Erectile disfunction

I got an email about dealing with erectile disfunction.  I know they’re probably just spam, but I like to think the best of people, and I was willing to give it a go.  At least it made a change from all those emails I get suggesting various ways of enhancing my penis size (sometimes I wish I’d never given my mother my email address, I really do).

Anyway, it said that lots of men experience periods of erectile disfunction, but if I wrote off describing the circumstances in which I…. err.. failed to rise to the occasion, as it were, world-famous doctors were waiting to advise me.

Well, as you can imagine, I was quite excited, and I wrote back at great length describing how I usually experience quite long periods of erectile disfunction shortly after annoying my Significant Other, for example by failing to iron her blouse properly, or over-cooking the pasta.  But that I also find it difficult to achieve an erection when she’s just in a bad mood because she’s busy at work, or its her time of the month, or something like that.  The email asked me to describe in detail the longest period of disfunction I’d had, so I sent them Time magazine’s review of the year for 2013.

And they never replied!  I mean, can you believe it?  I sent email after email, and eventually I just received an automatic response informing me that the server in Nigeria where they were based was blocking my address.

Isn’t the Internet a weird place, eh?  Oh well.  Here are some more pictures of pretty ladies looking threatening, so we can get sexually aroused by the thought of being punished and humiliated by them.  Good wholesome stuff.

Leather clad tart - or not
Beware of dominatrices with ‘strong views’
Now I believe this is Mistress Annabelle.  But if it isn’t, perhaps she or the lady it happens to be could, err, correct me.  Please?
I don’t know who he is, I’m afraid.  Or if he’s available for sessions.

Quick marital birching
Domestic bliss.

Sidonia spring
You think?
This of course is the wonderful and creative (and scary!) Mistress Sidonia, of the English Mansion.

Lucky little slave
It’s ironic, really, as Alanis Morisette might say.
 More from the English Mansion.  And I think this is Mistress Jessica Wood.

Wedding punishment
Dear me, she seems a little fierce.  Most young brides wait until after the wedding before giving their husbands their first proper birching.  Still, maybe she’ll become more tolerant and forgiving of her husband’s faults when you’re married.  Some brides do.  Many don’t.

Iterated domination

I took a course in game theory once.  I was doing fine, but in the final exam there was a question about about ‘the prisoners’ dilemma under strictly dominated strategies’ … and for some reason after that I started thinking about something else, I just couldn’t concentrate and it all went wrong.  I managed to scrape a passing grade by sucking up to the examiner, but that’s another story again.

More captioned images of female domination.  I know you know, but the search engines need constant reminders, poor dears.

Wonderful cruella mistress
Women, eh?  When they say they ‘want a talk’ it usually means we’ve done something wrong, doesn’t it?  Oh well… better let the little woman have her say, or we’ll never hear the end of it!
 The image, of course, is from a very wonderful Cruella photoshoot from…oh, at least twenty years ago.
Spanking mistress no less
Yes, Ma’am, that spanking has made me think.  Is there anything in particular you’d like me to think?  Just say – I’ll think it.
 This lovely lady is Miss Audrey Knight.  No idea who he is.  Some bloke.

Cruel wife food play
I don’t know how she catches so many.  Yet there aways seem to be more when she locks you in the basement for the night.

Multitasking… it’s a woman thing.
 Another Cruella shoot, more recent.

You’re not a sweaty loser are you?  No, didn’t think so.  And I’m not a creepy pervert.  So that’s all right, then.

Disciplined loving

Guilty feelings femdom
She’s right, you know.  If you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear.  And in any case, a man should fear his wife, I think, don’t you?

Actually, that’s a bit surprising.  Because I seem to remember her saying with a giggle once that she’d heard one of her new freinds had a soundproofed rape room in his basement.  Oh well… maybe that was someone else.

Cruella mistress victoria again
Think fast.  The tip of the whip can move at over 100 mph.
 This is Lady Victoria from Cruella (and from a long time ago

– thank you for the adolescent memories, Mr Rogue-Hagen and Ladies).

Paddled by Mistress again again too
We all say things we regret, from time to time.  It’s part of married life.

That’s a relief.  Let’s hope she ticked the ‘anaesthetic’ option.  She can be so forgetful.

