2020 vision

A few of you seemed rather to like the captioned pictures of attractive TV journalists talking about female supremacist politics a few weeks back.  So, ever eager to please I’ve done a few more.  But I’m not going to post them yet, you’ll just have to wait.  Just think of its as tease and denial, OK? You enjoy that, I expect. Pervert.

However, I thought perhaps while we’re waiting for that we could hear a few words from The Lady Herself.  So here, without further blather, is an excerpt from a speech that the FemSuprem candidate will be making during the 2020 US presidential campaign.

Why should men who aren’t submissive support female
OK, let me tell you a little
story.  A true story. Around about 1905, this French passenger ship got wrecked on a remote
Pacific island. There were 32 women and 20 men who survived, so they set
up a camp and waited for rescue.  But
this island was way off the usual routes so no help came.
And they got a little society going, organised on
traditional male grounds, obviously. This was 1905. Women didn’t even have the
vote!  So the guys just decided guys should be in charge.  They probably didn’t even think about it.  But stuff went wrong. The men
started fighting over power, and one was killed and seven others ran off.  Then two of the men who were left fought over
a woman and the winner raped her.  So
far, so normal for thousands of years of history, right? 
But the women rose up and they threw the men out.  And they built a big fence of stakes and they
got on with doing what women do: growing food, looking after one another, making their lives better. You
know?  And the men did what men do: they
fought, they destroyed stuff and eventually they were scavenging around
half-naked for raw berries and nuts and worms out there in the forest.
So, every so often, a man would come to the gate of the
women’s village and beg to be allowed back in. 
And the first few times the women just said no.  But then they held a council and they
discussed it – as women, do, respectfully of one another’s opinions, while the
men were settling their differences on the rest of the island with clubs – and
they agreed to let the men back in on one condition.
Here’s the condition: any man who came back in, could do so
only as a slave.
Yeah: a slave.  And I
guess you all think that’s terrible and a horrible thing to happen.  Slavery’s not a nice word and I suppose it’s
not a very nice thing when you’re a slave either.  But it was better than grubbing up roots and
berries and being constantly afraid of being beaten up or raped by the other
men, you see.  So, over time, one by one,
all the men came back into the village. As slaves. 
And they lived and they got enough to eat – and, yeah, they
weren’t free any more. So they didn’t have the freedom to rape people because
they couldn’t control their sexuality or dig up the crops before they were ripe
because they couldn’t control their gluttony – or the freedom to fight each
other for power.  And maybe they had to
take a whipping occasionally, when they deserved it and I guess that can’t have
been fun. But it was better than starving. 
It worked, see?

But… that’s not the end of the story. All good things have
to come to an end and after about 15 years, finally a ship visited the
island.  And things could have been fine,
but the captain of the ship saw a guy tied to the whipping post and decided it
was too weird for him and he took everyone off at gunpoint. And after that, we
don’t really know what happened to the castaways.  I’d like to think some of them carried on in
female-led households back in France. 
Because women were a lot freer after the first world war, see, so maybe
that could have been possible. But it’s hard to stand against the culture.
But here’s the thing. 20 men landed on that island. Two were
killed by other men early on, and one died of natural causes about 1915.  The other 17 came home. What do you think
would have happened to them if they hadn’t been shipwrecked?  They’d have joined the army, of course, like
all French men in 1914.  And if they were
lucky they’d have spent four years in the trenches, wading through mud
constantly, permanently infested with lice and always terrified of a shell or a
sniper taking off the top of their head, or ripping out half their guts in a
split second.  They’d have been compelled
by other men to stand up above the trench and run towards the enemy’s lines,
scrabbling over barbed wire as machine guns cut through their bodies and those
of their comrades.  If they were unlucky
they’d have been gassed, shot, bombed, shelled and bayonetted while trying to
do the same thing back, killing men on the orders of other men.  And if they somehow survived the enemy but
refused to try to kill him, they’d have been shot.  By men on their own side.
And my question to you is this: were the guys on the island
worse off?  They wore collars and chains
and they didn’t get to decide much for themselves, it’s true. They got an
occasional beating when they deserved it, and I’ve heard from time to time some
of the women got a bit frisky too and liked to humiliate them a bit.  But if it’s that or the trenches of World War I – which would you choose?
I sometimes wonder whether those men were honest with
themselves after they came home. 
Whether when anyone ever asked them what they did in the Great War, how
they survived, they’d say ‘Oh – I was enslaved in a matriarchal society.  I had a pretty sore bottom from time to time,
but we didn’t have any wars.” Because that would have been the truth. But I
expect they didn’t.  Back then, most men
would have thought of subordination to women as the worst thing in the world.  They’d just had four years of unimaginable
horror in the trenches but somehow going over a woman’s knee was an intolerable
thought.  Go figure.
And that’s my story. 
And that’s why I say to men: look at the world you have.  This is your world: the world you men
made.  You’ve had thousands of years in
charge and… well, look at it.  You want
to make it better?  You’ve tried
political campaigns to put different men in charge and you’ve tried revolutions
to put a whole bunch of different men in charge and you’ve had wars – boy, have
you had wars! – to see if killing people might help and hey: nothing
works!  You’re still scrabbling around
for nuts and berries, fighting each other, living like animals.   

