Harsh unreality

Many women are actually very good at verbal humiliation play without even realising it, in my experience.


Don’t forget to shout out your safeword if it all gets too much.  Fire ant play can be quite intense.



He reports to the Chief Prison Inspector for the region, who in turn reports to his wife – whose lover by curious chance, is the Governess of this facility.  But they are all scrupulously independent.




Sookie was doing well this month: got to day 3 without any class 1 faults.  That’s a record.




It might be a while – she has a very high tolerance for pain.




(Oh, and I just thought you might like to see a picture of the Prime Minister of Finland.)


Actually, speaking of politics (as fetish porn blogs so often will), the British Tory party has another opportunity to opt for the smack of firm government and elect Penny Mordaunt.  Let’s hope they know what’s good for them this time.

Misfortunate males

Oh dear, not again.  You’d think she’d have learnt to be more careful by now.




My SO promised me, when she brought out my first little maid’s dress that if it ever became too humiliating, I could take it off.  So far, apparently it never has – in fact, she generally thinks it’s not humiliating enough – so we’ve not really tested that, but it’s good to know.  Safeguards are important.



Respect is very important in a marriage.

Young people in love can be so romantic… let’s hope he gets out of their way quickly.

This humble slave once assumed ‘supplication position #3’ to ask its revered and powerful Mistress whether She would gracefully consent to granting Her humble slave the precious gift of a high-protocol BDSM relationship, but she just told it to fuck off and stop being so irritating.







Unethical statements

Both, probably.



She’ll have to break me first…. eeek!




Yes, doing the little dance routine should definitely help with the feeling of humiliation.




I’m never sure whether I prefer sand or seaweed for my punishment meals when we’re at the beach.  Not that I actually get to choose, of course.


No harm done.  Sissy didn’t need those knees.





Terror the human form divine

A family friend was branded by a Canadian domme.  He kicked up a bit of a fuss when she started on the French translation, but ‘la loi c’est la loi’, I guess. 



He’s sulky because when they have guests around he’s usually allowed to stay up.  But after she had to deal with a tantrum at their last dinner party, she’s decided not to risk it.





Don’t forget to look super-relaxed.

A few hours spent torturing a male doesn’t make a lesbian relationship any less vanilla, any more than cuddling together in front of the TV with a box of chocolates makes them choco-fetishists. 



I’m sure you don’t mind – you married her for her personality, not her looks, right?  And she certainly has a very strong personality.





A total portrait with no omissions

 The divine Ms Harry, for contemplation and worship.


Sometimes she’s in the mood for screaming and frantic pleading but right now she’s trying to enjoy her book, so just keep it down, hmm?




She can show you both heaven and hell – as, to be fair, can the priest but in a very different way.

See?  Cruella’s not all about bleak post-industrial settings.  This photo-shoot’s in a bleak pre-industrial setting and a refreshing change it is too.



Don’t you just hate being the third one on a date?  I do – but she doesn’t seem to care.




Go on – not many kinksters get to live out their fantasies in reality.


Mine’s ‘maggot’, by a curious coincidence.  But can readers of this blog keep that to themselves, please?  You can’t be too careful these days.  Fortunately my SO is the only one who knows the really important passwords, like the one for our bank account.  I wonder what these two need yours for? Still… best not to argue.










Beauty and some beasts


In some great literature, the characters form lasting attachments. In snip-lit, it’s usually the opposite.



It’s good that he’s supporting her artistic development – and she his.


Trevor’s the one on the left.  You might think, looking at him, that he’s made quite a few ‘noble gestures’ lately, but in fact it’s just that his work shift on the treadmill happened to coincide with Madame Sarka’s turn to be overseer.

Or it might not.  It’s really not going to affect things either way, to be honest.

I think it’s horrible when people abuse riding crops by using them on horses.







Contemptuous liaisons


Looks like only one person in this relationship is making any effort.  That’s not a formula for long-term happiness.



Why are so many women so imprecise when it comes to numbers?  They say things like “only for a few hours” , “in a few weeks’ time”, “a few dozen, and then maybe the same on your thighs”…  when did ‘few’ start to have such painful connotations?




She’s a perfectionist.  I hope you are, too.




The teddy bear is only a temporary expedient while she buys you a blow-up sex doll.  She’s just trying to choose between the ‘Sven’ and ‘Muscle Man’ models.


She makes a compelling argument, you have to admit.









You’ll find her arguments compelling, I guarantee it.






I know that some subs who are subject to strict speech rules rather resent them, but personally I really can’t complain.





That Clause 17(b) is a tricky one, particularly as it is written in an obscure regional dialect of Czech.  But it’s very useful.




And if you want something to take your mind off the pain, try letting yourself be overwhelmed by the frustration of a lifetime in chastity.  See – it’s a kind of virtuous circle.

Or higher.  Whatever.


Unforced feminisation

My SO looked a bit worried when I asked her to ‘feminise’ me.  She gently explained that no matter how hard I tried, I’d never make a convincing woman.  Even if I were to try to mimic feminine behaviour such as intelligence, competence, courage and leadership, I simply could not get away with it.  So obviously she was immensely relieved when I explained that all I meant was that I wanted to be dressed in a frilly pink dress and ordered to flounce around with a pout on my excessively made-up face.  I was soon happily across her lap having my naughty little knickered bottom spanked and shrieking like a little girl, so that was all right.

I don’t think I’d want to be a real woman anyway.  Too much responsibility.  And not enough chores.


Don’t you just hate it when you’re sent off to play with other sissies?  They can be so self-centred and immature. I’d rather just flounce about in front of Mistress, showing off my frillies.  Perhaps I should try having a tantrum about it.





She looks lovely in it.  And you’ll look lovely ironing it, too.



Actually, quite a lot of things taste a bit shoey to me right now, but that’s because for obvious health reasons I’m wearing the mask she made me most of the time, so it’s if the world were made of stinky socks.  I’m not saying that’s a bad thing…




Don’t worry about looking foolish when you’re doing the little dance.  Most of the passers-by probably won’t know what the moves and actions are supposed to be anyway. I’m sure they’ll find it amusing, though, and that’s the most important thing.




Rather like me, this gentleman makes an unconvincing woman, exhibiting as he does stereotypical male behaviour such as whining, laziness and cowardliness.  Fortunately, Her Maj has ways of dealing with those.










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