Oppressive domesticity

…it’s the best sort.

Some wives can be so possessive… probably best to humour her.  Maybe she’ll get it out of her system some day.

Looks like she needs to make a choice.  You’re her husband, that should count for something, surely?

Wouldn’t want it to be too easy.

After a busy day’s housework I once asked my SO what she’d do without me – I mean, I can’t imagine her doing the ironing or the washing up!  “Get another one, just like last time”, apparently.

Well, I’m glad she had a proper massage.  My own masseur seemed to have entirely the wrong idea about what I was after – left me feeling quite stiff and sore, to be honest.

Girlish brutality

Speaking of which, I thought I’d just share with a little thing that happened to me yesterday – in real life, I mean, not ‘Servitor’ life.

So I was leaving Starbucks (in Paris) and there was this young woman coming in, so I held the door open for her and vaguely smiled as she went past, as you do.  And you know, she didn’t acknowledge me?  Not even a nod, just strode through, head held high, ignoring me as if I were merely part of the furniture.

I mean, can you believe some people?

I thought about that all day.  Wonderful!  What bliss it is to be alive, and all that.

Anyway, true story.  Now on with the stuff that isn’t.

Subsequently twice married to a billionaire, this one. Not bad, is it? The same billionaire twice, I mean, not two billionaires.  I don’t suppose he got the hockey stick treatment… but you never know, he might have done.

Don’t forget to include a little gift (or, better, a large one) in your thank-you email, so she’ll know you mean it.

Mistress is cleverer than you.  Do try to remember that, OK sweetie?  I know it’s not easy, remembering stuff.



He still screams of course – in fact, these days he often starts screaming before they even start, as he knows what’s coming.  But it’s lost that element of surprise, that’s all she’s saying. Time for a bit of a change.

The very idea!  He’s got a lot to learn.


I suppose it’s polite to ask, but really she should just make herself at home.


He looks pretty trustworthy to me.  You’ll be fine.  Just think about something else for 20 minutes.



No, she’s not particular.  Well…she is, obviously.  Just not about that sort of thing.


See?  There’s always a solution if you just talk it out.  It’s like the time I finally told my SO I was finding our ‘lifestyle’ a bit difficult and in just a few minutes ‘talking it through’ we hit on the solution of shutting the fuck up and never complaining to her again.  So simple, in retrospect and it’s avoided so many problems since.



She’s definitely going to go down there and check he’s OK, though.  There’s just something she needs to do first, that’s all.



Warning: immature content

 Don’t proceed past this point if you’re offended by implicit sexual imagery.


Some women won’t even let men know they’re upset.  I’m glad she’s being so forthright.

I think she’d be good at humiliation play, don’t you?  She could build on her knowledge of real clients who want real sex – and draw a few sharp comparisons.

It’s a natural gift.  That and practice.  And a lot of Gaviscon, if I’m honest with myself.

Actually, this reminds me of yet another depressing contrast between fantasy and reality I encountered in one of the very first times I sessioned with a domme, having been too nervous to do so, for many years.  (NB: don’t be like this guy!  Contact a domme!  It’ll be lovely; she’ll be lovely!).  With the wonderful lady, now retired, who stars as ‘Mistress Valerie’ in my early stories.  ANY-way, so back then she smoked (then she gave up – clever, strong Mistress).  So I did the human ashtray thing – wow, yeah, ash flicked into my mouth!  Oh the humiliation!  And then she gave me a near-finished cigarette butt to eat, and eager Servitor chewed and swallowed and… and… spent the remaining hour of that two hour session, with stomach churning, heart racing from the nicotine and generally feeling like he would soooo rather be somewhere else.  Oh well.  Did it once.  Thank you, Mistress. 

Rather like other much-maligned minorities, lesbians who happen to have jobs that involve castrating men often lean into the stereotype by embracing the otherwise offensive phrase.  One of Jennifer’s co-workers likes to wear a badge saying “Warning: castrating lesbian”.  It breaks the ice at parties and she does get served very quickly in bars. But she also has to explain to women who are annoyed with their husbands or boyfriends that she can only do it within the legal framework… unless they’re really cute wives and and girlfriends, in which case she’s been known to make an exception.

