Oppressive unreality


That seems very fair.  In the early days of our marriage my SO would occasionally let me vote on things, although of course she had the tiebreaking vote in case of a 1-1 outcome.  It made me feel empowered and valued, which is presumably why she stopped doing it.


No mother-in-law jokes, please – she has many sterling qualities (firmness, willpower, attention to detail) but unfortunately ‘a sense of humour’ is not one of them.



Fortunately, there are plenty of male disciplinary jobs in the new Matriarchy for former sex-workers – oddly enough, it’s the vanilla ones who’ve been most enthusiastic about it.




Don’t worry: Mistress won’t let her hurt you without good cause.


And if you did mind, it really wouldn’t matter.







Leaders of men

Girls can play so rough….




If it helps you bear the discomfort, today’s actually the best day because from tomorrow there’ll be sand in it too.  Not deliberately, but you know how it gets everywhere.





She’s not going to bother asking him what he thinks his biggest flaw is.  Anyway, that’s for her to decide.


Her eyes are up there.  And they’re looking into your soul.





You can see yourself out.



Heroine addiction


My SO says I’m a sore loser and I indeed, I usually am.



She’ll forget, so why shouldn’t he?


She’s shortly to embark on an exciting project to test the effect of repeated applications on saliva on shoe-leather, just as soon as she secures the funding.

I’ve been declared mentally incapable – physically too, come to think of it – by many women, but never formally.

She seems very relaxed about the thought of all that jerking-off.  I suppose it made her and Patty a lot of money… but it’s not as if they deliberately encourage it, is it?  Oh look, here’s a short clip from the second movie.  Just put it on repeat if it’s not quite long enough for you.

 _ Wonder Woman 2 Trailer Official ONE Media New Movie Gal Gadot Film & Animation Film Cinema 2020 trending discover-wonder woman 1984 GIF

Lip service


Go on – she finally allowed your longstanding request to go around dressed only in a little lacy bra and panties, so what have you got to complain about?




If you’re a maledom, I really encourage to try out a proper, heavy femdom session some time.  Who knows, you might like it – although I hope you won’t.




Hard thinking can be difficult at times… what was the question again?




Trust is important in a relationship but obedience is more important still, especially if you’re wearing a shock collar.




Obviously, as I’ve put up a caption about putting a plastic bag over someone’s head, it’s important to emphasise: please don’t try this at home.  That’s not safe.  Do it somewhere far from home, where there’s nothing that might reveal your identity or connect you to the victim – oh, and always wear gloves to avoid leaving anything for the police forensic analysis.

Sweet surrender

Actually, I find it works rather badly and her boots need extensive cleaning afterwards. Luckily.



Pro-domination is such a difficult business – I am frequently in awe at the skill and grace with which dommes carry off the ‘pretending not to despise me’ bit post-session.




Should be a Rule 18 but I’ve been overdoing those posts lately.


 I suspect her client would enjoy these illustrations by that genius Sardax, the beauty of which is enhanced by the gracious presence of the lovely, wonderful Alice Malice of London.




Worth a try.  You might even enjoy it but let’s hope not.

That’s going to cause some funny looks in the office – after all, ‘Bring your gimp to work day’ isn’t for another three months.


Savage beauty


Don’t worry: it might sound a bit alarming, but they don’t cost much extra – and it’s basically an honour system anyway, she doesn’t make a list of pre-existing marks like a car hire place.



The specific clause in the law that she’s charged with actually refers to ‘sexual services’ and not only is there never any sex, but the ‘service’ is all the other way.  So she should be OK.





That would be sweet.  Imagine still doing it in fifty years’ time: creaking slowly down to the floor and shakily awaiting the awakening of your angel.

It’s true: you know, they once had to chip out some guy who’d been concreted in almost ten years ago – and he was still alive.  His wife hadn’t changed her mind (in fact, she was onto her third husband by then) but the building was due to be demolished so she paid to have him moved.  Was he grateful to her for saving his life, though?  Honestly, the fuss he made when the concrete began to pour!  He’d obviously learned nothing from all those years he had for reflection – no wonder the marriage hadn’t worked out.

Specially not when we’re all stwapped down and tewwified.


Your saintlike face and your ghostlike soul

It’s easy to tell when someone’s smiling, even behind a medical mask.




Original sins, so to speak.  Ho de ho.




Now here’s a lady with an original approach to BDSM. It might seem surprising that a bee-keeping outfit can actually be more scary than the traditional leather uniforms, but believe me: once you’ve experienced that kind of play, you’ll agree that it is.

She got accustomed to having her own way when they were all encouraged to stay in character on-set and she’s never really readjusted to the real world.  Probably best to humour her.  Her  entourage do: that’s why they got you.



Like many guys I vividly remember the very first time I totally failed to have sex with a girl.  She was rather sweet about it, actually, which in retrospect is a shame, as if she’d humiliated and mocked me, I might have got excited and been able to rise to the situation.  Oh well… it was very special, anyway.


May not deal in doubt or pity



I’ve managed to give up quite a few little vices over the years – turns out, you don’t really need willpower, or rather you can rely on someone else’s.




My SO likes to speak hypothetically, for example when describing ever more elaborate situations in which she might allow me an orgasm.





The evangelicals will be relieved to discover that the OWK ladies are, for the most part, not actually observant Catholics. Although they do believe in the concepts of original sin, penance and purgatory.


It’s like any job, except that no domme has ever been known to assert that the customer is always right.

Mmmm… No, no.


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Which rule?  Rule 18, of course.  Which states – as I’m sure you know – that dommes should “Try to avoid sessions with clients who have really specific fetishes and can’t get off unless it is done exactly right.”

Alas, unlike my own SO’s ninety-seven House Rules, which are quite strictly observed and still more strictly enforced, I encounter* examples of rulebreaking daily for this one.

So… yeah, here are some more.

Notice the thick socks inside the fur boots.  Socks are often a giveaway of a Rule 18 violation in progress.  Not if the socks are smelly from exercise and being used to wipe the face of a humiliation slut, though… that’s just good healthy femdom play.

Orca play.

Actually, this one started when his domme turned up one day and said “I’m afraid my leather jacket is being cleaned – will this do?”  And he never looked back.

It’s not just the use of the domestic flamethrower that makes this a Rule 18 violation… it’s the flying golden penis to the left of the flowers that are being torched and it’s the Shredded Wheat package.  Oh… the Shredded Wheat package.  “Can’t get off unless it is done exactly right.”?  One day, she didn’t have any and used Weetabix instead… nearly lost a client.

Not quite sure whether this one belongs here or in my series on femdom scenes being played out with heavy industrial machinery… but it definitely needed wider circulation.  By the way, those knees: do you think she originally had it installed for a slave who was just a little shorter?

She’s supposed to beat his ‘snake’ with a shillelagh, while commanding it to leave Ireland.  Or something.

OK, this whole video (and, as far as I can tell, much of the careers of the two lovelies featured here) is basically just one long Rule 18 violation.  If you’re into latex-clad pretty ladies cooking and eating men dressed as broccoli in order to get rid of bags under their eyes… well, I guess this is the video you’ve been waiting for your entire life.  If not, you might like it anyway.  I did, actually.  In fact I just watched it again. My eyes hurt… but in a good way.


Oh look, I embedded it.  I particularly like the way they look cross so often.  I love it when pretty women look cross.

* Did you notice the way I managed not to write ‘I come across’ there?  See, I’m dealing with my addictions.

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