Humbling experiences

‘PIV’ (Penis in Vagina) is not the only sort of sex a married couple can try, after all.  There’s ‘SIA’ (strap-on in anus), for instance, or ‘PIALTTUIBEIADREFWTSITP’ (penis in a little tube tucked up in bed early, in a different room entirely from where the sex is taking place) too.




Thank goodness for that.



My SO and I take all the financial decisions together.  I don’t actually take part in the decision, obviously, but I’m usually there when it’s made and that’s what matters.




Findom clients are born not made, they say.  One every minute, I’ve heard.



Actually, she decided in the end that most of the guys she’s fucked probably wouldn’t get the reference (they tend not to be bookish types), so she went with something a bit less subtle on the same theme.


Little man, you’re crying

 She knows why you’re blue.

Thank goodness (and her) for that.

I’ve always thought it odd that I am both her object and her subject.

When she talks of the ‘place’ that’ll do it, just think of a gleaming, modern medical facility, OK?  Not a dirty garage filled with rusty tools.  It’ll be easier that way.

Thank goodness for the invention of electricity – it’s a great way to save labour, or induce it depending on who’s holding the zapper.

One day your luck might run out.

Tearful conversations

Anybody else want to negotiate?




It’s recreational for her, anyway – although there’s a serious element to it too. 




I wonder what the OWK Ladies would have done, had the wall not come down in 1989 and no Velvet Revolution occurred?  Oh, they’re so talented I am sure they have found some kind of niche within the totalitarian system where their skills could be useful, but it would have been very different.

Just try to think unsexy thoughts while they do it.  Reading this blog should give you some ideas.

Once again, I do have a bit of a gripe here.  I mean, sometimes it’s “I want the truth and I’m going to keep on increasing the voltage until I get it’ and next it’s ‘Keep your nasty little opinions to yourself.’  It just doesn’t always seem entirely fair, is all I’m saying, but I suppose it’s best not to complain.


You know, I’ve often been struck

She’s actually communicating her feelings on several different levels here.  It’s a Mars/Venus thing – you don’t have to understand but you could at least try to feel her pain.

If you argue it might go on longer – and wouldn’t that be just awful?

Some of us are already having the cry, thanks.  Although oddly it’s the cuddle that usually brings them on in floods.

What to do, what to do… You might want to try playing safe. They won’t let you (and anyway, you’re not safe), but I expect you’ll want to try.

She’s being rather unfair here.  She often is: if you want my honest opinion, she’s a vicious and vindictive person with serious anger management issues.  Always was.  Anyway – congratulations on your special day!  I’m sure you’ll be very.. well, maybe you’ll both be…  anyway, congratulations, yeah?  You’re a lucky guy.  We all think so.

Girls just wanna have fun

… but in many countries there are still some silly legal restrictions on how they do so.  Not on this blog.

I think they’re just not taking this lifesaving course seriously enough.

How does she know?

OWK has strict rules about that.  Strict rules about a lot of things, come to think of it – I mean, that’s kind of the point of the place.

She’s thought about it a lot.  Often after a luxurious bath, with soft music playing and a glass of wine to hand.

‘Cowering’ is an underrated form of sex play, I reckon.  I do a lot of it.

In Goddess we trust

She can make time, though, if need be.


Many men don’t remember but then their lives are busier than his.  Not that that’s an excuse, obviously.



No pain, no gain as my SO likes to say.


What’s weird about screaming when you’ve just had your genitals electrocuted?  Perfectly normal reaction if you ask me.  What’s that?  You didn‘t ask me?  Oh, OK, then.  Sorry.

I hope she doesn’t hurt herself.

…and an extra one, just to be topical.  Well… moderately topical, in that it is only a few days out of date.  Unless OnlyFans have reversed their policy reversal back again, or something.

Domestic goddesses


She didn’t actually write all of the lyrics herself of course, but she suggested the basic themes.




Don’t feel bad about the waste of electricity, though: no electricity used by a woman to shock a man is ever truly wasted.



And if you don’t like the red colour, the marks come in purple and black too as long as you go long enough.

The goddess on the left is the lovely Miss Zoe.  The one on the right is not.

She was a spectacularly naughty schoolgirl, I’ve heard.


Well, my arm’s not tired either, so why shouldn’t I?  Honestly, women say the strangest – ah, no, let me go, please Ma’am, don’t!



Dungeon crawlers


Many subs don’t realise how much work a good domme will put into preparing for a session.  Here, the lovely Lady Jana went to all of the trouble of looking up the translation of an obscure English word – just to make sure his experience was exactly as he had specified – and all he could do afterwards was moan about it.  Well, I think it was that he was moaning about, anyway. 

Another ungrateful subbie.  Seems to be something of a theme today.  I mean, quite apart from the sexual gratification he is getting, the value of all that learning is quite literally incalculable.




Now this one at least appears to have the right attitude: asking nicely, saying please and thank you.  And he has his reward, see?


Don’t worry if you find it difficult at first: the game of ‘fetch’ might appear simple, but it has hidden complexities.  I’ve been playing it together with my SO almost every Sunday afternoon for years now, and I still often get it wrong – as she can readily confirm.



Which is odd, because from my own personal experience (again – and I don’t want to over-generalise, so let me emphasise this is just me): in my own relationship, ‘No’ is about the most reckless and unsafe word it is possible for me to say.





Lip service


Go on – she finally allowed your longstanding request to go around dressed only in a little lacy bra and panties, so what have you got to complain about?




If you’re a maledom, I really encourage to try out a proper, heavy femdom session some time.  Who knows, you might like it – although I hope you won’t.




Hard thinking can be difficult at times… what was the question again?




Trust is important in a relationship but obedience is more important still, especially if you’re wearing a shock collar.




Obviously, as I’ve put up a caption about putting a plastic bag over someone’s head, it’s important to emphasise: please don’t try this at home.  That’s not safe.  Do it somewhere far from home, where there’s nothing that might reveal your identity or connect you to the victim – oh, and always wear gloves to avoid leaving anything for the police forensic analysis.

Governing bodies


Everyone feels a bit uncomfortable, on their first day in the torture room.

Really?  Oh… that would be just awful!





Don’t tell her she’s not doing it right – it works for her, OK?

Language barriers can be overcome, with good will on both sides – or failing that, one side holding a whip and not giving a shit about what the other side might actually be saying.

His musical tastes are more Bruce Springsteen than Ariana Grande.  He did tell them that, but then he also told them his session tastes were more towards sensual domination than frequent, brutal electric shocks to the balls… so it looks like they didn’t pay a lot of attention.


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