Striking poses

As my SO points out: lots of women enjoy sex with their husbands, she prefers sex without her husband.  The difference is only a few letters but it’s a big deal for her, so who am I to argue?



Mmmm … a severe scolding, Mistress?




It’s going to be a special day for her boyfriends too.  And their mates.




Of course the OWK had safewords really.  In a variety of quite widely-spoken Central European languages, so there was really no excuse for ‘guests’ not knowing how to pronounce them perfectly.


Her kink is not your kink – are you going to make a selfish fuss?

Strict unethical standards

Sometimes, for brief periods when I am asleep or locked away in a cupboard.





God save the Queen.  And her subjects, who might need some divine intervention, in the decades of her reign.


What sort of fish?  Sustainably-sourced, I hope.




I did know at one point.  Maybe I forgot… it’s all such a long time ago.




Sometimes I wish English retained the distinction between familiar and formal modes of address.  I could try asking my domme to call me ‘thou’ but it just wouldn’t be the same.*

 This is the very lovely and French Ibicella.  She speaks English but, really, why would you want her to?



* Occasionally people ask me what my pronouns are.  To my embarrassment, I am forced to admit that I am not allowed any.

Why should it matter to us

if they don’t approve?


Why not both?

Thinking about her being clammy makes me clammy…

If you’re finding it difficult to relax, try explaining to her that you’d just rather she got a second opinion from a male dentist before drilling.  I’m sure she won’t mind.

Obviously.  Although it looks like it’s already got a lot of toppings, so maybe no need?

My SO sometimes forgets why she’s doing things even after starting.  The other day, we were about ten minutes into a judicial caning when she paused and confessed shamefacedly that she’d forgotten entirely what I was being beaten for!  How we laughed.  Later that day she remembered, fortunately, and she took the trouble to sort it out properly.

Despotic imagery

Wow.  My personal best is two and a half. Admittedly, I’ve only tried once.

Swings and roundabouts…

I expect there’ll be laughter and tears as well, to come.

Technically speaking, he’s actually the Right Honourable Pookie, QC.  But he doesn’t stand on ceremony, as you can probably tell.*

She’s always taken an interest in young, struggling actors.

* No, this is a different Pookie.

Sing when she’s winning


Scurry scurry scurry!



Much like his response to the question the priest will be asking him a little later.


I’ve occasionally asked my SO whether she’d consider putting me on obedience pills but weirdly she says she prefers an occasional bit of disobedience. Which is odd, because she always seems so cross about it… women, eh?




Even if he sued her and won, there’d be the question of damages and I think any competent (i.e. female) lawyer would advise that those would be derisory and purely token, at best.

It’s all part of growing up. 


Craven cravings


It’s not that Robert can’t do his own, obviously.  But you’re so much better at it than him – and so much worse at sex.  It just makes sense all round.


You’ll notice she hasn’t said you have to decide quickly, as she’s getting a lot of interest from other potential occupants?  That’s because she isn’t and anyway, she’s already decided.



A cover’s probably best.  They’re quite compassionate, the two of them, so having something unpleasant like that in sight could ruin what they had planned to be rather a special moment.



Ah… back in the time when the gimp suit came off at the end of the day. I miss that stage of our relationship, but times change, I suppose, and we move on.




It’s best not to quibble about the word ‘enjoy’.  It’s like the word ‘slavery’ – means different things to different people.

Inferior sex

It’s the only kind I’ve ever provided, according to my SO.  Although how she can come to such a firm judgement after only one (barely even one, technically speaking) occasion escapes me.  Oh well.

Dommes can be surprisingly clumsy, for such elegant goddesses. I once spent a few hours tied to a cross on the floor of a BDSM club and it was just astonishing how many ladies managed to walk into me.  And all from the same direction.

It’ll be all right on the day.  She’ll make sure of that.

If you read that caption and ended up feeling almost unbearable envy for Pookie, then you’re in the right place.

The lovely Maya Sin, who once slapped and humiliated Servitor for a few hours, providing much-needed certainty.  She seems temporarily(?) to have disappeared from the Internet but here is a page about her.

All of them?  Or should they come up in threes?

She had the right to remain silent, but I understand she waived it.

It’s savage and it’s cruel

And it shines like destruction.  Mistress Lennox, of course, and her beardy boy.

There’s an important difference.  Voyeurs get sexual gratification from watching other people have sex, while humiliation freaks get sexual gratification from not getting sexual gratification.

Unlike many wives, his wife doesn’t at all mind his going to strip clubs and suchlike with his mates.  She must be very open-minded.

Actually, I’m feeling a bit queasy.  Is that supposed to happen?

Easy mistake to make: most of their ponies are geldings already.  Surprising he’s lasted this long, really.  Maybe they’ve been busy.

Oh well.  It doesn’t hurt to ask, as long as she’s in a good mood.

She’s right, you know

 She just is.

SO once told me that it was on our honeymoon that I gave her the best
sex she’s ever experienced.  Which is a bit of luck, really, as you
never know what you’re going to get when you’re in a foreign place and
you don’t know the escort agencies well.

It’s only fair: she took his electric razor, when they split up, I understand.

Got there eventually.  Well done.  Now let’s talk about ironing pleats.

Don’t worry: he won’t allow himself to be improperly influenced.  Properly influenced, yes, certainly, possibly even vigorously influenced.  But no more than that.

Women, eh?  Sometimes you’re supposed to scream in agony, sometimes you’re supposed to stay silent.  How are we supposed to know?  I mean, unless they use ball-gags and stuff.

Unnecessary cruelty

But the world would be a grey and soul-less place if we only did things that were strictly ‘necessary’, don’t you think?  Sometimes we have to live a little.

Her leadership style is simultaneously ‘top down’ and ‘bottom up’ if you can imagine such a thing.*

He thought she’d bought them to present him masturbating.  But that turned out to be the other package she’d had delivered, the heavier one.

Financial domination is a rapidly-growing segment of the economy, in these difficult times.  It’s just a more efficient way of giving money to superior ladies, without having to go through all the nonsense of dressing up in fetish clothes, meeting them in person or in any way bothering them.

When you’ve had enough things slapsplained, oddly enough, you actually find it increasingly difficult to retain  information that has been imparted any other way.  After a really effective slapsplaining session, for instance, I am usually very well informed on the specific matter under discussion, but find it hard to remember my own name or where I am.

Why not both?  Freak pays and fucks off.  It’s a win-win-lose, which sounds ideal.

* Very, very long-term readers might notice that I made this joke once before, around 2012 or so, to which I can only reply ‘Have you ever considered getting a life?’**

** My own is largely unused, if anyone wants it.

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