Fedmom capyions

Just for all those of you too excited at the thought of all these pictures of dominant ladies to type into Google correctly.

One of the most common search terms for people finding this blog is “Contemplating the devine”.  No.  Just no.  Write it out correctly 500 times, and then go and see Miss Hardcastle, boy!

On we go.

Free to choose
Where else could you be?

Venus in furs
Clue: the right answer is “Yes” or, better, “Yes, Mistress”.  Don’t worry – you can always borrow the money if you haven’t got it!

Spanked to obedience
Men say the oddest things sometimes.  That’s why sensible wives don’t let them speak without permission.

Femdom endless caning
The safeword is your credit card number.

Another castration caption
You have laugh really, eh?  All those bitter tears of loss…  Over someone else’s balls.  Funny.  Isn’t it?

By the way, I shall be on holiday for about the next two and a half weeks.  The blog will continue to update itself twice a week via the magic of ‘scheduler’ *.  But if I don’t respond to your comment for a few weeks, it’s not because I am rude, or too lazy to do so**, it’s just because I’m not really here.  But I’d like you to keep commenting anyway…
*actually, to tell the truth most of the captions and stories these days are produced using an AI script anyway, which is why they are so repetitive and formulaic.  The real ‘Servitor’ died of shame about six months ago.  Nobody cared.
** unless of course you are a representative of the ruling gender, in which case my failure to reply is a sign of laziness and rudeness, and I hope you’ll be taking appropriate disciplinary measures to deal with this disgracefully impertinent behaviour.

Caller display

Do you remember we talked about keeping quiet during
punishment?  And we practiced last time?
Right.  Well here’s
the test.  You’re going to kneel on the
stool over there, in front of the computer on that table.  You’re going to log onto your Skype account –
no, not the NaughtyTrevor you use to contact me, your real one – and you’re
going to Skype someone at work.
What is it you’re supposed to be doing today?  A conference, was it?  Right. 
You can tell them all about the conference. What is it supposed to be
about?  “Budgeting software”?  Good.
So who can you call at the office? 
Oh, I don’t think so.  Any women?
“Tracy”?  Who’s
Tracy?  Your secretary?  Is she? 
Well, what an important person you must be, to have Tracy for your
secretary.  I hope you’re always polite
and respectful to her.  Maybe we can talk
about that another time.
Right, so you’re going to call Tracy and tell her all about
the conference on budgeting software. 
And while you’re talking, I’ll be standing a bit to the side with the
And from time to time I’ll smack your bare bottom with
it.  Every time I hear the word
‘conference’ or ‘presentation’ or ‘software’ or ‘budgeting’…let’s see, or ‘office’ –
from you or Tracy you’re getting a smack. 
And sometimes you’ll get a smack anyway, 
just because I feel like it. 
Don’t worry – the mike doesn’t pick up sounds from far away.  But it will pick it up if you squeal, or
grunt or anything like that, won’t it? 
So you’d better be very calm while you’re spanked… just like we
practiced.  Calmer, in fact.
Now, the call doesn’t end until I say so.  If Tracy starts to hang up, just
change the subject or ask about something. 
If it ends before I give permission, we’re going to do it again, only
this time it’ll be your mother you’re calling and it’ll be the cane.

Oh – one more thing.  Somehow you have to work the word ‘hairbrush’ into the conversation?  You have to say it at least once, in a context that makes sense.  Got it?

What do you mean, what happens if you don’t?  What usually happens if you disobey an order of mine?

That’s right.

Now pull your trousers down, and get up on the stool. 

Good.  And log into Skype…

…and call Tracy.  I’m sure she will want to hear all about the interesting presentations <SMACK> at the conference <SMACK> on budgeting <SMACK> software <SMACK>. 

Oh dear.  I hope you’re going to do better than that on the call.  Otherwise Tracy might – ah, it’s ringing!

Come on Tracy…

…maybe she’s away from her desk…?

…is there anyone else, you can – ooop!

“Hello?  Oh, is that Trevor?  Wow – the picture’s really clear.  How’s the conference?”