No, I just wanted to spend a few more seconds staring into those eyes…

Describable agonies

Finally treated as a grown-up!  Looks like all that pleading and whining paid off.

So do I.  That’s why I run this blog.

See, the thing about chastity routines is all those little ‘fines’ and ‘extras’ can really add up.  I’m supposed to be on monthly release but sometimes I can go six months without, what with one thing or another.  And apparently asking what I am being fined for is ‘impertinence’ for which I get an additional three months !  Sometimes it just doesn’t seem fair, although I’m sure she intends it to be.

No, not that kind of cage.  The sort you live in.  Permanently, it would seem.  Interesting philosophical question: if a door is welded shut, is it still a ‘door’?  Something to think about, eh?  You’ll have plenty of time…

I was once told ‘be careful what you wish for’ in femdom but I’ve never really understood why.  I mean I fervently, desperately wish she’d stop whipping me, most days, or I wish in increasing frustration for sexual release.  Neither wish has the slightest effect, so I really don’t see the harm in it.

Mocking the weak

 Some scenes we’d like to see.

Reminds me of my very first date… the girl I was with kept on comparing my penis size with that of this other guy she knew.  Or maybe she’d never met him before… I don’t know actually.  He was a bit embarrassed about the whole situation, but she offered him a blow job so he went along with it.

Now you are an grown man and have put childish things behind you.   Haven’t you?

There are lots of things I’m better at than I am at sex.  In fact, almost an infinite number.

Oh I don’t know.  Seems to me to have done pretty well.  Anyway, you never know, they might get back together now they’ve found a modus vivandi.

Plenty of orgasms in that household. Does one more or less per month really make that much of a difference?

Maleness, managed

Some might say it’s not quite summer yet, so it’s a bit early to be putting him outside for the night, but she says the fresh air’s good for him.

It’s the extras that really define how well a marriage will work.  This one looks strong.


Har de har har.  Sorry about that.




Always a bit embarrassing to meet an old flame, but she’s making the effort so you should too.


You know, her relationship with Raoul would probably break down completely if you weren’t around.  Well done you.









Her opinion matters

It does – like many other men, I discovered early on in married life how much pain can be caused by not listening carefully enough to my partner’s concerns.



Hmm.  It’s hardly surprising they don’t send her the best boys they have, if she keeps on breaking them.  But I don’t want to be the one to tell her that.



Unnecessary rudeness can leave such a nasty taste in the mouth.



Mistress wants her slave to put his clothes back on – quietly now! – tiptoe off to the dungeon door and silently fuck off.  There’s a good boy.




It’s good they’re all labelled because the faces usually get a bit messed up and hard to recognise, particularly those who were married when they arrived.



Try not to judge her too harshly.  He is very annoying.






True love’s first slap

She’s vegan because she can’t abide cruelty, except under carefully-controlled conditions.  Her blonde friend there isn’t so fastidious, so I’ve heard.


It can be quite tedious for our superiors, having to wait to let the dread build up. Thank goodness she has someone to keep her company,



There’s such a gap between language and reality, the way men talk about sex.  Like – a guy might say that he’s got something hard between his legs but I’ll bet it’s nothing like as hard as what I’ve got between mine.


For a long time, I can honestly claim I had ‘never had any complaints’ from women, sexually speaking, but then there was the shocking experience of my first date. Still, so far only one woman has ever actually told me on the basis of experience that I’m bad at sex, all the others have just played it safe.



I can’t imagine how he was expecting to get through passport control, naked with his wrists shackled behind him to a wooden bar locked around his bollocks.  I mean, he doesn’t even have proof of his posiitve PCR test.





Unrestrained elegance

A truly service-oriented submissive would have one ready, anticipating her needs.




They say Paris is the city of lovers.  Maybe she’ll have a several, while you’re there.



Don’t worry, the whip’s just for show.  Well… I mean, it’s mainly for the slaveboy, obviously.  But in this context, it’s mainly for show.




You’re very much at the bottom end of it, obviously, but part of the family nonetheless.

Skirts are much more convenient, as I can personally attest.


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