Romantic disdain

Women… sometimes they want you to scream hysterically, cry and beg for mercy, sometimes it’s just ‘annoying’.  My SO gave me 24 hard strokes with the cane yesterday and when I started shrieking and pleading frantically (on or maybe just before stroke number two, if I recall correctly) she told me she was ‘just not in the mood’.  I mean, at that point I was committed, you know?  It’s a physical thing for us guys… can’t just switch it off.

The frightening – truly terrifying – thing about assisting with any kind of competitive sport in OWK is that one of the Ladies has to lose.  They often don’t take it with good grace, you know.

Needless to say, inflicting this sort of public BDSM play on passing strangers is not OK.  And even worse when it’s in front of members of your family, as here.

The customer is always right.




The gimp hoods are going on in the later, private ceremony.  When you and flappy-ears take your real vows.



Smiles and tribulations


They say the best gift is a memorable experience.




Kind of her to help out.  You don’t often see that kind of neighbourliness these days, sadly.





Don’t worry – you’ll go quiet again long before they want to go to sleep.




As my SO likes to say – what could be more humiliating than being you, anyway?


Not forgetting ‘cock-sukking hor’ bit he added afterwards. Do you suppose all the words Raoul can spell correctly in English are synonyms for ‘penis’?  Honestly, I don’t see what she sees in him.


People can be so cruel

 Thank goodness.

Some people think that the life of a submissive is to be a mindless automaton, obeying orders with at most a muttered ‘yes, Mistress’.  But actually, there’s a lot of thought involved, not to mention worrying and sheer naked terror at possible consequences of thoughtlessness.



Julia?  Oh… she can be a bit difficult, but, y’know: I can’t complain.




That’s all right – plenty of time to learn.




Inmates at the prison camp – especially those convicted of sexism and similar offences – might be surprised to learn there are rules forbidding excessively harsh treatment.  But there are – and the proof is in the surprisingly high survival rates which are well over 80% for all but the most annoying inmates.  Personally I don’t approve of that kind of mollycoddling, but no one cares about my opinion.




It’s always a bit embarrassing for professional educators to meet their students outside the classroom.  That goes double for male educators meeting young female students, especially if it’s a hot day and the students’ feet are sweaty.

Dressed to oppress

Desires are OK.  You’re welcome to have desires.  But they’re not needs.


I don’t feel very masculine.  But then I never do.





OK, better humour her. I hope she does actually know the way, though – there’s nothing worse than asking someone on the street for directions, and you get into a conversation and it turns out they don’t really know.




She’s right, but even the saddest, loneliest life can be lit up by Joy.

Actually, she’s wrong about that – you don’t need to learn to control yourself, not now she’s around.

Formal disciplinary procedures

 I was once threatened with ‘formal disciplinary procedures’ by the Head of Human Resources at a company I was working for.  Needless to say, I initially misinterpreted her offer!  So it nearly got quite embarrassing but as soon as she explained that she wasn’t speaking about HR matters in a work context, but just wanted to put me across her lap and spank my naughty bottom, we both relaxed and ended up having rather a fun evening.


worry, it doesn’t stay that impersonal.  She has pet names for each of
her favourite interns – and for those she most dislikes, too, oddly

She likes to give direct feedback on her employees’ performance, so she’ll probably end up asking if she can borrow the remote.

Expensive things.  That’s why they call them ‘expenses’ after all.

Guys who sexualise and objectify women in a work context are the worst, aren’t they?  I’m glad I published this post, so I can make my views on that clear.

What a very understanding work environment.  Basically, they are creating an unsafe space just for you.  I hope you’ll be suitably grateful.

But I got what I deserved

Tried to hurt me but now I know.


Kinksters can sometimes be over-sensitive about when something might be considered ‘public play’.  Sometimes a slap in the face is just a slap, after all and sensible bystanders will realise that.




It never did matter much, to be honest, even before I started wearing the thing.




Oh, she shouldn’t worry.  Nothing creepy about enjoying the sight of an elegant pair of ladies’ shoes.  Or the taste of them, for that matter.

Thank goodness for that.  Words can cause real pain – as can bullwhips, too, obviously.



The thing about schoolgirls is not letting them know you’re afraid of them.  Make that mistake once and you’ll be doing a lot of homework for other people, believe me.

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