Hear her roar

 … and hear me squeak.


I’m not allowed to look my SO in the eye under any circumstances, so for that (and other) reasons this situation never arises for me.


Loving brutal domination… that hits the sweet spot (repeatedly, raising welts and leaving it throbbing and sore).

Hard to understand atheists who say there’s no such thing as a divine being, in a world on which Mistress Eleise walks among us.


I wouldn’t mind but it’s seven floors up and the male lift (‘elevator’, Americans but you knew that right?) has been out of action all week.


It’s odd how often I find myself begging my SO for mercy, when begging her for brutal and gleeful ferocity would be so much more likely to succeed.




It’s actually quite common for bridegrooms to feel a little nervous and apprehensive before giving up their their body and eternal soul to the control of a callous and evil witch the big day. Looks like she has a potion that will rob you of any means of resistance just the solution. I guess that’s you damned to an eternity of suffering and torment why you’re marrying her, right?




Ideas above my station


Scurry scurry scurry…

In practice a lot of the psychological elements flow fairly naturally from the pain and from the dread of it,

Coding’s a valuable skill in today’s economy but getting the coffee that helps keep the coding girls focused is vital too.  Not as well paid – obviously, as a traditional male occupation – but there’s more to life than money and the satisfaction of a menial job done adequately cannot really be priced.  Plus, a really good coffee boy might have a shot at a tampon boy position, should one become available.  Better than sitting in front of a computer staring at boring old code, amirite?

So brave she bought a weekly pass enabling her to see any show she pleases.  But watching Mark will be special for her, obviously.

This picture in welts was just chance but some dommes take pride in their artistic skill with the whip.  My SO likes to do Mondrians on me, for instance.  I don’t mind the lines, it’s the areas of uniform flat colour that really sting.

A happy Cruella shoot, of course, with all three participants enjoying the balmy British summer.

Punitive pleasures

She’s right, of course.



She puts a lot of effort into giving feedback and making sure the overall messages of the review are clear. So you’ll get a lot out of it. She appreciates obsequious upward feedback too.

I expect Cruella’s employees get plenty of feedback.  As do unpaid employees or random passing gawkers at their photoshoots, I imagine.


Another lady with an interest in giving clear feedback. Shame Harold won’t have much chance to learn from it for next time.

I asked my domme once how she managed to switch from non-stop verbal humiliation and contempt to chatting in a friendly way at the end of the session. She just smiled and said she’s a good actress, but she’d probably run out of ideas if it went for more than five minutes or so.  Which I didn’t really understand because we’d had a two hour session but it was time for me to go, so I never got the chance to ask.

Hmm… Looks like you’re not going  to get a chance to impress her with that dazzling wit.  Or anyone.  Oh well, win some lose some.  You did win some, right?  I mean, at some point in your life?




Praise where it’s due

Actually, in context that word made perfect sense.  Just like the words “worm”, “pervert” and “weirdo” in the various contexts she used them in your last performance review.

Good practice for tomorrow.  Sven’s a bit larger – and I imagine his brothers are similar.

Lucy doesn’t mind.  She’s nice like that.

Easier just to run the sessions in parallel, you might think.  And if anyone paid the slightest attention to what you thought, maybe you’d be right, but they don’t so you’re not.





Then later on, you can clean up the sticky messes upstairs too.  Probably won’t taste as nice, so make the most of this bit.




More in indifference than in anger

Actually, female spiders eat their mates in only a minority of spider species and you’re in luck – the one that bit her is not from one of them.  So I’m not even sure why she’s doing this, actually, but I’m sure if you point that fact out she’ll let you go.


Actually, the company medical plan does cover males but only for a few, specified surgical procedures.




Just go with it, see where it takes you.  She’s not going to rush anything, plenty of time.


You might develop a foot fetish, eventually.  And if you can develop a fetish for doing chores too you should have a very enjoyable marriage.  Oh – and findom, too.  Yeah, you definitely want to try to get into findom because there’s going to be a lot of that.

