Decadence: themes

Just a brief guide to the last 10 years, for anyone confused (I am conscious that most of my readership is male, so clear thinking is likely to be in short supply). 

Sometimes the tags lead to posts entirely themed around the, erm, theme, sometimes just to posts that feature at least one captioned image in the theme.  Just work with it, yeah?

Downton domination.  Femdom from a more elegant age.


World War M.  Reminiscences from when the war between the sexes turned hot; styled on World War Z.  The war began in North America and was touch-and-go for a while, but the ability to multi-task and think rationally, on one side, as opposed to moronic sexism on the other, soon turned the tide.  The last fighting, in the hold-outs in Texas and other Southern states, was intense.  The conflict went global, finishing – naturally – in Saudi Arabia where some understandable acts of girlish exuberance following the final victory over patriarchy marred the ushering in of a more peaceful, better-ordered world.  NB: the vets refer to their opponents as ‘mutts’, loosely based on an acronym for male terrorists, or occasionally just ‘M’.  They also collect ‘trophies’ from dead mutts or, occasionally, live ones.


OWK Ladies remember.  Reminiscences in the style of a TV documentary.

Bit of politics.  Political captions, having nothing at all to do with Ben Elton apart from the title.  All of the ‘President Hathaway’ series are here, many of them using screencaps from TV programmes.  Possibly my most popular series, which is why it is unfortunate that it does not have its own tag, as there’s a lot of other stuff in the ‘bit of politics’ tag too (including anti-Brexit ones, just to bring the culture war home again).  So you have to look hard for the President Hathaway stuff, but then life’s supposed to be difficult for males, isn’t it?  Helps keep them focused.

Incidentally, the longevity of this blog is becoming a problem.  Some of these Femsuprem victories were predicted in what is now the past rather than the future (which just means we have more to look forward to, I suppose).

Another world.  Also political and therefore often included in the tag described above.  But the politics in this world are… different.  Still Femsuprem, but taking a more direct approach to redressing the balance of centuries of patriarchy.  That’s what you get for disparaging democracy and trying to deny the results of an election, I suppose.  Different paths… which will we follow?






Turning Points.  Oh, you know what this is. Paltego likes these.  So do some other people.


Hot chicks in empire-line dresses.  Captioned images from earlier days than the period covered in Downton Domination – before the Gill Sans font was invented, even.  Occasionally feature images of heart-stopping beauty, thanks to the movie Becoming Jane.  NB: if you don’t know what an empire-line dress is, you’re not paying enough attention to your needlework lessons, sissy.

Advice to… well, to various people, really.  To novice subs, to American subs visiting Europe, to male maids, even (in a spirit of humble suggestion) to novice dommes.  From whence came, just last year, Rule 18.  Note that Contemplating the Divine bears no liability for any injuries suffered as a result of following the advice presented.


Fairy tales.  Stories and captions that are, erm… fairy tales.   About fairies.


Includes my story The Lovelorn Blacksmith, which got some good reviews. 

Speaking of stories… so many stories, not all consistently labelled as such.  Actually, many of them are just captions that got too long to be a caption.  So there aren’t many long-running themes but here are a few.

Mistress Valerie – ancient tales (most pre-blog), written for and about my first domme (whose name was not Valerie, but was not far off it either).

Serena and Alice – stories about a man-hating mad scientist and her girlfriend, featuring extreme, sadistic violence against males: torture, mutilation, scat, death.  But at their heart, they are sweet and touching love stories, like all the best tales.  Boy meets girl, girl meets girl, girls enslave boy and torture him to death for sexual kicks… that kind of thing.  The first of these was written about ten years ago, so it was a bizarre revelation in the middle of last year when I realised that my two ‘steady’ dommes over… oh about the last six years now, were first Alice, then Serena.  Kismet.  Synchronicity.  Or more likely just a coincidence.

Fembots – not a consistent series (unlike Freddie’s more sustained efforts) but I have dabbled in the genre.

A few favourite stories:

Missives, especially the third one

The Princess and the penis (also in ‘fairy tales’ surprisingly enough)

Final edits – humiliation, vaguely turning points-ish

Extra service – one of many ‘helpline’ stories

Can you imagine? – definitely not a ‘turning point’ and rather melancholy.

Cashless society – almost startlingly prescient, in retrospect.

Reprogrammed (fembot!)

Street vendor – looking for humiliation play.

Priorities (male maid!  science!)

Tomorrow’s World – especially for Brits of a certain age.

Crossover – Just a little musing on what a ‘mainstream’ porn star (the wonderful Gigi Allens) thinks of her femdom work and the ‘men’ who like it… It’s about as complimentary as regular readers of this blog might expect. Is it a good story?  Let’s just say that it has lots of pictures of Gigi Allens, so I expect we can agree the quality of the prose really doesn’t matter, can’t we?

Slave Tony.  Bleak and depressing.  No, really: it is. 

Rewards and penalties.  Much more fun.  Read this instead of Slave Tony.

Waiting.  A joke-free and I hope fairly atmospheric rendition of one of my most common fantasies: it’s all about the build-up to the beating, not the act itself.

