Romantic disdain


Women… sometimes they want you to scream hysterically, cry and beg for mercy, sometimes it’s just ‘annoying’.  My SO gave me 24 hard strokes with the cane yesterday and when I started shrieking and pleading frantically (on or maybe just before stroke number two, if I recall correctly) she told me she was ‘just not in the mood’.  I mean, at that point I was committed, you know?  It’s a physical thing for us guys… can’t just switch it off.




The frightening – truly terrifying – thing about assisting with any kind of competitive sport in OWK is that one of the Ladies has to lose.  They often don’t take it with good grace, you know.



Needless to say, inflicting this sort of public BDSM play on passing strangers is not OK.  And even worse when it’s in front of members of your family, as here.



The customer is always right.



The gimp hoods are going on in the later, private ceremony.  When you and flappy-ears take your real vows.



In Goddess we trust

She can make time, though, if need be.


Many men don’t remember but then their lives are busier than his.  Not that that’s an excuse, obviously.



No pain, no gain as my SO likes to say.


What’s weird about screaming when you’ve just had your genitals electrocuted?  Perfectly normal reaction if you ask me.  What’s that?  You didn‘t ask me?  Oh, OK, then.  Sorry.

I hope she doesn’t hurt herself.

…and an extra one, just to be topical.  Well… moderately topical, in that it is only a few days out of date.  Unless OnlyFans have reversed their policy reversal back again, or something.

A fondness for reading, properly directed, must be an education in itself

Another look back in time, to the more elegant and yet sweetly brutal femdom of yesteryear.



She had remarkably progressive attitudes for her time, as you can tell.  Indeed, I believe she visited the former colony, by then a thriving republic, later in her life and has something of a claim to being the founder of ‘BBC fetishism’, now so very popular on the Internet.



Cecily has a lot to learn… as does George, but soon after this, the ladies engaged a very experienced governess to help with all that and never had to bother themselves about him again.




She’s beautiful when she’s vexed.




What a fine moral compass that young lady has!  I’m sure it will stand her in good stead when she marries.





And one too large to fit as a caption, even one as wordy as those above.

My dearest Emilia

Of course, my first communication on my return from honeymoon can only be to my dearest school friend, so here you find me writing.  Goodness, what an exciting time we had!  So many tea dances, sonnet recitals and long country walks in the rain, it made my head quite spin.

And of course, marital bliss.  Dear, dearest Emilia, I was reminded of the little games you and I used to play at school – do you recall, in the dorm, when the nuns had ceased patrolling for the night?  Silly, girlish games, really, but I recall them with great affection.  I was reminded for some reason of our little ‘tickling contests’ under the sheets.  Do you recollect, my dear, your telling me that our little games were useful practice for romance with a man?  All that kissing and petting and… other things?  Well, my dear, the ‘real thing’ so to speak is a little similar in some respects but very different in others.  It is quicker, for one thing.  Much, much quicker. I had barely thought it started, when – done!  Men are so much more efficient in these matters, it seems.

Also, nothing in my previous experience had prepared me for the important role that my shoes would play in ‘rousing’ Harold to the right state of enthusiasm.  Nor the necessity of securing my husband
tightly to the bed with straps, to prevent harm to his delicate wife.  All most ‘educational’. 
Perhaps these things are ‘old hat’ to you, my dear, living your glamorous life in London.  Although I understand your social circle consists almost entirely of women.  So perhaps not.

Would you care to visit some time, dear Emilia?  Even a married woman must not forget her old school chums.  Why, peculiarly enough, I have been thinking a lot of Lydia, lately: old ‘slipper’ herself, the terror of the dorms when she was a prefect.  I happened to mention her to Harold for some reason or other and he seemed quite fascinated, so I had to recount all the details of how we suffered under her hand! And of course you and I would comfort each other afterwards, kissing all that poor bruised flesh better.  However, I thought Harold would not be interested in that part of the tale, so did not bore him with it.

So, Emilia, dearest, do write back with the utmost haste to arrange some dates for a visit.  Or simply arrive!  We do not have much space to spare but I am confident we can squeeze you in!  For three days of the week Harold inspects the farms in the North of the county, so it will just be the two of us – oh, and my young housemaid Agnes, of course.

We could even share a bed.

        Mmmm….  Perhaps not.

We could even share a bed.  It would be just like old times, my dearest Emilia, so do act without delay and I look forward impatiently to once
again holding you in my arms and


holding you in my arms and conversing with my dearest, closest friend.

It brings me great joy to be presented to the world as ‘Mrs Melchett’ but to you, my dearest, I fondly hope always to be your beloved and

        and… and… and…         ah yes!




Harsh words

Freud once said a cigar is sometimes just a cigar.  Similarly, bath brushes can be used for scrubbing backs, hairbrushes for brushing hair, anal hooks for, erm… well, anyway, the point is: not everything’s BDSM, all the time, you know?  Sadly.



Don’t worry – the course of justice is not being perverted.  His Lordship was probably going to cut the trial short anyway, as he has so much homework to do.




You might as well consent: it’s going to happen anyway, so why not make it all nice and legal?  Well… it probably won’t be ‘nice’ as such, but you know what I mean.





Acting the part here, entirely out of character, is the wonderful Miss Amy Hunter, who once spent a couple of hours giving Servitor a very hard time with a tawse, then made it all all right again with a lovely hug.



