Kiss the boys or make them cry

 or both, even.

Nervous young husbands might want to check out Servitor’s old series ‘Seven Secrets of a Happy Marriage‘ which contains about 30 pieces of advice, each one of them as accurate and helpful as the title proclaiming there will be ‘seven’.

Women can often be oddly protective of their shoes, can’t they?  And their panties too, in my experience.  Just ask any of the women in my neighbourhood, or the judge in my court case for that matter.  There’s probably an over-protective, nurturing, nest-building sort of impulse behind it, I expect.  The neighbours I mean, not the judge – she was just doing her job, except when she made me do that little dance dressed up and frillied in front of the court.  Happy days… where was I?  Oh yes.

Fake it to make it and escape it.



Anyway, you look so cute taking little steps, with the bells hanging from your nipple clamps going jingle jingle jingle.



If you think the client in question is behaving in a humiliating way, wanking off looking at this lovely lady but not allowed to touch her or her clothing… what does that say about what you’re doing, right now?  Hmm?



Womanly vices

Sure she can.  Lucy doesn’t mind a few bruises on her toys – if anything, it can make them even more sensitive.


She finds it pretty annoying working for a male CEO, actually, which is why it’s so important that she can talk through her day and work off some of those frustrations when she gets home.



A bit more lube, maybe?


It’s as if your pain receptors are directly linked to the pleasure centres of her brain.  It’s great when a couple just ‘clicks’ like that.

He didn’t have the nerve to ask whether she allows her clients ‘happy endings’ but she does – specifically, she unties them and lets them limp away.


Oppressive unreality


That seems very fair.  In the early days of our marriage my SO would occasionally let me vote on things, although of course she had the tiebreaking vote in case of a 1-1 outcome.  It made me feel empowered and valued, which is presumably why she stopped doing it.


No mother-in-law jokes, please – she has many sterling qualities (firmness, willpower, attention to detail) but unfortunately ‘a sense of humour’ is not one of them.



Fortunately, there are plenty of male disciplinary jobs in the new Matriarchy for former sex-workers – oddly enough, it’s the vanilla ones who’ve been most enthusiastic about it.




Don’t worry: Mistress won’t let her hurt you without good cause.


And if you did mind, it really wouldn’t matter.







Shame game

Fine, but I’m not putting his condom on for him this time.  I have my pride.



Don’t worry – the guys might think you look silly at first, but I’m sure they’ll be impressed when you go into your dance routine.





For a while my orgasm day was 29 February, but ‘we’ decided to stop all that, as it was getting a bit repetitive and predictable.




Women and knots, eh?  Bless ’em.

Which is a bit unfair if you have a fetish for being humiliatingly searched by ladies in positions of authority.  Oh well, at least she’s not wearing her uniform, so there’s a chance.




It started with a slap


Damn.  Maybe she gets more practice than you do… but then life doesn’t always have to be fair.




Bad in a good way, I hope.  And good in a bad one.






I think it’s great when wives respect their husbands enough to want to talk things through and hear their opinions, before taking important decisions.



They say being able to make women laugh is a great gift.

That’s another admirable characteristic in a partner: not being afraid to tackle the really painful stuff in the relationship.



It feels so wrong it must be right


You’d thing she’d at least bother to write a fresh one, instead of bringing out the same piece of paper every time.  This is how marriages go stale, you know.




They’re probably thinking that with so many slaves to deal with simultaneously, it won’t be so bad for any one of them.  They’d be wrong about that, but it’s a comforting thought while they wait.



If she has to say no, you have to wait.  Or even if she doesn’t have to, but wants to anyway.




It’s good she’s stepping in to help with the scheduling.  My SO sometimes says she despairs of finding enough time for all of the punishment that I deserve, but somehow she always manages, bless her.



She’s actually done quite a few things that – when he finds out about them – he will consider to be very easy to criticise.  But he won’t be permitted to do so.


And I’ll be (your sharp intake of breath)

 Mistress Lennox, of course… and that beardy bloke called Dave.

‘Ideas’ in the same sense that Pinterest sends me emails suggesting I check out ‘ideas’ about boots, corsets or traditional girls’ school uniforms.  And chickens, oddly enough.

Those vanilla passengers can be rather tiresome.  Fortunately one encounters fewer of them, these days.

I have a limited skill set, unfortunately.  And I’m rubbish at it.

Don’t worry – lots of bridegrooms feel a bit nervous on the big day.  None of the guests are likely to realise how well-founded your fears actually are.

It’s an arguable case, legally, or at least it would be were anyone in a position to argue about it.  Which they won’t be, obviously.

When a boy loves a woman

He’d give up all his comforts and sleep out in the rain, if she said that’s the way it ought to be.

Free healthcare?
Perhaps you could charm her into giving you a free drink.
Any man complaining about how frustrated he feels in chastity is just missing the point.  Still: the wives are involved now, so things should get back on track.
Music has charms.  So does she.
No rush.  He can stay like that for a long time.  Let’s talk through those options.

To wear that ball and chain

It’s been the ruin of many a poor boy.

She has.  Twice already just this week, actually.

Can’t disagree with that.

He’s actually going to be hotter here at home than she is on the beach, oddly enough.
She volunteered for the sexual crimes squad. Said she wanted to give something back.

Yeah… yeah.  Just pretend.  It’s fine.  Go with it.

Deeply indebted to her

…but she sometimes lets me off the monthly interest if I consent to one of the ‘special’ games she likes to play.  It’s quite an incentive to keep the payments up, actually.

Don’t worry about a thing. I’ve heard you can see the sea from the bar they’re planning to spend the afternoon in, so I’m sure they’ll notice if the tide comes a bit further up than they were expecting.

Hmmm… it’s almost like they’re in a – what’s the word?  Predicament.

What can it mean?  I don’t know… I just work here.
Consent is very important in BDSM.  My SO absolutely insists on it.

Ah well.  Nearly got a freebie there.  You know… I was playing SPH humiliation scenes years before I knew that was a thing.  I just called it ‘dating’.

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