She’s also beautiful when she’s not angry

 … but it’s not quite as much fun.

You might find you get to like it.  Or you might not.  She doesn’t really care, so why should you?

Divine Mistress Heather and her divine feet and divine attitude.

When she says ‘using it’ she doesn’t mean… you know.  Not in public, that would be disgusting.  Anyway, it hasn’t been three months yet, has it?

She gets bored and loses track of time, poor thing.  I expect she’ll get better at it, eventually.

Sounds like she’s got a tough decision to take.  I hope it doesn’t keep her from having a good night’s sleep.

I expect you’ve been wondering how some glammed-up domme could simply walk into a police station, with a client in a pink latex dress, march straight past the officers on duty, put the client in a cell and walk out without anyone challenging her, right?  I certainly have been.  I guess we’ll never know.

Implacable taste

Let’s hope this little misunderstanding is sorted out quickly.  Fortunately, it looks like she’s on the case.



She’ll rearrange you till you’re sane.  Or not.





Why are consequences never nice consequences?  I once asked my SO that, but she just laughed and hit me in the face. 




He’s actually called Trent but thank goodness he’s around, anyway – one less thing to worry about on the big day.

Just a fantasy, obviously.  She is far too professional for any such an on-screen slip-up in real life.  The guy on the right seems like rather a forward young man, don’t you think?

Misfortunate males

Oh dear, not again.  You’d think she’d have learnt to be more careful by now.




My SO promised me, when she brought out my first little maid’s dress that if it ever became too humiliating, I could take it off.  So far, apparently it never has – in fact, she generally thinks it’s not humiliating enough – so we’ve not really tested that, but it’s good to know.  Safeguards are important.



Respect is very important in a marriage.

Young people in love can be so romantic… let’s hope he gets out of their way quickly.

This humble slave once assumed ‘supplication position #3’ to ask its revered and powerful Mistress whether She would gracefully consent to granting Her humble slave the precious gift of a high-protocol BDSM relationship, but she just told it to fuck off and stop being so irritating.







Oral displeasure

I think it’s only fair to point out that this young lady has actually signed a Mistress-Slave agreement ruling out any humiliating D/S play in public.  But not with you.  Go on – don’t keep her waiting.




Or she could put yet another hood over that one.  My SO loves to wrap me in layer after layer of latex hood and we play ‘find the air-hole’, which is a bit like ‘pass the parcel’ but with a strict time limit.




Your feelings do matter, obviously.  Just not to her.  Or Daniel.



It’ll be fine.  Dr Franley’s patients rarely complain.


Don’t get into one of those Mars/Venus misunderstandings by interpreting her words literally, OK?  I mean, she wants a present tomorrow too, obviously.







Unreasonable demands

She’s embarrassed now… but don’t worry, she has coping techniques for that.




Now come on – man up.  Remember what you all discussed at the last encounter group?  No, no I don’t mean the bit about ironing pleats – about standing up to your wives?  Yeah?  Right then.  Hang on – where are you going?  You can’t stand up to her on your knees!  Oh for goodness’ sake…



My SO and I have a consensual relationship.  I didn’t want to but she insisted.

They’d starve to death, I expect.  I mean, more of them would than when the Ladies actually are there, anyway.




This photo is actually a rather sophisticated optical illusion.  Many men, seeing it for the first time, don’t notice the slice of pizza, the big red cup, the bottles of water or the coffee maker – even after staring at it for hours.  Something to do with how the brain processes images, I understand.


Correct me if I’m wrong…

 … or if I’m right, for that matter.

Another year, more of the same.  Here we go.

Three and a half men, then.

Some people have complicated femdom fantasies.  Others just have simple femdom realities.

Here – have you heard this one?  Why did the blonde in charge of the Sexist Detention Centre press the red button in her office?  To give all the inmates a series of agonising electric shocks!  OK, you might not think it funny but, believe me, she does.

She’s not really a believer in unisex fashion, you see.

Don’t get her wrong – she’s prepared to accept there’s plenty of room for improvement in the relationship.  Just not in anything she does.

Sustained abjection

Thank goodness for that.  Well… thank Mistress Magda, anyway.



Tom’s looking forward to their feedback.




Or a card game.  ‘Pairs’ springs to mind, for instance.


It’s good when people feel they can share about their private life with co-workers.

Don’t worry – he’s not as bad at it.  Just bad.





Unethical statements

Both, probably.



She’ll have to break me first…. eeek!




Yes, doing the little dance routine should definitely help with the feeling of humiliation.




I’m never sure whether I prefer sand or seaweed for my punishment meals when we’re at the beach.  Not that I actually get to choose, of course.


No harm done.  Sissy didn’t need those knees.






Just so there’s no misunderstanding.




Oh dear.  I hope she gets over the embarrassment quickly.




Don’t worry about the whip – her aim’s terrible when she’s a bit sloshed, so you should be fine.




Her colleague Tanya’s not quite so talkative – but don’t worry, she’ll look after you.



This just gets better and better – first bondage, now she’s phoning a sexy friend and by the sound of it roast turkey when you’ve finished!  And people worry about going off for bondage scenes with complete strangers.


Terror the human form divine

A family friend was branded by a Canadian domme.  He kicked up a bit of a fuss when she started on the French translation, but ‘la loi c’est la loi’, I guess. 



He’s sulky because when they have guests around he’s usually allowed to stay up.  But after she had to deal with a tantrum at their last dinner party, she’s decided not to risk it.





Don’t forget to look super-relaxed.

A few hours spent torturing a male doesn’t make a lesbian relationship any less vanilla, any more than cuddling together in front of the TV with a box of chocolates makes them choco-fetishists. 



I’m sure you don’t mind – you married her for her personality, not her looks, right?  And she certainly has a very strong personality.





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