Oh, and in case you’re losing touch with it: a dose of reality.


And finally, the only CtD post you’ll ever need.  And yet, almost seven years on I am still knocking them out at a rate of two a week (oo-err!).  In Gill Sans, obviously. 

A decade of decadence

This blog started on January 26 2011.  So it has been almost ten years… and here’s me, with so much ironing still to do.

Nonetheless, it’s true: this blog has been wasting everyone’s time (well… the time of an infinitesimal fraction of the human race) since that long-ago date, with a post titled “Why are we here?”, the answer to which remains obscure 1318 posts later.

I hadn’t originally expected to focus on captioned images.  A couple of years before, I had visited a domme for the first time; a lady who was to be the only domme I visited for the next three years.  She has now retired and has a vanilla profession so I will say nothing to identify her.  At the end of my first – wonderful, life-changing – session she instructed me to write an account of the session, for her web site, which I did and I was immensely proud when she published it.  It became a habit, and after a while I also started writing short fiction stories to send her.  I think she did genuinely like most of them.

Anyway, I set up the web site to publish those stories, along with any random wittering that might occur to me.  I did put up most of them – if you are interested, the easiest way to see them is to download the pdf collections using the ‘Servitor’s femdom stories’ links to the right, there.  My wonderful Lady and her lesbian partner feature in them too, under the pseudonyms of Valerie and Sandra.  This one perhaps gives the most lifelike impression of her: Take me to your Mistress.  But this is my favourite, because of the way it shows the relationship between the two of them: The elves and the dominatrices.    

I very soon started producing captioned images as well as stories and… now I’ve published just over 5000 such images, horrifyingly enough.  I do occasionally still write stories, but more often when something appears as a story on this blog it’s just a caption that became unfeasibly long.  I have over 2000 unpublished captioned images and I produce anything up to another 100 each month, so it’s not stopping any time soon.

So… a great deal of drivel has been produced – and more of it to come.  I’m going to put up some of my favourite drivel over the next few days.  

We’ll begin with some of the silliest.  I get the impression that the silly ones that make me giggle aren’t the most popular.  I don’t mind.  I like silly.  I love to behave in a foolish manner in session and get slapped for it.  Let’s get the silliest over with, then it’ll get more sensible as we move towards the actual deciversary (deci-anniversary?).



I love this one.  Not just because of the latex-clad lovelies, although they help a lot, it’s true.



Lovely Lexi Sindel.

kind of writing is obviously inspired by the Far Side.  I do that a
lot.  I realise it’s nothing like as funny as the Far Side – and incomparably more
perverted – but inspired from there nonetheless.

See? Again: like Gary Larson but with added obscenity and subtracted wit.

I’ve always liked this one.  Sadly, neither of the UK’s two new aircraft carriers will be called HMS Cindy, although I did hear that former President Trump frantically tried to name one of the new US super-carriers the USS Svetlana, for reasons presumably known only to him and the Russian intelligence services.

Very Far Side.  Plus testicles.

What a lovely smile.  Two lovely smiles.

Sorry about that…couldn’t resist.

‘Oops’ has to be right up there near the top of the list of ‘words you don’t want to hear in session’ . ‘Tarantula’ would be above it, for me anyway.

Would probably have been included in Rule 18 if I’d been doing that back when I made this.

Ooh… edgy.  Self-referential and self-loathing too!

I quite like mocking session conventions (see Advice to a Novice etc…). 
This caption might have run away from me a bit, but I just love the
idea that a bit of strict schoolmistress play has turned into a
discussion of the annealing process for glass, because of some random
stuff she wrote on the blackboard.

Grrr!  Picture from the heyday of Cruella, there.  More of those to come.

Could have been any of them.

And, of course…


Despotic imagery

Wow.  My personal best is two and a half. Admittedly, I’ve only tried once.

Swings and roundabouts…

I expect there’ll be laughter and tears as well, to come.

Technically speaking, he’s actually the Right Honourable Pookie, QC.  But he doesn’t stand on ceremony, as you can probably tell.*

She’s always taken an interest in young, struggling actors.

* No, this is a different Pookie.

A study in scarlet

I don’t know what word that is and I don’t want to.  For some reason, it brings back painful memories.

I’ve often thought its odd how confident dommes often are about what we subs can take or not, given that they’ve usually never tried it on themselves.



Try not to make an ass of yourself.


I can be both.  And so much more.


That does sound fun.  I hope she doesn’t charge a fee for taking that half of my income off me, though.  But if she insists, obviously I won’t argue.

 Oh – and in the same theme of the colour red… it took me a while, Furcoat, but I got there eventually. 


I’m going to give you some terrible thrills

And truly terrible some of them are, too.


She put the mission first, though, and that’s the only thing that really matters.



Erm… OK.  That sounds different.  Still: I’ll try anything once.


Yes.  Start with him.




It is purely hypothetical because, obviously, they won’t have a choice.



Course she did.





Sweetly unreasonable

How very convenient.



‘Not tonight, I’ve got a headache’?  No?




