As you’ve probably noticed, this blog features ‘themed posts’ on a Sunday. Well, I… what do you mean you haven’t noticed? You don’t just come here to look at the pretty women and wank, do you? This is supposed to be a conversation between me, the artist, and you sitting there, with your trousers down around your…
OK, well anyway, not exactly a themed post today but I noticed I was doing more and more captions, defacing the lovely image of a lady called Nicola Cavanis, so I thought I’d do a special on her, give her her own tag and so on. I expect she’ll be rather pleased, don’t you?
Remarkably, for a young lovely whose photos are all over the Internet, she appears not to be Russian.
The lovely ‘Victoria’ from Cruella, of course, with whom (in magazine form) I spent rather more time than was good for me back around 1989 or so.
Once again, it’s time to look back on the more elegant femdom of times past. One of this blog’s earliest and least-popular series, continued here out of sheer stubbornness and an almost total lack of self-awareness: Jane Austen femdom. With a few anachronistic wobbles of a hundred years or so in either direction from the divine Jane’s own period.
* Yes, I know Jane Austen was pre-Victorian. Do pay attention: as the paragraph at the start noted, the actual time period featured here varies. All posts set before 1910 or so** are labelled as ‘Jane Austen‘ (indeed, many are introduced as featuring ‘Hot chicks in empire-line dresses’ even when the hot chicks featured are in fact attired in the fashion of an entirely different era).
** Posts after 1910 (and before about 1960) being labelled ‘Downton Domination‘. But you knew that, right?
A note and apology to everyone who has tried to comment in the last few weeks. I had a new spam filter on and the settings were much too restrictive. I have turned them down and I have belatedly found the allow requests lists and approved everyone who didn’t look like a spammer. So do please try again.
If you get blocked again, let me know with a short comment if it lets you post something, or in an allow request if not. I’ll keep tweaking the settings. There are no restrictions on ‘adult’ words or content, it’s all about detecting phrases that seem like ads and scams. So it’s possible your witty and sexy comment about a findomme who wants to MAKE MONEY NOW!!! still won’t get through…
Sorry about this, still getting to grips with WordPress. I’m not the first. I think at one point, Paltego’s site at Femdom Resource was blocking comments with words like ‘femdom’ or ‘dominatrix’ in them, which was a bit unfortunate.
In case you missed it: Kitten went viral over the summer! And there’s a new one, too… love the way she slams the door.
I think Abraham Lincoln said that. Which just goes to show that even the smartest guys can be really, really dumb when it comes to the unfairer sex, but there you go.
And here we go. Not an Abraham Lincoln-themed day, startlingly enough.
New series! Brutal, unpleasant and – so far at least – with very longwinded captions. But if you’re into the idea of running naked at the limits of your endurance, desperately gulping lungfuls of air as you flee in terror for your life, pursued by whip-wielding jodhpur-clad ladies on horseback intent on your mutilation and painful death (and let’s face it, all of that adds up to a very attractive image), you might like these).
More mundanely, I understand commenting here has become harder the last few weeks. That’s not something I want to happen, so I have tried tweaking the anti-spam settings a bit. I found out for example that it was considering all comments containing the word ‘penis’ to be spam. I’ve deleted that but ‘penis enlargement’ continues to feature on the list, as that is not something this blog supports – quite the opposite, if anything. I’ll keep a better eye on this – apologies if you felt the urge to comment recently and were discouraged.
For ever and ever…