The lady, of course, is the wonderful Cassie Hunter, a lady whose demeanor, look and personality together press more of my buttons than I can possibly count.  I can scarcely imagine anything that would excite me more than the thought of a session with her… but my pain limits are actually so feeble, I can’t think of anything that would terrify me more than the reality of a session with her.  Perhaps one day I’ll be bold – or reckless – enough to call….  In the meantime, though, there is her web site.

You can’t always get what you want

But if you try sometimes you just might find you get what you need.

Tight fit even with lube
It’s silly to worry about whether you’ll stretch enough.  Look – that thing’s made of solid plastic, and it’ll have all her strength behind it.  Something’s going to give, so just relax.

Well smacked bottom
Sometimes it’s good to go out with your co-workers for a real heart-to-heart.  And sometimes it isn’t.

Keira led relationship
Don’t worry – she’ll explain why at great length.

Schoolboy session
Schoolboy sessions!  My favourite.  We’re going to be covering irregular verbs of the fourth declension over the next seven sessions, apparently.  Pretty exciting, huh?

Annes dominant implant
Or if you stray outside the permitted boundaries, of course.

Scream nicely, and she might

Oh… and there’s a little extra at the bottom of today’s post.  Just a little something.

femdom proper whipping

A day to remember… and then a day you will try desperately to forget.

Crying submissive
It’s not as if your parents haven’t seen you cry before, anyway.

Alpha female pilot
I think it’s every boy’s dream.  To grow up to do the laundry for a real fighter pilot…

Anonymous proxy domme
Well…someone who hasn’t paid, for a start.

Upholstering fetish
Gone but not forgotten.

Extra extra!

Now, for those of you who have been sufficently dedicated to ‘read’ down this far, a little treat.  Here’s a site I discovered yesterday and I can’t understand why I have never come across it (fnar fnar) before,  It’s British, brutal and – well, like Cruella, really.  And I do.  Like Cruella, I mean.

Pay site, and the preview pics are a bit small, but there are over 100 decent-quality (very short!) preview vids to watch.

I think it’s great.  I don’t normally post links – I leave that to the mighty Paltego – but this site just doesn’t seem sufficiently well known.

Obviously, I don’t have any connection with this site.  I don’t have any connection with anything, really. 

Here are a few of the (too small!) preview photos:

Off you go, now.  Don’t keep the Warden waiting.

Self discipline is over-rated

Always better to get someone else to do it for you, either a professional or an enthusiastic amateur.  That way you’ll get a proper job done.

Swallow or a whipping - or both
Don’t worry about the bruises.  Most clients like them.

Prom date humiliation
It’s not your fault.  I’m sure she won’t be taking it out on you.

Spanking disciplinary wife
I usually find that a short discussion is enough, but often she wants to go into things at much greater length.

Lesbian lust but not for you
Don’t worry – most men experience depression post-castration.  But do you know what?  No one gives a shit.  So that’s OK.

Crushing an insect and your dreams
That reminds me, one of my girlfriends used to have a pet name for me: cockroach. 

Blessed art thou among women

There seems to be a discontinued Christian blog, that had the same name as this one.  I occasionally like to run headlines like that, to make a few minds explode.

Rather naughty, I know.  Fortunately, it seems I’ll be getting a beating quite soon, so there will be penance.

More sinful pictures below:

Riding ladies with horsewhips...yum
Bet you’re glad you didn’t look at their bottoms, aren’t you?  Oh.  Oh dear.

OWK ladies love to starve you
Actually, the way the ones who are already thin react to the starvation diet can be even funnier.

NO escape from the domme
Come on – don’t be such a baby!  It’s not as if she hasn’t whipped you before!

Over her lap yet again
My favourite place.

Anne gives you a faceslapping
Another little service you can do for her.

Obedience is bliss

Femdom with hands on hips yum
Don’t you just feel guilty the moment you see that look, even if you don’t know what you’ve done wrong?


Femdom wife beats husband loudly
They’re going to be away for Christmas too, so that’s another thing to look forward to.


So wheres Blakey?
The stats counter tells me that most of you are American, and only a small minority are British.  And you won’t get the reference.  Never mind – just enjoy the picture.
Anne rewards her devoted slave - I wish
She’s feeling generous today!
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