Dressed to repress


She’s actually very tolerant – it takes a lot to get her to lose her temper. Backchat, obviously.  Disobedience too… and laziness, of course, as well as forgetfulness and ingratitude. Anyway, what I’m saying is that you’ll quite often find yourself not being slapped, even when there might be cause to, so there’s really very little to complain about when you are. Even if she permitted complaining.  Which she doesn’t.




Yeah, first gay sex experience is always going to be a bit daunting.   Once you get through that first time, you can just relax and enjoy the rest of the evening. It won’t be long before you’re a very experienced player, having enjoyed so many sex partners, you’ll have forgotten that just a few hours before you were a virgin. 



Sounds fun… expensive, but worth it.



I found I simply didn’t have time for TV sports any more, after getting married. Busy busy busy.



Toss a coin?






Scream queens

I never went trick-or-treating as a child – it was just an American thing in those days – but it’s everywhere now.  We often get complimented on how much effort we’ve made to make the house look like a spooky haunted house of torture and pain, but really it’s just the outdoor summer toys (which are occasionally used in winter too, when I’ve been particularly bad).  Halloween does have the advantage of being the evening on which I can answer the door without having to conceal my chains, I suppose, which is nice.

Nothing terribly spooky about today’s captions, I’m afraid, but I’ve tried to choose some at the darker end of what is already rather a sombre spectrum. 

Well, I think that’s disgraceful.  She shouldn’t have taken the veil if she doesn’t believe in it.  It should be a spiritual calling, not just an excuse for hot latex-clad lesbian sex while torturing naked males. Too many people just do religion for the ritual, to my mind.



Ooh – like a college reunion?  I wonder what activities they’ve got planned.

“Erm… oh gosh, now look here, errrrmmmmm!”  etc

With the birds.  Where else are they going to go?  Don’t worry, though: they’re not predatory.  Those curving beaks are just for cracking nuts.

Don’t worry, Mistress will be back soon. How long can you stay in a beach bar with a bunch of guys, anyway?

Oh go on, then: have a Halloween-themed extra that is explicitly not about Halloween.


Malevolent society

Possibly rather alarming, but don’t worry: she’s a kind and loving person. She has cats, for example.  Cat people are always OK, right?  She has several cats and she loves them dearly.
Fortunately, scurrying is one of the things I do best.

It’s odd, because when I bring up how little I like the idea of giving blow-jobs, she says I shouldn’t rule something out without trying it!  I’m almost tempted to agree with the sexists that women can’t do logic.  But I won’t argue about it.  It’s just very frustrating, though, you know?
Looks like you owe your liberty to her.  I hope you’re grateful.

Poor Diana. Oh well, back to lesbianism I suppose.

Downton on your knees

Sorry about that.  I find it hard to resist a pun, no matter how bad. If only there were someone who could mete out painful consequences for such lapses of judgement on my part… whom I could pay to judge me, find fault and punish me. But obviously no such profession exists, so I suppose I’ll just carry on.

Anyway, Downton day today!  I won’t say where I got the photos. You might recognise the sytyle, I’ve used similar before.  The photographer has a lot more on his web site and I’m sure you can find it but probably best not to jump there straight from this site as I doubt he would appreciate this particular use of his images.  I wouldn’t want to have to take this post down … ton.

P.S.  Nothing at all to do with Downton but Oh My Goddess  look at this

Negative feedback

It’s the only sort I get.

Interestingly, adult babies and other submissive employees are explicitly excluded from the provisions of the staff handbook relating to discrimination, bullying and abuse.

It also means she has two boxes of chocolates to throw away instead of one.
The rest of the room is decorated in the same style.
Many men would pay a lot of money for that sort of experience.  Not all their money, as he will, admittedly. But a lot.
Phew.  I was beginning to think I was going to have to get through this alone.  Talking about how sexually frustrated I feel, with a bunch of other men, is going to help a lot.


I always try to be.

You could try combining the two?

She should really increase your housekeeping allowance, you know.  I think you should take a stand on this.  Be a man, you know?

Just a joke, OK?  If you’re religious at all, please be reassured that I have the utmost respect for all religions.  I uphold your right to worship your god, whatever you call Her.

She’s really making an effort to satisfy your fetish here.

Hmm.  Looks like they didn’t read my email about my likes and dislikes in session.  The corset is supposed to stay on.  Plus, I’m pretty sure I didn’t request the whole plastic sheeting, knives and blood thing. I’ll have to have a word.

I beg to differ

… but she rarely lets me.

I don’t want to do anything she disapproves of.  It’s too painful.

Always expect the unexpected. Except on this blog, where we ran out of ideas years ago and just keep recycling the same old tropes.

It’s only a small bottle, but they deliver them in packs of 24, annoyingly.

darling, of course, I… do you know, I don’t seem to have a pen with
me?  What a shame, I’ll just – what’s that? You have one with you,
darling?  Oh. Oh good.  Right.  So I just sign…?  There.  Right.
Mmm… blackmail fetish and schoolgirl play combined!  Lots of fun.


Mens lib is fine in theory, but someone has to lick out the ashtrays, don’t they?  So I don’t see how it could ever work in practice.   

They don’t aprove of modern fads. Actually, there are lots of things they don’t approve of.  As you’ll discover.

Everyone makes little mistakes when they start out.  No real harm done.
 The parts of the dommes in this little tale were played by two dommes, by an odd coincidence.  The extraordinarily wonderful (as I can personally attest) Lady Sophia Black  and Ms Morigan Hel, whom I briefly met once before Ms Sophia dragged me away, and is probably equally but differently extraordinarily wonderful.

Don’t worry – he’s not a real schoolboy.  And that’s not really his mother.  And the person on the left who seems to be an attractive young blonde lady in a doctor’s coat is actually a 57 year-old computer scientist from Gujurat called Deepak.  Femdom porn… it’s all fake, really, isn’t it?

Time to explain to them that you’re not into that, I suggest.

Esclavage, inégalité, sororité!

OK, so it doesn’t have quite the same ring to it as the original.  But happy Bastille Day, anyway! 

My favourite verse, lightly adapted:

Grande Déesse! Par des mains enchaînées
Nos fronts sous le joug se ploieraient
De viles despotesses deviendraient
Les maîtresses de nos destinées !

Francophony or not, we can surely all celebrate a day named after a dark and gloomy dungeonlike prison in which unspeakable tortures took place, and even the Marquis de Sade (surely worth celebrating in our community, despite his peculiar ideas about which sex should whip the other) was imprisoned, so  –

What’s that?  Bastille Day celebrates the liberation of the prisoners?  Oh dear me, we can’t be doing with that.  Bloody French; get everything backwards.  Never mind, forget it, relâchez-vous!

Marchons! Marchons!


Sweet financial domination
She’s always had a kind generous nature like that.  One of those people who loves doing favours for her friends, you know?


Good thing you clarified that.  It’ll be all right now.

Sex with a whip
Imagine not being turned on by the thought of whipping!  Some people are so weird. 
You had one job.


Isn’t that romantic?

These lovely boots exist to drive it round the twist

The call of nature must be obeyed.



She actually has very high standards for sorryness. You’ll see.


It’s her own recipe.
Hmmm… edgy blackmail play.  Got to love it.  No really, you do.


Love her, love her cane, I suppose.


She has her own way of dealing with problems.

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