Venging angels

Like many guys, I walk around fully conscious of the big swinging padlock between my legs.



It’s actually a very environmentally-friendly way of disposing of old shoes.




Oh, all right then.  Let’s be daring, for a change.



It must be weird being vanilla – you do a sexy maid scene and hardly any floor actually gets scrubbed.  I’m not sure I could cope with that kind of unrealistic fantasy.

OWK’s safety record overall was only middling, but that average conceals an important disparity between male and female injuries, the latter being thankfully rare, the former equally thankfully daily.








A total portrait with no omissions

 The divine Ms Harry, for contemplation and worship.


Sometimes she’s in the mood for screaming and frantic pleading but right now she’s trying to enjoy her book, so just keep it down, hmm?




She can show you both heaven and hell – as, to be fair, can the priest but in a very different way.

See?  Cruella’s not all about bleak post-industrial settings.  This photo-shoot’s in a bleak pre-industrial setting and a refreshing change it is too.



Don’t you just hate being the third one on a date?  I do – but she doesn’t seem to care.




Go on – not many kinksters get to live out their fantasies in reality.


Mine’s ‘maggot’, by a curious coincidence.  But can readers of this blog keep that to themselves, please?  You can’t be too careful these days.  Fortunately my SO is the only one who knows the really important passwords, like the one for our bank account.  I wonder what these two need yours for? Still… best not to argue.










Brought to heel


Hmm?  Oh.  Sure.



I don’t see why she would be so sure of that.  Just on this occasion he’s the expert, after all.




It’s hardly their fault – boys break so easily, just when it’s starting to get fun.




The worst of it is, she realised when he got home that one of the dresses was the wrong size and he had to go straight back to the shop to exchange it.  Someone must have put it on the wrong hanger – people can be so thoughtless and selfish, sometimes, can’t they?

That’s the thing about crush fetish play – it’s only fun for a short time.


Harsh words

Freud once said a cigar is sometimes just a cigar.  Similarly, bath brushes can be used for scrubbing backs, hairbrushes for brushing hair, anal hooks for, erm… well, anyway, the point is: not everything’s BDSM, all the time, you know?  Sadly.



Don’t worry – the course of justice is not being perverted.  His Lordship was probably going to cut the trial short anyway, as he has so much homework to do.




You might as well consent: it’s going to happen anyway, so why not make it all nice and legal?  Well… it probably won’t be ‘nice’ as such, but you know what I mean.





Acting the part here, entirely out of character, is the wonderful Miss Amy Hunter, who once spent a couple of hours giving Servitor a very hard time with a tawse, then made it all all right again with a lovely hug.



Can’t be too careful.  The nice thing about having spares, is that she doesn’t have to go easy.


Wise women

…and the unwise men they look after.


Mmm?  Oh.. yeah, sure.




Ladies!  An object lesson in the importance of not having too much removed when your submissive goes in for an operation.




For such a powerful, self-confident lady, she has surprisingly narrow limits.


A few days later, when he was fully recovered, they gave him the eleven Tic-Tacs he won over the course of the evening.  What – did you think they were lying to him? No: they play fair.


My domme takes schoolboy sessions so seriously that she makes me take GCSE exams.  Usually, I do OK, although anything worse than a B can be quite painful.    Last year, though, because of Covid, grades were awarded on the teacher’s assessment of competence, so I was barely able to walk after receiving my ‘results’.

Strict unethical standards

Sometimes, for brief periods when I am asleep or locked away in a cupboard.





God save the Queen.  And her subjects, who might need some divine intervention, in the decades of her reign.


What sort of fish?  Sustainably-sourced, I hope.




I did know at one point.  Maybe I forgot… it’s all such a long time ago.




Sometimes I wish English retained the distinction between familiar and formal modes of address.  I could try asking my domme to call me ‘thou’ but it just wouldn’t be the same.*

 This is the very lovely and French Ibicella.  She speaks English but, really, why would you want her to?



* Occasionally people ask me what my pronouns are.  To my embarrassment, I am forced to admit that I am not allowed any.

Formal disciplinary procedures

 I was once threatened with ‘formal disciplinary procedures’ by the Head of Human Resources at a company I was working for.  Needless to say, I initially misinterpreted her offer!  So it nearly got quite embarrassing but as soon as she explained that she wasn’t speaking about HR matters in a work context, but just wanted to put me across her lap and spank my naughty bottom, we both relaxed and ended up having rather a fun evening.


worry, it doesn’t stay that impersonal.  She has pet names for each of
her favourite interns – and for those she most dislikes, too, oddly

She likes to give direct feedback on her employees’ performance, so she’ll probably end up asking if she can borrow the remote.

Expensive things.  That’s why they call them ‘expenses’ after all.

Guys who sexualise and objectify women in a work context are the worst, aren’t they?  I’m glad I published this post, so I can make my views on that clear.

What a very understanding work environment.  Basically, they are creating an unsafe space just for you.  I hope you’ll be suitably grateful.

But I got what I deserved

Tried to hurt me but now I know.


Kinksters can sometimes be over-sensitive about when something might be considered ‘public play’.  Sometimes a slap in the face is just a slap, after all and sensible bystanders will realise that.




It never did matter much, to be honest, even before I started wearing the thing.




Oh, she shouldn’t worry.  Nothing creepy about enjoying the sight of an elegant pair of ladies’ shoes.  Or the taste of them, for that matter.

Thank goodness for that.  Words can cause real pain – as can bullwhips, too, obviously.



The thing about schoolgirls is not letting them know you’re afraid of them.  Make that mistake once and you’ll be doing a lot of homework for other people, believe me.

Unforced feminisation

My SO looked a bit worried when I asked her to ‘feminise’ me.  She gently explained that no matter how hard I tried, I’d never make a convincing woman.  Even if I were to try to mimic feminine behaviour such as intelligence, competence, courage and leadership, I simply could not get away with it.  So obviously she was immensely relieved when I explained that all I meant was that I wanted to be dressed in a frilly pink dress and ordered to flounce around with a pout on my excessively made-up face.  I was soon happily across her lap having my naughty little knickered bottom spanked and shrieking like a little girl, so that was all right.

I don’t think I’d want to be a real woman anyway.  Too much responsibility.  And not enough chores.


Don’t you just hate it when you’re sent off to play with other sissies?  They can be so self-centred and immature. I’d rather just flounce about in front of Mistress, showing off my frillies.  Perhaps I should try having a tantrum about it.





She looks lovely in it.  And you’ll look lovely ironing it, too.



Actually, quite a lot of things taste a bit shoey to me right now, but that’s because for obvious health reasons I’m wearing the mask she made me most of the time, so it’s if the world were made of stinky socks.  I’m not saying that’s a bad thing…




Don’t worry about looking foolish when you’re doing the little dance.  Most of the passers-by probably won’t know what the moves and actions are supposed to be anyway. I’m sure they’ll find it amusing, though, and that’s the most important thing.




Rather like me, this gentleman makes an unconvincing woman, exhibiting as he does stereotypical male behaviour such as whining, laziness and cowardliness.  Fortunately, Her Maj has ways of dealing with those.










All under control

 …just as it should be.


This image reminds me a bit of my first sexual partner, although the heel is a slightly different shape.




She’s actually never done a humiliation session before – but it turns out she’s a natural.



Fortunately, he has a very sophisticated palate, so whatever it is – or used to be – I’m sure he’ll be able to work it out.




Mainly, it’s the abuse, to be honest.




Poor dear man.  So very old.  So very dead.  I hope she gets over it quickly, so she can live a full life for him.  He’d have wanted that.




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