When sorry is the hardest word to shriek

It’s not really ‘permanent’ damage anyway, is it?  I mean, not permanent permanent.  Just to the end of the boy’s life, which is obviously less for the older, over-25 models. Quite a lot less, in some cases.

I’m sure she’ll let them know when she’s good and ready.

Masturbating while looking at pictures of her on the Internet definitely puts you on her fail list too. Sorry.
Hmm… Haven’t heard anything about kissing the bride, yet. Perhaps that’s the surprise she has in mind.
Unfortunately, the thing I’m best at is quaking in fear.  And she doesn’t seem to want that.  Not for this role, anyway.

Negative feedback

It’s the only sort I get.

Interestingly, adult babies and other submissive employees are explicitly excluded from the provisions of the staff handbook relating to discrimination, bullying and abuse.

It also means she has two boxes of chocolates to throw away instead of one.
The rest of the room is decorated in the same style.
Many men would pay a lot of money for that sort of experience.  Not all their money, as he will, admittedly. But a lot.
Phew.  I was beginning to think I was going to have to get through this alone.  Talking about how sexually frustrated I feel, with a bunch of other men, is going to help a lot.

The weakness in me

If only you could afford her.

The claustrophobes are the easiest to deal with.  They just go in the box: no need for spiders, snakes or anything.

Who needs a fetish club when you can get what you need at home?

Vows.  That’s what’s next.  Lots of vows.

People are her greatest assets.

That would be funny…

… if it weren’t so sad.

Actually, there’s a perfectly simple explanation. Just tell her you’re a pervert.

You can get quite sweaty dressed up like that.  Hope the other guests have brought plenty of liquids.

Hee hee. Brad might think he’s her favourite lover, but she doesn’t put the spotty socks on for him, does she?  I know where her true affections lie.  Anyway, better get on with it, there’s ironing to do (yum!).
Very true. We each have our special skill. Mine is ‘incompetence’.
Blubbolow fllabbo ploh?

Fragile masculinity

…and that’s a precious thing, because – oops!  Dropped it.  Oh well.  I never really used it anyway.  I’ll fetch a dustpan and brush, shall I, Ma’am?

Now that sounds like a man who’s strong enough to say sorry.

We hold these truths to be self-evident.  That all men are created feral.

Perhaps if you save up, you could buy her time for an evening or something. On your wedding anniversary, for example.  That would be a nice gesture.

Divorce in haste, repent at leisure.  The positive thing is that he’s actually still seeing quite a lot of his wife, which I think is very healthy.


It’s called ‘I dare you even to think about not telling the truth, you devious little brat.’

Women beat their men

Animals watch beyond the fire.

Don’t worry, they’re quite uncomfortable for her too, so this part of the session shouldn’t last more than 45 minutes or so.

I’d scream for Keira, nightly if she wanted me to.

Well, I hope it’s still summer, if we’re going to play outside again.

They have lots of good ideas for taking all the hard work out of BDSM too – or at least, making someone else do it.

Must be nice not to have to worry about limits and all that nonsense.

It’s savage and it’s cruel

And it shines like destruction.

Sometimes without even noticing they exist.
The previews of the show are incredibly positive.  “Massively talented”, “Genius”, “Art’s new guru”. She’s certainly done something to impress the critics.

As I’ve mentioned before, I think men with an interest in maledom could learn a lot from a dominant woman with the right approach.

Tsk. That’s no comfort.  They’re usually so interested in each other, they might forget about me for days at a time.

I suppose the neck belt might interest someone.  And the very clean decor.

Mistress of arts

Women, eh? You can’t just straight-out discuss something, she has to set up the whole situation just right to ‘discuss it’. Oh well.  Better humour her.

That’s a very wide hole. Still, maybe there are some guys who need that.  Not jealous…

Phew.  That could have gone quite badly.  Remember the time you bought that fur coat in the wrong shade of silver?
I wonder if in the years to come, he’ll regret not having signed more forms?  After all, it’s not going to be easy to sign anything, when she’s done with him.
 This of course is the sweet and kindly Mistress Jo, of Cruella and British Institution fame.  She’s just a softie really.
That’s something we’ve seen a lot of this year – this contemptuous attitude to ‘experts’.  She could easily double the efficiency of the plant by not sitting on it, for example, but you just try telling her that…

Before you start, you’re already beat

She’s going to play you for a fool, yes it’s true.

I wouldn’t mind.  Not that anyone would care whether I did or not.
If you’re still worried that there might be gay sex involved somewhere, they’ve offered to sign a written agreement that under no circumstances will you engage in any sexual activity of any sort, ever.  OK?  So: that’s all right.

I think it’s good that she still plays with her former boyfriends occasionally.  The ones she hasn’t broken, anyway.
  This was, and is, the lovely Mistress Mina Thorne who I am sure is a perfect professional and would never do anything even the teensiest bit non-consensual, unless you asked her to.  Asked very nicely. But she does have a delightfully wicked smile so I keep featuring images of her doing evil things.

You’ve got to learn to pick up on these little signals now you’re married. Guys: the gag means she doesn’t want to hear it, OK?
I like this one a lot… S.

New year, same old nonsense

Welcome back. Hope you enjoyed the extra captions over the 12 days (or possibly the first 11 days if you’ve been reading the comments sections too) of Christmas. 

Back to normal now, though – twice a week is all you get.  Ooh-er, sounds bit rude!

They practice mindfulness too.  That involves thinking very very hard about what’s about to happen when your skin won’t stretch any further.

Might take quite a while to do penance for all of the sins during those five years of freedom.  Still – there’s the rest of your life.


I’m a member of their frequent shriekers’ club.


Of course, it wasn’t like that when she bought the house.  There was no flowering bush behind the gimp feature – in fact, the garden was mostly just gimps all over.  Much more colourful this way.




Or – on  most occasions – participate.

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