Despotic fantasies

Yes.  Much improved.

A scene from Horrible Bosses (or its sequel): movies exploring the premise that being sexually harassed by Jennifer Aniston wearing a dentist’s outfit would be just awful.  As obviously it… hang on.  I think you don’t even have to be submissive to like the thought of that, do you?  And if you are…

Isolated even if not technically self-isolated.  Very safe.

The important thing is to get you crying in pain – then the other stuff will be easy enough to sort out.


The smell will probably get them in the mood for the barbecue at the Reception, too.



And yet also how slowly.






“the fact or quality of being easily handled, managed, or led; meek and unquestioning obedience or compliance”



Obviously.  Let’s hope Jennie’s getting better at it, now she’s onto her fourth try.



It’s one of those logical impossibilities – you know, like ‘a man saying “all men are lying, cheating bastards'”.  Male philosophers used to debate these things endlessly, but I understand they are kept busy with more important, practical tasks these days.




I don’t think he objects to being inside the couch, it’s more that he was expecting to be alone in there.




Mrs Elton’s a good neighbour, anyway – happy to pop round and help out whenever your wife needs a hand.



Topping from the bottom can take many forms – all equally objectionable.  When my SO plays with me, for instance, there’s often a very fine line between “pleading frantically for mercy through the screams”  – which she enjoys – and “expressing an opinion on when she should stop hitting me”, which she dislikes intensely.

This is the lovely Vinyl Queen, who is in the lucky position of never having experienced the unpleasantness that is Servitor in session and is relatively unlikely to move to Edinburgh, being based as she is in San Francisco.  Her other interest is gardening.





May not deal in doubt or pity



I’ve managed to give up quite a few little vices over the years – turns out, you don’t really need willpower, or rather you can rely on someone else’s.




My SO likes to speak hypothetically, for example when describing ever more elaborate situations in which she might allow me an orgasm.





The evangelicals will be relieved to discover that the OWK ladies are, for the most part, not actually observant Catholics. Although they do believe in the concepts of original sin, penance and purgatory.


It’s like any job, except that no domme has ever been known to assert that the customer is always right.

Mmmm… No, no.


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Governing bodies


Everyone feels a bit uncomfortable, on their first day in the torture room.

Really?  Oh… that would be just awful!





Don’t tell her she’s not doing it right – it works for her, OK?

Language barriers can be overcome, with good will on both sides – or failing that, one side holding a whip and not giving a shit about what the other side might actually be saying.

His musical tastes are more Bruce Springsteen than Ariana Grande.  He did tell them that, but then he also told them his session tastes were more towards sensual domination than frequent, brutal electric shocks to the balls… so it looks like they didn’t pay a lot of attention.


The unkindness of strangers

… and loved ones, for that matter.

Aww… she gave you an advisory warning.  Many new brides wouldn’t… she seems rather sweet.

Very fair point.  The unfair bit is that homosexuality’s illegal there, so not only do they force you to suck off other inmates, they give you an extra 20 years for it.

‘Normally’?   I’m normally out on the landing desperately hoping she’ll throw my trousers out after me at this point.   So… new situation.  Scrabble?

I hope she moves to a lower chair.

Actually, this is described quite clearly in Revelations.  You just have to read it with the Bible held at the correct angle, in the right light.  And Contemplate the Divine.


It’s as far as I can take it.

Do you think you could ask him to slow down for just a moment while I write the captions under the pictures? No?  OK, well, I’ll do my – ouch, that was a deep one! – I’ll do my best. 

Sounds like someone’s having a bad day.  Who’d have thought being sissy maid to a sadistic perfectionist would be so difficult?
Trick question.  You need a lot more and she’s waiting for you to tell her that.  It’s a Mars/Venus thing, just go with it.

Her sister rebelled against the whole female supremacy thing.  Lives with a guy in Brighton and she lets him have his own pocket money and she even helps out occasionally with the housework.  Still, each to their own.

What a very sharp observation.

Spankable moments

If the other maids don’t mind, why should you?


Paying €200 per hour only enhances the humiliation of line-writing or corner time, I find.

And don’t forget that a spit-roast is charged at anal rates at both ends.

They say size doesn’t matter, but even fully lubed up I find that it does.

It’s symbolic of something or other.  Most things are.

I hold these truths to be self-evident

That all women are created equal, and that men are all equally useless.  I’m certainly looking forward to voting for Female Supremacist candidates… I’d really rather not bother my little head about it, but apparently if they’re successful, I won’t have to vote again, which is a relief.

Helpless when she smiles

… and indeed when she doesn’t.

What a tie-breaker.

Needless to say, this blog does not purport to offer financial advice, and no investments should be undertaken on the basis of what you read here, unless so advised by an independent financial advisor, or directly ordered by a woman.

My SO sometimes let me choose the style of play.  Just none of the content.

They’re very strange.  I think most of them have just never experienced the firm loving guidance of a real woman. Sad, really.
Yes. Everything will be perfect.

I’m going to be, what she wants me to be

My girl (2 – the one with the sexier video – from the 1969 movie Sweet Charity).  

I’ve always been a sucker for a ‘dominatrix ponytail’ – and there are a lot more of them in this clip from the original movie.

Sounds like the perfect evening to me. I think there might even be half a packet of Hob-nobs left.

She can be very reasonable.  Also, surprisingly unreasonable.  But that’s married life.

Serious stuff: Marcia’s job’s on the line here.  I’ll keep you posted if there are any developments.
He’s moved on.  Why can’t she?
There: the science has proved it.  ‘Men are almost as fully human as women’.  I shall have to make sure my SO reads this. Perhaps she’ll start treating me as a near-equal.
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