Striking poses

As my SO points out: lots of women enjoy sex with their husbands, she prefers sex without her husband.  The difference is only a few letters but it’s a big deal for her, so who am I to argue?



Mmmm … a severe scolding, Mistress?




It’s going to be a special day for her boyfriends too.  And their mates.




Of course the OWK had safewords really.  In a variety of quite widely-spoken Central European languages, so there was really no excuse for ‘guests’ not knowing how to pronounce them perfectly.


Her kink is not your kink – are you going to make a selfish fuss?

Fantastic terrors never felt before

She shall press, ah, nevermore!

Worst fudge ever?  Of course, I’d want to stay out of Devon.

I think it’s sad, to see magnificent beasts penned up in dark underground enclosures, like that.  They should be free to roam the snow-covered fields.
 Mistress Courtney and, erm… another goddess and two maggots, there.

It’s a good point, actually: I do like paella.  So, I suppose I have to be whipped.  Damn – I hate it when she uses logic on me!
There are other extras.  Not as many as there were, but there’s an endless supply waiting patiently outside the studio door.

Despite all the amputations

… you know Her life was saved by rock and roll?

He’s already made his wish. In fact, he’s still fervently making it.  But it’s not going to come true.
 The wonderful, lovely, powerful, stunning, brilliant and creative Mistress Eleise.  And Someone else I don’t know but will be happy to credit.


That’s just silly.  You can’t hypnotise someone into doing something they really don’t want to do.  So you’ll be fine. As long as she doesn’t actually want to do it. Yeah.

I hope he wears a crisp white uniform.

She really enjoys her job.  She meets people from all walks of life… gets to torture them… the look of terror on the faces of those who’ve experienced her treatments before makes it all worth while, you know?

Drama. Queens.


I once asked my SO for a public humiliation session.  So She made me start a blog in which I had to publish all my sick, dark and bleak fantasies from my miserable life. It’s going quite well.

You could try telling her that your ‘trophy’ is barely worth collecting.

They’re going to be discussing mens’ rights quite extensively, I understand.

Don’t worry – they’re not going to throw them all at your face.  Pretty soon, they’ll move on to other parts of your body.

Before you start, you’re already beat

Ohhh, ohhhh, ohhhh.

Hmm.  You could try asking her where she saw it last?

Never presume.

The performance reviews are considerably more stringent, for a start.

She’s good on indifference curves too.

Just for grumpy old Mr Anonymous who commented on the last post.

Just thought I’d share a link to ‘Hbear’ AKA Drunksimian, a femdom artist whom I’ve only just discovered – amazingly enough, as I love femdom art (if I could draw I would not caption photos!) and I’m always looking for it.  I think these are great – they’re mostly along rather heavy ‘prison guard in leather themes’, a bit like early Sardax or Nanshakh.  Worth checking out if you’re into that


My secretary at work handles all my appointments too. This evening, for example, I have an appointment to wash her boyfriend’s car.

Well, she won’t find anything down there, believe me!  Ridiculous to have to go through these sorts of inspections, even now.

You can use the basin in the ladies’ bathroom, if it bothers you to be seen doing the handwashing in the mens’.

The divine Goddess Heather, of course, whom we might have contemplated here once or twice before.

You’d be surprised how more effective that can be than even the most enthusiastic amateur.

PS -just discovered this (rather excellent) post, and indeed quite a few more femdom tales by ‘Freddie’.  If you like my stuff, I think you’ll like those.  I do.  Many of the rest of his stories feature dominant males, which for me… well, I just find it to hard to suspend disbelief when authors stray quite so far from real life as that, but I suppose it’ll rock some people’s boats.


You know, people think owning a doctor is just an easy way to get a lot of money, but it can be a lot of work whipping them through all those years of medical school.

I wonder how they do work around there?

Doesn’t mean she doesn’t enjoy her job, of course. She just knows how to separate the professional and the personal, that’s all.

These two seem to be consummate professionals, though.

 Quick test for regular readers – have I published the one above before? I experienced a colossal failure due to laziness and incompetence technical glitch earlier this year, and I don’t always have a good record of which images I’ve put up before.  Google Images can’t find it but it looks very familiar (apart from the fact that I wrote it, obviously).  Remember: if you spot a previously posted image, I’ll put up another, extra, one.

Good to know.  Damage to equipment’s a worry too.  I sometimes fear that, after repeatedly hitting her boots with my testicles, or vigorously slapping her tawse with the palms of my hands, I might cause scuffing.

Extra one for the sin of repetition (and after a moment’s hesitation, I think you can try out some deviation).

Simple instructions

Of course, if you’re fetish happens to be ‘working all the hours there are in a mindnumbingly dull office job to earn money for her to spend on male prostitutes’ then you’ve really hit the jackpot here.
There are painful side effects if you take less than the recommended dose, by the way.

There were actually supposed to be a lot more men there, but Clara messed up the email invitation. If you think you’re uncomfortable, just imagine how she‘s feeling right now!
Oh. OK, then.
Hmm. I wonder what she’s planning to keep in there, then, if not you?


And don’t worry if you find yourself crying at night, miserable, love-lorn and alone, OK? Cos she’s fine with that too.


You don’t want to be one of those men that just satisifies his own sexual desire and leaves her unfulfilled, do you?  No? Didn’t think so. Up you get, then.  Don’t forget to scream on the way down.


I used to have this problem of my sessions being over too quickly.  So I complained to my domme and now we have this system whereby my session officially ‘starts’ 23 hours before I actually arrive.  I get a 10% discount off the usual hourly rate too, so it’s a good deal really.

So many new things to understand in this relationship.  The dictionary’s a big help.  So’s the shock collar, of course.

What a lovely spanking bench.  Don’t you think?
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