I don’t worry about that. What I’d like to know is whether I’m in a pre-orgasmic state or not. As time passes, I worry I might not be.
In case you’re feeling anxious: she’s perfectly genuine in her disapproval of the methods employed by the Male Control Squad to deal with rebellious males. She and her friends have much better methods.
Oh well, there’s always next month as my SO likes to say.
I have two speeds: dawdling and scurrying. I’d scurry for her. Wouldn’t you?
Funny thought: if I did have a cuckolding fetish, I might be about to enjoy this even more than he does. Hee…hmmm. Anyway, I’ll get that beer.
As an extra, I’d just like to link once again to the site of the influential Mr Rogue-Hagen, who has been brightening our lives for decades with some very British femdom: Cruella. For a while now, his site has been giving away large photoshoot sets, some modern and some from the archives. No disrespect to the photographer or the ladies but I do prefer the older ones, even if the technical quality is lower. I doubt it’s a real reduction in the inherent quality, but you see these were the images I saw in the early 1990s when I first started buying porn. And it was before the Internet (except as a forum for discussing particle physics on bulletin boards) so there were few images around. And each one of these seared itself into my brain… I recall being so excited that I literally found it hard to breathe when opening up one of his magazines.
Anyway, it so happens that his latest upload is one of my all-time favourites from that period – ‘Guardess Julia’ (whom I believe to be a lady called Linda Leigh). So I encourage you all to go and have a look (well-managed boys will want to stop about halfway down the page, when she gets her top off, but there’s plenty of pictures before that which are thoroughly suitable). I encourage you even more strongly to try some of the things on his site that are not free, so as to give a little back and reward him for his wonderful work over all of these years. A femdom legend.