Good morning

Good morning, darling!  Happy honeymoon!  Aww… you’re down on your knees, how sweet!  Are you going to give me a lovely little kiss?

Good morning, darling?  Now where are my morning kisses, hmm?

Well, you’re not going to be able to greet me properly from all the way up here, are you darling?  Down you go.

Just on the top of the stocking today, I think darling.  I’m still cross with you.

Hmm? No… no particular reason. I just thought it would be nice to have my morning kiss at the back for a change.



Come on, hurry up.  You’ve got chores.
Well, I’m not going to get up just for your convenience, am I darling?  Just kiss the knee – no: the ankle.

So, anyway, Karen had a headache and went home early, so I had both of them to myself and – hmm?  Noise, what noise?  Oh: it’s nothing, just my husband saying good morning.  Anyway, they had me kneel on all fours and…

Hurry up, darling.  There’s something I need to discuss with you.

No, I’m fed up with you slobbering all over my shoes.  You can kiss the floor.

And kiss the cane, too, to show me how grateful you are.

Kiss, then tell me how many you think you deserve today.

Hmm? Oh – good morning. Actually, it’s not morning but I suppose you weren’t to know that.  Anyway, I just thought I’d let you know that I’ll be away for a few weeks, so I’ll fill the food hopper and put your shock collar on automatic.  Oh – and it’s our anniversary on Tuesday – that’s the day after tomorrow. Your shock collar will be going on and off on all day, to make sure you don’t sleep. You’ve so much to be grateful for, I thought you wouldn’t want to miss a second of it.     

Hurtful thoughts

I think writing lines is a ridiculous and pointless, tedious activity and there are few things I hate doing more than writing lines for hours at her command.  I told her that just the other day.  500 times, in fact.

I did an interview once. Check it out if you want to find out about the real Servitor, behind the leather mask.  Don’t read it if the thought of knowing the real Servitor makes you nauseous.
Ooh – looks like there might be a consciousness-raising session coming on!

There wasn’t much to begin with.
I often have ‘plenty to complain about’.  Regretably, I’m not allowed so it all goes to waste.

What a piece of work is woman

Hmm… well, I’ll give it a go, I suppose.  She needs to stop buying me so many books, though.  I still haven’t finished The Joy of Ironing and I haven’t even started Getting to “Yes Ma’am”

Men can be stupid like that.

Not seeing a breathing tube… she needs to think about her safety standards.  Burial play is a lot of fun, especialy on the beach where the tides give it that extra edge, but you need to play safe.

She likes simple things.  That’s why she keeps you around.

I’m sure their scientists have a lot to teach us.


Goodness, no. Once would quite enough – look at that horrible thing!  You know, I’ve been resisting my SO’s demands to let Her act out Her castration fantasy for years but She just went on and on about it and I finally said yes.  But I was very firm. Once – just once, and then we’re not going to hear anything more about it, OK? So… that’s done.

Dog food looks awfully fatty but actually you can lose weight quite effectively on a diet of nothing else – particularly if you have difficulty keeping it down.

She’s been showing her love for you with various men for a while now, actually.  This just makes it official.

She makes a very valid point, there. I think you might have to agree with her. Always.

And right now Mistress would like to get the clients safely locked away, take off that ridiculous and uncomfortable clothing and put her feet up with a mug of hot chocolate for an evening in front of the TV, thank you very much.  So in you go.


Submissive husbands sometimes don’t realise how embarassing it must be for their partners to be married to such hopeless, pathetic losers.

She’s definitely one of those teachers that students will remember all their lives.

Another lady who takes pride in her work.  They say pride is a sin but I’m pretty sure that’s not supposed to include women.
As if she didn’t have one packed for the honeymoon already.

Sure, no rush. Pain’s pain, at any time.


They’ve all got it… oh never mind.

get reward points for spending on my SubbieCard. Every time I reach a
certain threshold – a multiple of £20, actually so it’s almost every
week – I get to drop into the bank and get slapped hard across the face.

I, on the other hand, fervently hope that she’s going to behave exactly like this when we’re married.

The time’s not wasted when it’s helping the marriage to work.

Goodness, that sounds quite scary. What a good thing there are so many competent women looking after it.

It’s a jungle out there. Much better off safe and sound behind bars.

When sorry is the hardest word to shriek

It’s not really ‘permanent’ damage anyway, is it?  I mean, not permanent permanent.  Just to the end of the boy’s life, which is obviously less for the older, over-25 models. Quite a lot less, in some cases.

I’m sure she’ll let them know when she’s good and ready.

Masturbating while looking at pictures of her on the Internet definitely puts you on her fail list too. Sorry.
Hmm… Haven’t heard anything about kissing the bride, yet. Perhaps that’s the surprise she has in mind.
Unfortunately, the thing I’m best at is quaking in fear.  And she doesn’t seem to want that.  Not for this role, anyway.

Blonde justice

The truth can hurt, sometimes.

They asked Nurse Jenkins to perform the procedure.  She’s a pain management specialist, you see.  She’s very good at it.

If you do want to discuss it with your father-in-law, you’ll have to wait until he’s finished his corner time.
Well, I hope someone’s consented to this. Otherwise, I find the whole thing a bit unethical.

Mistress Eleise can lead me into temptation any time She likes.

The weakness in me

If only you could afford her.

The claustrophobes are the easiest to deal with.  They just go in the box: no need for spiders, snakes or anything.

Who needs a fetish club when you can get what you need at home?

Vows.  That’s what’s next.  Lots of vows.

People are her greatest assets.

Respect cannot be earned

It can only be taught.  Something like that, anyway.  Now, more of this.

I’d ‘freely consent’, wouldn’t you?  Well… I mean, I would if I were free, obviously.

I’ll just try to hold it in, I think.  You wouldn’t believe how much fuss Travis makes when I ask him to do that. 

Later on, she started having twice-weekly sessions with her tennis instructor, ironically enough.
With this ring, I thee enslave.

Wow.  You could almost believe she actually intends to do it, huh?  Yum.

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