It’s alarming how charming she feels

She’s a perfectionist – and you’re a long way from perfect.  Still, a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step, as they say.




Obviously it’s going to be a bit tense for you, waiting to learn the outcome.  You’ll be able to hear them at it, in the next room, so if you hear her have an orgasm, you’ll know she – what’s that?  You don’t know what your wife’s orgasm sounds like?  Oh.  OK.  Well, best of luck anyway.




He used to practice a hands-on management style, but I expect those days are over now.




What’s the hockey stick got to do with it? Honestly, don’t they teach them how to speak properly in schools these days?


There was something actually but… erm… oh, nothing important.  It can wait.






Lip service


Go on – she finally allowed your longstanding request to go around dressed only in a little lacy bra and panties, so what have you got to complain about?




If you’re a maledom, I really encourage to try out a proper, heavy femdom session some time.  Who knows, you might like it – although I hope you won’t.




Hard thinking can be difficult at times… what was the question again?




Trust is important in a relationship but obedience is more important still, especially if you’re wearing a shock collar.




Obviously, as I’ve put up a caption about putting a plastic bag over someone’s head, it’s important to emphasise: please don’t try this at home.  That’s not safe.  Do it somewhere far from home, where there’s nothing that might reveal your identity or connect you to the victim – oh, and always wear gloves to avoid leaving anything for the police forensic analysis.

Harsh words

Freud once said a cigar is sometimes just a cigar.  Similarly, bath brushes can be used for scrubbing backs, hairbrushes for brushing hair, anal hooks for, erm… well, anyway, the point is: not everything’s BDSM, all the time, you know?  Sadly.



Don’t worry – the course of justice is not being perverted.  His Lordship was probably going to cut the trial short anyway, as he has so much homework to do.




You might as well consent: it’s going to happen anyway, so why not make it all nice and legal?  Well… it probably won’t be ‘nice’ as such, but you know what I mean.





Acting the part here, entirely out of character, is the wonderful Miss Amy Hunter, who once spent a couple of hours giving Servitor a very hard time with a tawse, then made it all all right again with a lovely hug.



Can’t be too careful.  The nice thing about having spares, is that she doesn’t have to go easy.




You’ll find her arguments compelling, I guarantee it.






I know that some subs who are subject to strict speech rules rather resent them, but personally I really can’t complain.





That Clause 17(b) is a tricky one, particularly as it is written in an obscure regional dialect of Czech.  But it’s very useful.




And if you want something to take your mind off the pain, try letting yourself be overwhelmed by the frustration of a lifetime in chastity.  See – it’s a kind of virtuous circle.

Or higher.  Whatever.


Formal disciplinary procedures

 I was once threatened with ‘formal disciplinary procedures’ by the Head of Human Resources at a company I was working for.  Needless to say, I initially misinterpreted her offer!  So it nearly got quite embarrassing but as soon as she explained that she wasn’t speaking about HR matters in a work context, but just wanted to put me across her lap and spank my naughty bottom, we both relaxed and ended up having rather a fun evening.


worry, it doesn’t stay that impersonal.  She has pet names for each of
her favourite interns – and for those she most dislikes, too, oddly

She likes to give direct feedback on her employees’ performance, so she’ll probably end up asking if she can borrow the remote.

Expensive things.  That’s why they call them ‘expenses’ after all.

Guys who sexualise and objectify women in a work context are the worst, aren’t they?  I’m glad I published this post, so I can make my views on that clear.

What a very understanding work environment.  Basically, they are creating an unsafe space just for you.  I hope you’ll be suitably grateful.

Subjugated verbs

Like many women, she has been liberated from repetitive household tasks by the development of automated technology.  It brings a warm glow to your heart, doesn’t it?




My SO is constantly thinking of my comfort, in almost everything she does – she’s very creative, actually.





It always amazes me quite how many subs are… shall we say somewhat overweight?  Or shall we say repulsively obese?  Whatever, I don’t suppose anyone who matters cares.  I’ve never understood it, though: why are they allowed to eat so much?



Mmmm… hard to say.  I do a nice line in self-referential self-loathing if that helps?  No?  Let’s move on.


Oddly enough, two years later Uncle Luke had to have his IQ and grumpiness taken out too, so Timmie got a playmate and a new auntie.  But that’s another story too.

The unkindness of strangers

… and loved ones, for that matter.

Aww… she gave you an advisory warning.  Many new brides wouldn’t… she seems rather sweet.

Very fair point.  The unfair bit is that homosexuality’s illegal there, so not only do they force you to suck off other inmates, they give you an extra 20 years for it.

‘Normally’?   I’m normally out on the landing desperately hoping she’ll throw my trousers out after me at this point.   So… new situation.  Scrabble?

I hope she moves to a lower chair.

Actually, this is described quite clearly in Revelations.  You just have to read it with the Bible held at the correct angle, in the right light.  And Contemplate the Divine.

Society for the Promotion of Cruelty

Possibly insufficient levels of whatever hormone it is induces feelings of terror, too.

I once paid for this stunningly beautiful escort to go with me to a party. She was supposed to laugh at my jokes but I think her agency must have messed things up because in the event, she laughed at everything except my jokes.  Still, it was lovely being with her, at least until she got off with my best friend and abandoned me.  Quite expensive, though.
Looks cosy.

It’s the sound of one hand clapping.
 This the lovely Amy Hunter, who once left me battered, bruised and happy.  She has startlingly blue eyes and a startlingly painful tawsing technique too.

It’s funny how dommes constantly insist on being thanked for stuff like this.  Do you think maybe they have self-esteem issues?

Leading ladies

Oh, it would be just awful lying across that skirt having your backside whacked repeatedly with a heavy wooden hairbrush, don’t you think?  Awful.  No, no, please don’t do that.
Well at least she’s giving you a choice.
Oddly enough, it’s quite common to experience a powerful orgasm at the actual moment of castration.  Usually the surgeon just needs to take a moment to get her breath back and then finish the operation, though.

I see a happy ever after on the horizon.

You know, I write a lot here about being told I was ‘the worst fuck ever’ on dates, but actually it’s only happened to me once.

Lock me down, lock me up

I don’t have much time to think about sex – too busy running this blog and there’s nothing remotely sexy here.

If I’m an adult man, surely I should be allowed to stay up after 8 o’clock?

I never know if it’s one kiss or two.
Only a bit useful.  But that’s more than he used to be.

Maybe she’s only looking at Tumblr.  No naked women on Tumblr. Vile racism, lies and misinformation, even ‘humorous’ captions about torture and castration, reblogged from here.  But no ladies with their clothes off, than goodness, so society is safe.

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