Living a truly female-led life can involve lots of difficult choices, so it’s good there’s someone else there to make them.

Look at what?  Whatever is she talking about? Do you know?  I have no idea, none at all.



Pitiful, most likely.  I usually am.


Here’s a random and rather lovely thing, by the way.  Who needs boys, anyway?

#anne hathaway from these empty halls held our disease.

My goodness!

‘Readers’ of this blog might have picked up on the subtle hints I have ocasionally dropped here, that I might have a bit of a thing for Anne Hathaway (the living actress, not the dead wife of William Shakespeare, although I don’t doubt she was very lovely too).   Very regular ‘readers’ will also be aware that earlier this year I posted a video of an interview with the divine Anne, in which she had to speak quite firmly to the young male who had been privileged enough to be allowed into her presence to interview her.  I have to confess I found that firmness somewhat… stimulating. Obsessive ‘readers’ might even have noticed that I then developed something of a compulsion to publish a series of captioned images all with exactly the same caption, whenever the facial expression or the situation seemed to warrant it.

At the risk of alienating what few ‘readers’ I have left, I am afraid to have to tell you that the compulsion is still with me, so more of the same – exactly the same – below.  Sorry about that. This is an extra post, though, so it will not diminish the twice-weekly postings of captioned images that don’t all have exactly the same words (just the same tired old set of ideas and jokes).

 So… as is traditional, we’ll start with the original, then repeat the same theme ad infinitum (where ‘infinitum’ is here understood to mean ‘seven times’). 






















So… about a month ago I posted a video of the divine Anne being interviewed by a distinctly ‘forward’ young man and quite rightly chiding him on it.  Alas, no footage exists of the blistering and thoroughly-deserved spanking that undoubtedly followed, and clever Anne attempts a little misdirection at the end of the video, by pretending she is not really cross.*
Oh go on, then: here it is again.
Anyway, Anne’s mocking, sweetly menacing ‘What a forward young man you are!’ has stayed with me and I seem to hear it everywhere.  So I decided you might as well see it everywhere too.  Perhaps this will be the only caption I write from now on, it certainly works for me.  It’s the only caption you’re getting today anyway.  Sorry.


And of course…


* She was cross.  But she’s a great actress, so it doesn’t show.  Now this (bonus image) is what Anne looks like when she’s cross. Isn’t she wonderful? Honestly, if you lived with her wouldn’t you want her to be at least a little bit cross with you every single day of your life?

What a forward young man you are!

Readers of this blog who have ever fantasised about being spanked by the divine Anne Hathaway (or, more succinctly: readers of this blog) might be interested in viewing the video below.

Admittedly, we do not witness the actual act but any viewer pausing at 0.40 could be in little doubt what fate (richly deserved and almost explicitly asked for) awaits this very forward young man, once the cameras stop rolling.  Clever Ms Hathaway manages some subtle misdirection after that point, but I think we all know that’s just in response to her PR agent frantically gesturing, behind the scenes.


Obviously, this blog prides itself on being fresh, original and creative unlike those awful, repetitive ‘adult’ blogs that just consist of the same thing all the time. Good captions, for instance – imagine how tedious it would be if I published those all the time.

Nonetheless, taking advantage of fact that males have short memories and attention spans, the blog does feature a few regular stars. Famous dommes, obviously, such as Mistress Eleise, The Hunteress or the OWK Ladies (especially Katarina).  But also some lovelies whose sadism and dominance is masked beneath a vanilla persona.  Each such lady has her own ‘tag’ used to label a post featuring her, but as no one but me has any idea which tag refers to which goddess, it’s all a bit pointless.

Hence this post.  Five regulars are featured below, in new never before seen captioned images.  Can you name them all?  Can you match them to their ‘tags’, listed in the labels section of this post? Try clicking that label and seeing if you were right.*

The accent’s quite important.  Clue: its not a mid-Western American drawl and if you are reading it to yourself like that, you’re doing it wrong.

It is a truth rarely acknowledged that any Tumblr featuring high-heeled leggy ladies will one day discover this goddess and post about twenty pictures in a row, all of her.  I have at least that many captioned images of her, but as so often in your sex life, I’m afraid you are just going to have to wait.**

Goddess playing a demi-goddess.  Slumming it a bit, therefore, but I am not complaining.

A new addition to the pantheon, this Goddess.  But we’ll be seeing more of her.***

Anyone who gets this one wrong, let me know so I can block you from seeing the blog ever again.  In fact, I think I should install a gadget that pokes you vigorously and repeatedly in the eye, if ever you try to visit.  Then there’ll only be two readers.

*  Hmm? No, I know you don’t see the same captioned image if you click the label, moron.  I mean you see different captioned images of the same goddess. Yeah?  These are new: I did say that.  Got it now?  

** Yes, you do have to spell her surname correctly, to win the prize.   Anyway, there isn’t a prize.

*** What?  No of course I don’t mean you’ll be seeing her nipples, you wretched little man.  Not on this blog.  I just mean you’ll be seeing her more frequently.  Why are you asking all these questions? 

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