissy-fight over it, with lots of shrieking and hair-pulling.

You know how it is with some girls. They seem to take the stuffing right out of you.

I mean to say, there is something about their personality that paralyses the vocal cords and reduces the contents of the brain to cauliflower.

P. G. Wodehouse, Right-Ho, Jeeves!

Yes, it’s more Downton Domination.

Under her tutelage

I’ll confess I don’t understand husbands who don’t do as they’re told. Do they have something better to do?
This could be the beginning of a beautiful obedience.
In my experience those situations are rare, although my SO has frequently expressed her profound regrets that I’m such a useless, annoying, unattractive and tedious piece of shit.
I think the idea that there might be a universe in which I have sex with someone like her calls the many-worlds explanation of quantum phenomena into serious doubt. I mean, Nazis winning WW2 sure, dinosaurs living on in Australia why not… but there have to be limits.
Hmm… not sure I’ve quite grasped the difference. Maybe try the first again?
Fortunately, she’s not run out of effort.

Simple obedience

Why make things complicated?

C’mon, don’t be selfish: work harder, Mila needs this orgasm.
She’s got a whole prison cell and interrogation routine worked out too.
Don’t worry: she’ll have to stop when she runs out of apples.
She has a very personal relationship with her deity. And she’s hoping for one with Sister Lucy, too.
You were probably just going to express your gratitude for how perfect everything is and check whether she has any criticisms you can take on board, right?
They come in various flavours, some of which go better with sweaty trainer than others.

One day, you will be old enough to start reading fairytales again

More escapist captions from a fantasy, fairytale world – so unlike the strict adherence to realism that characterises the majority of this blog’s material.

Oh well, looks like no one needs rescuing, then. I suppose you can just go away again.
If you’d like to rootle for a few acorns as you trot along, she’s fine with that too.
Why don’t men think these things through before wishing? Are they stupid?
She’d be taking a bit of a risk… I hope she doesn’t get in any trouble for it.
I’d protect her with my mighty sword, innocent maiden disguise or no. But then, ‘the hard way’ might be quite fun, too.
It’s only fair: she did warn her.

Pretty woman, don’t make me cry

Oh, go on then, do.

They can be a bit dry but sometimes there are little snails or beetles to provide some gooeyness.
Quite right too. She usually is. In fact, she always is – that’s on her FAQs too.
Phones will only distract you if you let them – it’s easier than you might think to concentrate instead on the important things in life.
Don’t worry: the judge is strictly impartial in the manner she treats all males who appear in front of her. The accused, lawyers, tea boys… makes no difference to her.
Don’t forget to round up if your answer is not an integer. Oh: and to add ‘Ma’am’. That might seem pedantic, but your answer will be marked as wrong – and so will you – if you don’t.
‘As soon as possible’ doesn’t always mean straight away, of course. Sometimes Mistress wants you to spend an hour or two in the corner, holding the paddle, beforehand. It’s still ‘as soon as possible’, it’s just that your possibilities are a bit limited.

Authoritative statements

I have a right to stand up for myself, don’t I? And to bend over for someone else if so ordered, too, of course.
Quite right only to use the low settings unless there’s some kind of silly refusal or sulkiness. It’s a solemn and dignified service, she doesn’t want it punctuated by shrieks of agony. Plenty of time for that tonight.
Whatever the service – haircut, tax return advice, torture, anything – it’s always reassuring to know you’re going to be in the hands of a professional.
Polite society in those days of course frowned upon explicit reference to certain natural bodily functions, so the phrase used when a man performed this service for a lady was ‘paying his respects to her’. Knowing that gives a whole new flavour to reading Austen.
Combining cage-play and pool-play can be a bit edgy but sometimes it can be just what a relationship needs, to help them both move on.
Actually, in long-term chastity play it can often be better if the keyholder does not wear sexy, fetishistic items during unlocking sessions. Takes a little longer to reach orgasm, you see, and – even a few extra seconds are precious. He hasn’t realised that yet but he’ll have plenty of time to think about it.
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