Her husband, her rules

She doesn’t need any limits, so why would you?



Actually, the disciplinary spankings can also be part of a healthy, active sex life, as long as it’s understood that it’s not yours.





It’s a day to express gratitude, so don’t forget to do that. Oh – and to count, too.




Don’t worry: ‘the good bit’ goes on for a long time.

When she says she ‘doesn’t believe a word of it’ she means the story, obviously.  She fully agrees with the statement that was actually tattooed on.


Miss rule


usually find that my main thought during ‘thinking time’ is ‘I think I
can’t stand this much longer’ but my SO says it helps and I don’t like
to contradict her.



I think she’s over-reacting. First rule of army life: ‘stuff goes missing’, amiright?




That does sound fun.  Don’t worry if you don’t get it the first time – you can have as many goes as you like, subject to any withdrawal limitations imposed by your bank (and you may want to try asking for those to be lifted, it’ll increase your chance of success).


They do other things too.  But mainly that.

I think you’re about to make two lovely ladies very happy.


Play-related stress


Don’t worry, sissy, you won’t have to stay there the whole day.  Just most of the day.



Oh dear, I can never think of what to wish for in these situations…  I suppose there’s always ‘world peace’.





Her rod and staff… that’s the rod, you’re going to be be her staff.

I’m sure it’ll be a memorable honeymoon – but then, aren’t all honeymoons memorable, albeit in different ways?


More femdom stuff that’s out there and not much remarked upon: this talented chap (I’m assuming ‘chap’) draws things that are rather lovely if you’re into giantess fetish and possibly even if you are not.  He also reposts some vintage stuff which is reminiscent of the elegant and delightful Gibson Girls.

Whatever she likes, whenever she says


Honestly, imagining bothering her about a little thing like that.



Oh well…wouldn’t want to disappoint Suzie, would we? 


Obviously, you are allowed to have opinions, even as her husband, as long as they’re the right ones.

…unless she’d rather I made her a nice cup of tea?  No?  Sure?  OK, cattle prod it is, then.

Like most men in a female-led relationship, I learnt about pre-menstrual tension quite early on.  Also post-menstrual tetchiness and during-menstrual extreme violence.

Marital law


Just before he takes his real marriage vows.




Don’t worry: biting during sex play is considered vanilla these days, so no one at work is likely to bat an eye if you turn up with a few playful bite marks on your neck, slightly raggedy ears or a couple of missing fingers.  So just let her go with it.




My SO thinks electric shocks are funny too.  I’ve never really seen the humour in it myself, but maybe it’s one of those Mars/Venus things.





It’s always worth
buying things in bulk.  My friends at school bought me a lifetime’s
supply of condoms and I’m less than one third of the way through. 
Exactly one third, actually.

The decision-making in this marriage is shared.  Once she’s made a decision, she shares it with you.  Well… it’s best to know, isn’t it?

And a topical one for the Brits:

Dumb hearts get broken


I just hate feeling useless…




Actually, the little hole can be opened up wider.  But not for food.



Pookles is beginning to wonder whether he should put his foot down in this relationship. Or just throw himself on the floor and scream uncontrollably.


Don’t try to understand women’s sexuality.  It’s more complex and subtle than the male variety.



Maybe she’ll let you kiss her feet afterwards, before dragging yourself from her presence.



And a little bit of found femdom for you. This is the webcomic Fluffy Bunny, which seems to be quite old but I had not encountered before.  Mostly it’s a bit too cute for my tastes, but I did like this one:





Art intimidating life


It’s hard to believe anyone could be so cruel, contemptuous and dismissive… and not even charge for it.  



Remember, there are no stupid questions, only stupid sissy co-workers.





How sweet.  I can understand why women are attracted to lesbianism. The thing I find incomprehensible is that some women aren’t.




It is after all, voluntary slavery, so you should accept all her orders of your own free will. Otherwise you’re not doing it right, and she’ll have to step in.


Actually she knows precisely how to do that because apparently she’s filmed pretty much the same scene in eight of her last movies.  I think the directors are just humouring her and that’s probably a good idea.



Don’t worry, I’m sure she’ll get the hang of it.

I once had a date with a girl who claimed never even to have heard of SPH, but she was really good at it.  I guess some people are naturals.

“Let the butt plug take the strain” was actually one of my few successes when I worked as an advertising copywriter.

On your toes and bent over – at the same time.  Welcome to the modern marriage.


The unkindness of strangers

… and loved ones, for that matter.

Aww… she gave you an advisory warning.  Many new brides wouldn’t… she seems rather sweet.

Very fair point.  The unfair bit is that homosexuality’s illegal there, so not only do they force you to suck off other inmates, they give you an extra 20 years for it.

‘Normally’?   I’m normally out on the landing desperately hoping she’ll throw my trousers out after me at this point.   So… new situation.  Scrabble?

I hope she moves to a lower chair.

Actually, this is described quite clearly in Revelations.  You just have to read it with the Bible held at the correct angle, in the right light.  And Contemplate the Divine.

Unoriginal sins

Don’t worry: you’ll feel her pain

It probably wouldn’t say anything very interesting, to be honest.  Mostly whiny pleading.  They’re not missing anything.

Like many male teachers in girls’ secondary schools, he often finds himself being the teacher who has to deal with the bullies.
I understand that if you actually open them up, by breaking the flesh from whipping too hard for example, you can void the warranty.  But it doesn’t sound like she’s done that, so it’s probably OK.

She’s not a pro-domme, anyway, because to the eternal howls of anguish from love-sick slaves, I believe Lady Sophia Black has retired.
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