Adding insults to injuries

Costs extra but it’s worth it, believe me.


Try making a list of all the things you know annoy her and run through them all.  It might take a while, but you’ve got all day.





I’m good at being annoying.  Less so at having orgasms, because I don’t have as many opportunities.




Many visitors to OWK think Czech classes are pointless because the ladies just scream at you and beat you up anyway.  Which they do, obviously, but occasionally being able to plead piteously for mercy in Czech can result in slightly less pain.  Very slightly.  Sometimes.  And if the Lady in question is not actually Slovak, obviously.  But still…



You might find you get a bit irritable without coffee.  Interestingly, that can turn out to be a learning experience too.


Maybe she’ll show you what she’s put down on Governess Hardcastle’s booking form.  Or maybe she won’t and it’ll all be a surprise!  Still, at least you can be confident there won’t be any little blonde findomme princesses or tarts in latex with big tits.  Thank goodness.


True love’s first slap

She’s vegan because she can’t abide cruelty, except under carefully-controlled conditions.  Her blonde friend there isn’t so fastidious, so I’ve heard.


It can be quite tedious for our superiors, having to wait to let the dread build up. Thank goodness she has someone to keep her company,



There’s such a gap between language and reality, the way men talk about sex.  Like – a guy might say that he’s got something hard between his legs but I’ll bet it’s nothing like as hard as what I’ve got between mine.


For a long time, I can honestly claim I had ‘never had any complaints’ from women, sexually speaking, but then there was the shocking experience of my first date. Still, so far only one woman has ever actually told me on the basis of experience that I’m bad at sex, all the others have just played it safe.



I can’t imagine how he was expecting to get through passport control, naked with his wrists shackled behind him to a wooden bar locked around his bollocks.  I mean, he doesn’t even have proof of his posiitve PCR test.





Her whim be done

Reminds me of this amazing time I paid a pair of sex workers for the ‘two girls’ experience.  That was a lot of ironing, I can tell you – not to mention dealing with the mess they’d made of the sheets doing whatever they were doing while I was slaving away in the utility room.




Don’t worry – she’ll discover new interests when she’s married.  People do.




Women sometimes take a while to accustom themselves to just how much flogging males really need.  There’s no end to it, truth be told.





If they’re feeling kind maybe they won’t pass the ‘mad bitch’ comment on.


Do pay Cruella a visit.  Still going after all these years.

Mistress is going on a business trip in a few weeks leaving the two of you alone together, so perhaps that will provide an opportunity to resolve this nonsense once and for all?  Really talk it through, I mean.  Maybe even try to find a compromise.  She’s not going to risk a smacked bottom, after all.


Unrestrained elegance

A truly service-oriented submissive would have one ready, anticipating her needs.




They say Paris is the city of lovers.  Maybe she’ll have a several, while you’re there.



Don’t worry, the whip’s just for show.  Well… I mean, it’s mainly for the slaveboy, obviously.  But in this context, it’s mainly for show.




You’re very much at the bottom end of it, obviously, but part of the family nonetheless.

Skirts are much more convenient, as I can personally attest.


Indifferent ways of loving

Oh well, at least she’s finally taking an interest.




‘Getting annoyed’ is something the OWK ladies are quite spectacularly good at.  I understand it’s listed on the application form for the job.




That’s reassuring.



Oh dear, what a terrible tragedy.  The poor thing.  She’d only just started to get over the previous one.

Let’s hope they don’t go too far.  These things can easily get out of hand.


Think of all the fun I’ve missed

Oh, you can wait, surely?  So selfish…

Males often don’t listen properly to women.  The best thing, I find, when discussing something important, is to concentrate 100% on listening, not speaking.  That way, there’s less danger of a painful misunderstanding.


I wouldn’t say ‘peaked’ exactly.  It continued to rise for a bit, then fell off a cliff, so to speak.

Christmas Special tomorrow on Contemplating the Divine!  What’s special about it?  Oh, well – the captions are all about Christmas!  Like this one, y’know… not that special, I suppose.  But then who among us is, apart from the ladies obviously?

Oppressive unreality


That seems very fair.  In the early days of our marriage my SO would occasionally let me vote on things, although of course she had the tiebreaking vote in case of a 1-1 outcome.  It made me feel empowered and valued, which is presumably why she stopped doing it.


No mother-in-law jokes, please – she has many sterling qualities (firmness, willpower, attention to detail) but unfortunately ‘a sense of humour’ is not one of them.



Fortunately, there are plenty of male disciplinary jobs in the new Matriarchy for former sex-workers – oddly enough, it’s the vanilla ones who’ve been most enthusiastic about it.




Don’t worry: Mistress won’t let her hurt you without good cause.


And if you did mind, it really wouldn’t matter.







Lady drivers


What sixth sense is it that tells me that when Cindy finally gets the rock of her dreams, she’s going to want it put right back where it came from?




It’s her way of coping with grief.  Don’t worry, she got plenty of cock on the second night of her marriage, though.




You know you’re going to be in good hands.




He was right about one thing: one minute did indeed turn out to be more than was really needed.




If you’re wondering how she intends to tackle the awesome responsibility of deciding who stays and who ends up in the bin-liner, she – oh, she already decided apparently.  But I’m sure she gave it a lot of thought – you know, just very quickly.


Slavish desires


Don’t worry too much about it: I’ve often noticed the women in my life using ‘if’ when they really mean ‘when’.  ‘If’ I decide to punish you… if I bring a guy home… if you fuck this up again… and so on.



They should be more charitable towards her, even if she does have some odd ideas.  After all, she’s a grieving widow, the poor thing.



It was maybe considering a little pleading whimper, but it won’t even try, now.



Medical researchers have made huge strides in pain management in recent years, as her husband will soon discover.

Abandoned gimps seem to be everywhere these days, it’s a modern plague.  Fortunately, very few people care.


Dumb hearts get broken


I just hate feeling useless…




Actually, the little hole can be opened up wider.  But not for food.



Pookles is beginning to wonder whether he should put his foot down in this relationship. Or just throw himself on the floor and scream uncontrollably.


Don’t try to understand women’s sexuality.  It’s more complex and subtle than the male variety.



Maybe she’ll let you kiss her feet afterwards, before dragging yourself from her presence.



And a little bit of found femdom for you. This is the webcomic Fluffy Bunny, which seems to be quite old but I had not encountered before.  Mostly it’s a bit too cute for my tastes, but I did like this one:





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