Can’t be too careful.  The nice thing about having spares, is that she doesn’t have to go easy.


All is vanity, nothing is fair

As no doubt the quote from a nineteenth century novel in the title will have forewarned you, Contemplating the Divine once again takes a step back to the gentler, but no less unkind, femdom of regency days*.  It was one of the first themes ever to feature on the blog, and remains to this day one of the most thoroughly unpopular, with few if any readers ever having a good word to say about it.  But then if I got off on compliments, I wouldn’t be a humiliation freak, now, would I?

Either that, or I’m too stupid to take a hint.  Whatever… here come the hot chicks in empire-line dresses yet again.












* and before anyone rushes to comment that at least some of these scenes are clearly from the early Victorian period, I should point out that I am – of course – using ‘Regency’ to indicate a general focus on period drama and costumes, rather than strictly confining the topics to the years between 1811 and 1820.  OK?  Goodness, femdom porn sites like Bitches with Whips or StraponSquad don’t pay so much attention to these historical details, I’m sure, and I don’t suppose they get that kind of abuse.


Actually, the silver brushes are worse – just ask your future father-in-law while you’re doing chores.




It’s not fair to expect her to whip you every time something needs doing, now, is it?

It’s good they’re talking about money, though: many couples don’t and it can lead to a lot of pain in their relationships.

He thought that a biology-class themed session would be all about sex, but instead he’s learning lots of useful facts.

I find that having a pair of electrodes nestling lovingly against my skin helps keep me closely in touch with her feelings.  I wouldn’t have it any other way, even if I could.




Dressed to oppress


Pookie’s thoughts are mostly elsewhere, to be honest.  Which is just as well, as her questions are rhetorical.



You could try telling her that even Leicester is a tropical paradise when lit up by her divine radiance…?




The first time’s very special, isn’t it?




He had an imaginary friend as a kid.  She used to beat the crap out of him too – maybe that’s where he gets it from.






He has some pretty intense CP fantasies… I hope they’ve got the stomach and the stamina for it.



Just realised I actually did two captions of this lovely image of the lovely lady (Maya Sinn!) and Pookie (most probably someone with a name unlike ‘Pookie’, but you never know) so you might as well have both.




Getting through it


How you doing there?  You OK? Breathe.  No, really, come on: normal breaths. You need not to hyperventilate.   And just relax on the bench there, let yourself go limp in the restraints. You’ve been pulling away at those straps almost since the start – bruised yourself almost as much as the whip did, I should think!  Well… not really. But you’ll certainly have bruises around those wrists after all that writhing around.

Wow… you lost it a few times during that
session, didn’t you?  I’m glad I had soundproofing
installed last summer – you were shrieking and begging so hard, someone would
have called the police on us, I reckon.

So… No-safeword
session – pretty brave!  Any
regrets?  I reckon you had quite a few,
at times there, didn’t you? But you must be getting an amazing endorphin rush,
now, right? I can only imagine…. I don’t think I could ever take that much pain.  But I hope it’s worth it for you.

You know, obviously I take consent
really seriously but this sort of no-holds-barred, no mercy, no-safeword
session has to be my favourite style of play. 
I’ve got very few clients who’ve ever dared but … to take someone to
their limit… and then just carry on. 
It’s an incredible rush: nothing like it.  I mean, there’s a lot of stuff written in BDSM porn about ‘breaking’ slaves but until you’ve had someone desperately stuggling against the straps like that, begging hysterically, promising you anything, anything at all to make the pain stop… and I just keep whipping, criss-crossing the welts, enjoying the way the screams and gasps cut off each frantic babbled plea to stop…  

Nothing like it.  Nothing in the world. It’s not sexual, for me, I’ll admit – it’s more like the greatest rollercoaster ride ever, you know?  I enjoy inflicting the pain, I enjoy the power even if I don’t get off on it, sexually.  It’s actually better than sex: I’ll say that. Yeah: better than sex.

Do you know what my favourite bit
is? See: I like to start talking to them as if the session’s over.  About how they feel, as if they’ve got
nothing more to worry about.  When in
fact I’m less than halfway through. It’s a bit cruel, I suppose.  But then, I’m a very cruel person, I suppose.  And as they’re all strapped down, with no safeword
there’s nothing they can do about it anyway. 
Except moan in fear, when they realise, obviously.

Yeah… just like that moan
there.  Dawning terror.  That’s the best rush of all.

I will show you games where the winner never wins

So lock away the childhood and throw away the key.


Probably best just to do it.  Discussions about obedience can become very repetitive.




I think the best years of their relationship are ahead of them.




Like many subs, I find there are limits to how much pain I can take… but none to how much I can receive.

Frekke gutter som går av og oversetter bildeteksten under disse bildene, tar bloggen altfor seriøst.

If he doesn’t, they can always turn their attention to the so-called ‘best man’.

Traditional crop-wielding ladies


Not a problem: premium cat food doesn’t actually taste as nice as the adverts imply.  In fact, in tests I understand eight out of ten slaves said they preferred to go hungry than be forced to eat it… but why should anyone care about that?



Which is odd, because women are supposed to be good at empathy.


Having said which, these two – while not exactly exhibiting empathy I’ll admit – are certainly very concerned to ensure fair treatment of all of the prisoners.  Which is nice.




She does use him for sex, but only in a facilitative capacity.




And I’m very persuadable.  I’ll even pay for it.

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