
 A lovely word.  Rarely used in the plural, but there are some of us that need repeated reminders.

Of course, as an employee you are welcome to put forward any criticisms you might have of that policy. They have policies about dealing with employee feedback, too.  Lots of policies.

Perhaps he could save himself some tribute money, when they announce the results of the next teachers’ pay review.

There’s a reason that dial goes up to ten, so why not turn it all the way and let it stay there? I suspect the guidelines are erring on the side of caution and anyway, even it does break, they could always get another.

Sounds like she has the haughty ‘domme’ attitude down pat already.  I suspect she’s going to be really good at this.

That does sound a bit fearsome. Thank goodness it’ll only be temporary.

0 thoughts on “Comeuppances”

  1. Some nice ideas there Servitor. Electro always gives me a tingle 😉 I've just started my own blog - – maybe you'd like to take a look? I have absolutely no idea how to get followers for the blog, so I'd be super grateful if you could put it on your blog list thingy 🙂 Any feedback welcome as I'm new to blogging and a total Luddite to boot!

  2. Hello Spicegrinder

    Done! I can't see your blog in my list right now but maybe the it is waiting for an update (dunno, I'm a Luddite too, taking after my SO who doesn't see the point in modern labour-saving machinery). I'll also mention it in Friday's post.

    The blog looks very lovely. I don't have much to suggest except you should be aware that blogspot was already going out of fashion when I started this one 12 years ago or so! You probably need to supplement your blog with Twitter or Tumblr these days. I started a Tumblr as an alternative a few years ago when Google was threatening to ban naughty blogs and I repost the top image on any new post here (weirdly truncated) automatically using something called IFTTT.

    You also want to get Paltego over at Femdom Resource to list you. But you might need a few more posts first. So many blogs start up, do a few posts then just freeze forever, except for a once a year post saying "Long time since I posted anything!". You need to keep going. Everyone says 'little and often' is the way to get readers, which sounds right.

    I actually started the blog to republish a bunch of stories I had written to amuse my then domme, with no intention of regular posting, but then I discovered captions and I've now published about 6000 of them, over about 1500 posts. I suppose in the time available I could have written novels or learnt to play the violin, but hey-ho. I could just have watched more TV too.

    Good luck with it!

    Best wishes


  3. Thank you so much for the tips and the mention Servitor, it's really appreciated! I have a Twitter but I was unsure whether to link them since I, like yourself, caption images that I don't hold copyright to (I've had a profile deleted from DeviantArt for this reason after I'd put a lot of work into it) and wasn't sure what I can post there. I will be posting many of the captioned Femdom images from my ImageFap profile. That should keep me going while I put together some Femocracy ramblings. I will certainly take your advice by posting fairly often, howeverI fear it's too late for me to worry about being fashionable now. I haven't been fashionable since Ned's Atomic Dustbin were a thing. You are indeed prolific, and I, for one, am glad you chose to forgo the violin lessons in order to provide crumbs of comfort to your fellow awestruck submissives 🙂

  4. The fourth lady will be taking over beating you, pissing in your mouth, and locking you up. Her payment will be not having to give you sex. Sounds like how unworthy I am to my wife.

  5. I can emotionally relate to the woman with the lap top ordering electronic penis torture rings. If my man looks at another woman, it won’t just be weekend torture.

  6. Sierra Scribner just declared that masturbation is a form of witchcraft. This will no doubt cause many more men to be locked up in chastity cages.

  7. My woman told me many times. “We women are superior, we have the vagina. You men are the inferior sex. You have no vagina but you worship the vagina; it controls your life.”

  8. I would say, that if men are honest, overcome their insecurities, and get over machismo, they would admit that they are very much in awe of womanhood, the total woman. Women are very special and wondrous for a man.

  9. What if there were certain lines of "femdom" products (say something easy to make like jam, soap, biscuits, etc.) that were guaranteed to have been made with the labor of men under lifestyle female dominant/male submissive "slave" conditions? Would you buy something like that?

  10. Holly
    When women realize this, gain self confidence, and get over their insecurities, they will even be more awed, desired, and idolized by men. Heavenly!

  11. Thank you for making more chastity content! We especially love them when they are combined with control like geolocstion with shock control etc!

  12. Men, the news is not good for us. Fem Dom is growing big time. More and more men are working for women. Increasingly Men are serving women. Women are in control and have financial freedom. Women are getting more dominant and we are getting more submissive. They are free to walk over us as they enjoy their power. They use that “look” or worse. More men are getting spanked for disobedience.
    As women get more powerful, they are becoming more sexy and desirable, and they know it and enjoy it. Yet we men are becoming more denied by women. We’re getting more frustrated and desperate. They even use chastity tubes more often, leaving us begging to cum, which they relish.
    Our status use to be high. Now our status has sunk, while that of women has risen way above us.
    Maybe we lonely and lowly men can talk to each other for consolation. Misery loves company.
    Amigos, Es La Vida.