Well, I’m offering you the same deal as those
women on the island did. We’ll open the gate, if that’s the choice you decide
to make.

What have you got to lose? Your freedom? Give me a
break.  Your freedom is the problem.  And if you’re honest with yourselves, you’ll
admit that. And you’ll support us in this election.  And if we win, you don’t have to worry about
what happens next, because we’ll be in charge. Do you have to be submissive to
want that? Or do you just have to be intelligent enough to recognise that you
need to give yourself a break and put someone else in charge?
I’m Anne Hathaway. 
I’m a female supremacist and I want your vote on November 3rd.  


Try hopping back and forth from one leg to the other. That can help a lot.

Well, OK, as long as it’s safe, sane, consensual and well-deserved. Or any two of those, anwyay.
People say that to keep up a diet you have to be really strict with yourself, but I’ve found that someone else being strict works just as well.
While you’re down there, you notice Simon’s shoes are quite badly scuffed – and there’s a client meeting later. What do you do? (a) say nothing, (b) let him know or (c) give them a quick polish yourself, as you’re there anyway. Take your time, there are no ‘wrong’ answers.

Well, as long as she remembers to keep it charged this time.

That’s what she said

There’s a lot of give and take in their relationship, as you can see.

That one’s called ‘the tickler’.  Come on – arms up to the shackles – this is going to be fun!

libbers just need to spend more time reflecting quietly on how lucky
they are to be living in a female-led society, if you ask me. In the
corner, with a well-smacked bottom, preferably.
Just lick something at random – quickly!
With thanks to Alex Bragin for the translation.

There’s a hand gesture for ‘go away’ as well. Pray she never uses it.

Ordered relationship

According to Wikipedia’s page on Order Theory: “In other contexts, orders may capture notions of containment.”  Well, that’s certainly true.  There are several types of orders, if I understand correctly, among which ‘strict ordering’ is clearly the best.

Oh, I think we know what Natasha’s going to say. She’s been breaking boys’ legs since she was a teenager.

Sounds like a lot of fun. Get to work!

If everything not OK, there might be some bureaucratic formalities to go through, at the male holding centre.

You have something you’d rather spend 60% of your income on, than the divine Lady Sophia Black?
 Awww no… I went to put in a link but her website has shut down and she is protecting her tweets.  I hope Lady Sophia hasn’t retired from the scene.  She’s wonderful.

She’s gone to all that trouble. The least you can do is suffer for her, hmm?

Six of the best

A good caning never hurt anyone, right?

Oh, hang on…

I think I’m pretty strongly oriented towards serving Mistress Eleise already.

What to do… what to do.

Ermm… oh, you know.  Nothing really.  Just one of those things. Forget I said anything.     Please?

You should stand up for your rights.  When you’ve finished bending over for the cane, obviously.

I hope she doesn’t mind frantic tugging at the bonds, and pitiful pleading, mixed in with the screaming.

She’ll probably be able to empathise more with your pain, now. Probably


Oh, OK.  I thought we’d barely started.  Never mind.

Well… it is a big decision to take.  So it’s a good thing she’s already taken it.

He’ll probably mess it up, he’s such a moron.  Just think what a fool he’ll look, every time he forgets about a release date!  Serve him right too.

Some people leave their bodies to science – mine’s going to fashion!  Or upholstery, I suppose.

How can this have happened?  I mean, for goodness sake, this is the third time this week!

Silly things do cease to be silly if they are done by sensible people in an impudent way

You might want to pay particular attention to the inflight safeword briefing.

Damn.  Maybe we could play backgammon instead?

If it’s any consolation, Jerry’s no happier about it than you are,  In fact, he’s bloody furious.  Try to make him happy, OK?

Hmm.  That’s diamonds  eleven times in a row, now. That means hearts must come up next time, right?
I don’t want you to get the impression that reading this blog in any way singles you out as a loser, OK? As long as no one ever, ever finds out, then there’s nothing to be ashamed of.  Obviously, if they do, then there is but that just means you have to take care, right?

Put in place

So I’m just supposed to hang around until she’s ready to talk, eh? Tsk. Bloody typical.

Mmm… keys.

You can give upward feedback too.  From waaaay down there.

Hmm.  Quite a predicament!  Hope little wifey doesn’t smell the smoke!  You know what she’s like…
She really shouldn’t have to worry about damage to boys’ internal organs. After all, damage to their external organs is so much more fun.

Just a little prick…

… oh, I’m not even going to go there.  It’s a very old joke and not very funny.

Let’s have some brand new and not very funny captions instead.

Dommes don’t care about these things, but we subs do.  The taste is quite different, for one thing.

It’s good to experiment a bit.

I’m one of her regular clients.  First Tuesday of every month, 9.35 to 9.38.  It gives meaning to my otherwise pointless existence.

Men do seem to be making some pretty strange democratic choices just now, you’ve got to admit.


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