Irony… it’s like rain on your wedding day – which actually isn’t all that ironic, it’s just bloody uncomfortable, take it from me, especially when you’re chained up naked outside the church waiting for the bride.


Sustained abjection

Thank goodness for that.  Well… thank Mistress Magda, anyway.



Tom’s looking forward to their feedback.




Or a card game.  ‘Pairs’ springs to mind, for instance.


It’s good when people feel they can share about their private life with co-workers.

Don’t worry – he’s not as bad at it.  Just bad.





Leaders of men

Girls can play so rough….




If it helps you bear the discomfort, today’s actually the best day because from tomorrow there’ll be sand in it too.  Not deliberately, but you know how it gets everywhere.





She’s not going to bother asking him what he thinks his biggest flaw is.  Anyway, that’s for her to decide.


Her eyes are up there.  And they’re looking into your soul.





You can see yourself out.



It’s alarming how charming she feels

She’s a perfectionist – and you’re a long way from perfect.  Still, a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step, as they say.




Obviously it’s going to be a bit tense for you, waiting to learn the outcome.  You’ll be able to hear them at it, in the next room, so if you hear her have an orgasm, you’ll know she – what’s that?  You don’t know what your wife’s orgasm sounds like?  Oh.  OK.  Well, best of luck anyway.




He used to practice a hands-on management style, but I expect those days are over now.




What’s the hockey stick got to do with it? Honestly, don’t they teach them how to speak properly in schools these days?


There was something actually but… erm… oh, nothing important.  It can wait.






Loving unkindness

There used to be a big problem with this sort of play in an office environment: which washrooms to use, the ladies’ or the gents’?  But more and more workplaces are moving to unisex, thank goodness, which makes (heterosexual) toilet play a lot less likely to cause a stir.




Yeah, she’s a sweetie.  By the way – this picture is the last known image of Helmut Kleinwanger, a German businessman who disappeared on a solo hiking holiday in the Czech republic.  If anyone has any information about what happened to him, please post it on a femdom porn story blog.




According to Freud, many men suffer from castration anxiety.  I quite often do, to be honest, but so far it’s always turned out OK.   


This caption was of course inspired by the 1960s film The Pure Hell of St Trinian’s, in which the temporary headmistress Matilda Harker-Packer (replacing the jailed Miss Fritton), played by Irene Handl, states proudly that she is among the very few heads of educational establishments who can produce a certificate actually  proving her sanity.  And you thought I only watched St Trinian’s movies for the sexy sixth-formers in gymslips!

run around for a bit to try to keep warm.  You’ll need the accumulated
body warmth, for when you’re in the pillory, later.  Especially during
the snowballing scene and the ice bucket challenge (I know, I know: ice
bucket challenges haven’t been a thing since 2019 but you just try
telling them that…).

He’ll have to learn to write backwards, which will be difficult.  Fortunately, they have some very effective teaching methods, for young males.

Formal disciplinary procedures

 I was once threatened with ‘formal disciplinary procedures’ by the Head of Human Resources at a company I was working for.  Needless to say, I initially misinterpreted her offer!  So it nearly got quite embarrassing but as soon as she explained that she wasn’t speaking about HR matters in a work context, but just wanted to put me across her lap and spank my naughty bottom, we both relaxed and ended up having rather a fun evening.


worry, it doesn’t stay that impersonal.  She has pet names for each of
her favourite interns – and for those she most dislikes, too, oddly

She likes to give direct feedback on her employees’ performance, so she’ll probably end up asking if she can borrow the remote.

Expensive things.  That’s why they call them ‘expenses’ after all.

Guys who sexualise and objectify women in a work context are the worst, aren’t they?  I’m glad I published this post, so I can make my views on that clear.

What a very understanding work environment.  Basically, they are creating an unsafe space just for you.  I hope you’ll be suitably grateful.

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