Simply divine, darling

It’s always such a relief when finally the boxes are all unpacked, there’s a chain the right length in each room, all the pillories and cages have been assembled and you can get back to ordinary married life, for goodness sake.

She’s always taken roleplay very seriously. They tried medical fetish play once and it didn’t turn out well.

Making a decision of my own free will, to do exactly whatever she has told me, immediately, is the secret to a happy life I find.
Oh, you’ve already promised to honour and obey him, so adding love to the mix doesn’t change much.

The truth will not set you free.

Domestic violence

I want readers of this blog to be quite clear: I am totally opposed to domestic violence.  Luckily for me, She isn’t.

She’s not a morning person.  Nor was he before he got married, come to think of it.

Jean and Roger are pretty cool, for a couple in their late 70s, huh?

Mnemonics very easily make juvenile subbies utterly nervous.

I suppose a tip is out of the question?
 The wonderful Lexi Sindel of course, who can be observed from a suitably safe distance at English Mansion and Femdom Empire, amongst other places.

Divorce can be a painful process.

Domesticated bliss

Actually: confession time. I, servitor, am not actually into femdom at all. It’s all a cruel punishment perpetrated upon me by an evil woman who forces me to spend hours each week scouring the internet for pictures of ladies in leather boots, or holding canes – which don’t excite me at all! – and write silly captions on them. Oh, the torment.

Well, these things matter, y’know?  Sure, Kurt’s main priority right now is to spend the night fucking your wife like a piledriver.  But in the morning, he’s going to want a nice fresh pair of briefs to pull over his aching cock, amiright?

My SO, a few of her friends and I played this game with a tattoo pen once.  Goodness, we laughed!  Some of us.

Would it be to make a banana smoothie?

Cultural norms can vary a lot, even within the same country. At the office where I work, for example, I’m allowed on the furniture and to drink water without asking permission.


It’s good to live in a comunity united around a shared interest.

Her feelings matter, remember.  A lot.


I’d reach for ‘Polite dissenting opinion No 1’ but ‘we’ decided to remove it from the approved list.

It’s a good idea to wear a lot of pink, to avoid being mistaken for a feral male. Ferals hate wearing pink – especially frilly lacy things.

Aww… sweet.  My own SO asked me how I’d like her to remember me and I suggested an alarm on her phone, every month when it’s time to change the straw. It’s working out pretty well.

She looked me up and down and really put me in my place

She said: “Nice legs, shame about your face.”

Been revisiting the music of my teenage years.  Although to be honest this one provides a rather more accurate picture of my dating experience. And this one is just timeless, as far as I’m concerned.

Actually, as a former investment banker he’d probably be better at handling the financial negotiations himself.  But they each have their own role in the business, I suppose.

I hate it when that happens.  But then I hate it when it doesn’t, too.  You know?

He used to be a client.  A lot of the stuff that’s lying around did.  Some of the leather coverings too, if we’re brutally honest about things.

Especially with her reading circle coming round to discuss it that very evening.

That’s good. Because when Madame Svetlana is displeased, very regrettable things happen.

Devotional abuse

I’m sure she’s very fair-minded.
The wonderful Eleise de Lacy, whom I had the immense privilege of meeting a few months ago.  As extraordinary, beautiful and creative in person as she seems in the brilliant Femme Fatale videos.


And afterwards… especially afterwards.
Hmmm.  What a bit of luck to catch you cheating on her just as she was next to a shop selling whips! 


Just one less thing to worry about.


You’d better.



Humbled in her presence


I wonder what other duties the servants carry out for her?


It’s always his fault.  That’s quite important.


Make him what?  Eat pond scum from the bottom and thank you for it, with a smile on his face? Yes, of course you can.
Actually, Jenny isn’t that into lesbianism. But she likes having her flat cleaned and all the laundry done so she puts up with it once a week.


And she’s got the whole morning, so she can take whatever time it needs.

You can get more with a harsh word and a whip

… than you can with just a harsh word.  To misquote Al Capone.

Femdom objectification
And perhaps not.  It really doesn’t have any say in the matter anyway.

Boxed slave
I wonder what’s in the box?

Caning mistress
Very practical.

Double domme
Anyway, it’s not really a problem if he does suffocate: she’ll still come.

She has my attention already.

Servitor says: new widget!   Try the new lucky dip feature, over to the right there.

Some of them want to abuse you

and the rest don’t really, but they’ll probably have a go if there’s nothing else to do.

Anyway, you need to go to bed early so you can get up in time to do all your chores, right?

If you survive the mixing process, you’ll be encased in concrete forever.  What’s not to like?

Just routine.  Nothing to worry about.

Actually, I had a similar experience a year or so ago.  My doctor put me on a course of pain-killers, just before I was due to visit my Significant Other.  A bit pointless, really.

It’s partly that he doesn’t see new people very often, of course.

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