  13. I am way more dominant than most women. I take my man in to the shower, and piss directly into his mouth. He drinks from me to show my total female dominance and his total submission.

  14. Very true Alberto. However if a man so much as lays a finger on the woman, justice will be swift. Under the “female rights law” also known as “male servitude laws”, the hapless male will be sent to prison where unspeakable things will happen to the man. After release the men are never the same.

  15. It’s really amusing, but not in a sexual way, to take a man in a chastity cage, and really sexually arouse him. He’ll beg so pitifully, and will do anything you ask in order to cum. Poor babies.
    A Fem Dom lady.

  16. I love jerking off guys, but only if it’s emotional. It’s boring if it’s only mechanical. I make the guy look me in the eye as I do it. I’m in control which I enjoy. However, It then becomes very emotional; we’re connected to each other emotionally. That the greatest part. Sometimes I even get wet and even an orgasm. But nevertheless I greatly enjoy the emotional connection when we are looking each other in the eye. Then it feels wonderful to jerk a guy off.

  17. Man are dirty things with disgusting cocks that should be locked up in a chastity tube cage.

  18. Hombres.
    The women only laugh at me when I want sex with them. I feel like crying.
    Ayudeme Por Favor

  19. Cum is vile. Male orgasms are an abomination, must be strictly forbidden 🚫 by male chastity devices.
    Sue (The Beautiful)

  20. Men, help us women to feel wonderful about ourselves. It’s your duty.

  21. Servitor
    Thank you for handling the plight of us hapless males in a dignified way

  22. Thanks Spicegrinder. For some reason your blog is at the bottom of my list and my blog is at the bottom of yours. They don't seem to be recognising one another's updates, which is annoying… if I find a way to get theem to play nicely with one another I'll let you know.

    Best wishes


  23. Welcome, Alberto. As they say in Spanish, mi casa es su… well, actually it isn't, of course, because mi casa is very much HER casa, and I'm only responsible for keeping it clean. But youu know what I mean.

    Best wishes


  24. That sounds a lot more affordable than the payments I have to make, Frank, so I reckon you're onto a winner there.

    Best wishes


  25. Zap him to keep him, Ms Holly, that's what my SO says. And apparently it works for geting rid of unwanted males, too.

    Best wishes


  26. I'd never heard of her, Frank, but I've just given her a good Googling and she sounds very lovely, if ratgher insane. Which is a great combination in a lady. I will report for the trial of the needle, followed by burning at the stake at once.

    Best wishes


  27. Thank you both, Fem Dom lady and keyholder (or thank you once twice if you are the same person).

    It must be very relaxing, causing such a build up of tension.

    Best wishes


  28. Yes inded, the opposite of 'cruelty free'. I'd certainly save up my pocket money to buy that.

    Somewhere or other I think I might even have dealt with this in a caption, but goodness only knows where.

    Best wishes


  29. Thank you al for the comments.

    Not aa topic I mysellf am permitted to have an opinion on, I'm afraid (as my SO likes to point out: there's a reason it's called 'The Vagina Monologues') but I welcome the erudite discussion.

    Best wishes


  30. Very glad to hear you like that sort of thing. There's nothing quite like being chaste, geolocated and subjected to random electric shocks to make one appreciate the life of a submissive.

    Best wishes


  31. Oh I don't know, Alberto, that all sounds pretty good to me. Oppression, punishment, sexual frustration and humiliation – OK, it's not perfect but it's an excellent start.

    My status has sunk without trace and no one misses it.

    Saludos cordiales


  32. Thank you Tom, Frank, Alberto and all. The unspeakable that happen are best left unshrieked. About that which we cannot speak, we must remain silent as Wittegenstein said and I think anyone who's ever experienced a long ballgag session will know exactly what he was on about. Let the ladies chatter about such things, as it seems there's nothing we can really contribute to the conversation.

    Best wishes


  33. Thank you, Ms Sally. I hope he his properly appreciative. Some men mighty take those things the wrong way, but they just haven't awoken to the joys on offer.

    Best wishes


  34. Thank you all. The odd thing about the 'maletamer' device the lady in the picture is obtaining for the weekend, is that males have to be fairly tame to begin with, to agree to put one on. After that, fortrunately, no further agreement is required and they can be made a lot tamer – or driven wild. At whim.

    Best wishes


  35. Very intimate and thoroughly enjoyable. My own SO is a bit different – she specifically enjoys the feeling that I am not being jerked off, by anyone, including myself. But to each her own, I say.

    Best wishes


  36. I try always to be as dignified as possible, Frank, thank you. Except when I am paying a lady to ridcule and humiliate me, of course.

    Best wishes


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