I will feel a glow just thinking of you…

…and the way it felt, last night.  Thank you, Ma’am.

You might want to refer back to my series: Seven secrets of a happy marriageUrgently.
Serving Keira
Men, eh?  Only interested in one thing, and –  excuse me?  Down here?  There’s a caption too, and I..  Hello?  Oh never mind, I know when there’s something more interesting to look at.

Spanked by Jessica Rabbit oh my
I’m not one of those men who won’t cry in front of women.  Just the opposite, actually.

Woah!  Might be time for a safeword, there.

If you have any comments on this captioned image, I’ll be in the homeless refuge round the corner, OK?

You can’t always get what you want

But if you try sometimes you just might find you get what you need.

Tight fit even with lube
It’s silly to worry about whether you’ll stretch enough.  Look – that thing’s made of solid plastic, and it’ll have all her strength behind it.  Something’s going to give, so just relax.

Well smacked bottom
Sometimes it’s good to go out with your co-workers for a real heart-to-heart.  And sometimes it isn’t.

Keira led relationship
Don’t worry – she’ll explain why at great length.

Schoolboy session
Schoolboy sessions!  My favourite.  We’re going to be covering irregular verbs of the fourth declension over the next seven sessions, apparently.  Pretty exciting, huh?

Annes dominant implant
Or if you stray outside the permitted boundaries, of course.

Restraining orders

Yes please.  Those.

These too:

Bikini briefs and pet play
The leash is invisible, but that doesn’t mean there isn’t one there.

Money domme makes good
Rather a thoughtless gift, as she can’t drive, don’t you think?  I expect he’ll be punished for that.  When she can be bothered.

Pain inflicted lovingly and steadily
Pain-killers don’t work, anyway. I was taking some, for a minor condition, but when I went to visit my Significant Other the nipple clamps still hurt like hell.  I’m thinking of complaining to the Adertising Standards Authority.

I cant remmebre what this femdom caption was about
Yes, being caged up for that long is pretty scary.  But not as scary as Lucy.

Hathaway with my heart
That would be really helpful, actually.  I find that almost every day, there are some moments when I catch myself not thinking about Anne.  Of course, it doesn’t happen often, but it’s still a bit worrying.

Lessons in love

….with punishments if you fail any of the tests.

Lesbian pony play
Now it’s getting towards summer, the days are just right.  A little chilly perhaps, but as the sunlight stretches out into the evening, a day trotting through the hills just seems to last forever.  Don’t you think?

Bad slave
There comes a point at which humiliation and degradation just don’t work any more.

Very professional domination
She loves to bind him tightly in desperately uncomfortable positions, so he can gasp out the scientific names of the each of the muscles that she has placed under agonising strain.

Kiss the hem
I think therefore I serve.

Anne cuts you short
That was a bit of luck, wasn’t it?

Not very good at this either

This blogging thing, I mean.  I’ve been trying to create a slideshow, but I just can’t get it up (oh, on the blog for goodness sake, calm down, this isn’t a Carry On movie!).

So…using Powerpoint I’ve made a tiny, really poor quality movie that readers with good eyesight (the minority of you, by now I would imagine) might enjoy.  Then after the break, below, I’ve posted each of the pictures in sequence and you can achieve an animated effect using the magic of scrolling.

Oh yes – and I know she changes her clothes and background from one shot to the next.  I haven’t got that many photos of her that I can do the whole thing from one photoshoot, you know!

This works really well as a PowerPoint slideshow.  So if anyone knows how to post that, just let me know…
Pics below the break
















Tender loving cruelty, that is.

Smothering hotline
Let’s hope the helpline gets back to her quickly.  She doesn’t want a suffocated corpse lying around her flat – again.

Female supremacy means never having to admit youre wrong
Not that it really matters.

Anal hooks and testicular clamps oh my
Men who find it difficult to see their wives’ points of view should try it – it’s amazing what a few hours of agony can do.

Oh no.  Not Sarah.  Not again.  That’s just not fair.  Maybe you should say something?

Mini men crush fantasy
Thought I’d moved on, didn’t you?  Oh no.  She haunts my dreams…and my hard drive.

Taken firmly in hand

Oh dream on…

Other world kingdom Gusrdesses go a huntin
The only thing worse than not being found by Madame Sarka and Madame Jana is being found by Madame Sarka and Madame Jana.

Domestic whipping scene - ahh
That’s because women have more complicated brains and can multitask. When she’s hanging you up by your nipples – to take an example at random – you might just be thinking, ‘Oh my God, the pain, I can’t take it’ but she’s probably thinking about lots of things – what to plant in the garden, whether she really wants to meet her friends than night, all kinds of stuff.

She doesn't want to have to asshook him
She’s really doing this for you, you know.

Beaten sensible
Don’t worry, you won’t have to wait long.


On the fourth day of Christmas

My Mistress gave to me
…four across the buttocks
…three across the knuckles
…two hours in the corner
…and an hour being spanked across her knee.

Lesbian lust oh my
I expect they’ll find something to amuse themselves with. I wonder if Amanda has any hobbies?

Schoolgirl with a cane oh my oh my
Their grades have been quiite poor, actually.  I think your professional integrity requires you to resist revising them for as long as possible.

No more femdom fantasy
Ironically, being married to her is a bit more expensive too.  Still, too late now.

Beat the shit out of him first argue later
Yes Ellen.

Wasn’t it nice of her to ask him?  And isn’t Anne Hathaway just the most…., just the… oh words fail me and I’m not even fit to be unworthy of her.  Sigh.  SIGH. 
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