You can’t always get what you want

But if you try sometimes you just might find you get what you need.

Tight fit even with lube
It’s silly to worry about whether you’ll stretch enough.  Look – that thing’s made of solid plastic, and it’ll have all her strength behind it.  Something’s going to give, so just relax.

Well smacked bottom
Sometimes it’s good to go out with your co-workers for a real heart-to-heart.  And sometimes it isn’t.

Keira led relationship
Don’t worry – she’ll explain why at great length.

Schoolboy session
Schoolboy sessions!  My favourite.  We’re going to be covering irregular verbs of the fourth declension over the next seven sessions, apparently.  Pretty exciting, huh?

Annes dominant implant
Or if you stray outside the permitted boundaries, of course.

Caned to…

(So many possibilities)

…amuse her friend?
…help him do a better job of the ironing?
…the sound of The Best of Abba, Vol 2?
…try out a new stroke?
…the sound of girlish laughter?

You decide (if You’re of the superior sex, obviously).

On with the show:

Femdom continuous caning
No rush.  Take your time.  She can even leave you there all night, if you like, and finish off tomorrow.

Sexy double date
Well, obviously if you’re going out to dinner, you’ll be swallowing.  Really – this doesn’t sound so bad at all, does it?

Humiliated just by being there
I used to pay for humiliation sessions, but now what I do instead is just ask ladies I fancy whether they’d like to go out for a drink with me.  It’s a lot cheaper.

Female supremacy date
Whatever you say, I think she’s going to suggest you wear something a bit skimpier, you know.

I’m sure you can think of a good reason between now and tomorrow’s appointment at the clinic.

Brutal loving care

Femdom captions, captioned pictures of female domination, dominatrix, domina, domme, female led relationships and all that kind of search engine bait, y’know?

Here we go:

Girls with guns oh my
To be fair, it wasn’t specifically on the hard limits list you agreed, so she does have every right…

Dragon bride oriental femdom yknow?
You could start by learning Xin lỗi.  That’s ‘Sorry’.  You’ll be needing that a lot*.

Caned by my wife for the other thing
Confession can be really good for dealing with feelings of guilt. Try it.

femdom allowances
Bursting into tears can usually get you a few dollars extra.  What price self-respect?  Oh, about $2.50, maybe $2.75.

Heel boy femdom
* Curiously, the same online phrasebook that gave me Xin lỗi also provides Tàu cánh ngầm của tôi đầy lươn – “My hovercraft is full of eels”

Screaming when she comes

I usually find I do.

On with the captioned images of printed circuits.  Sorry, I mean female domination.  Long day.

Femdom welts
And there he was thinking he’d got off lightly for once.  Good thing Linda came home.

Femdom death - well eventually
It’s nice when something you thought was finished gives you just a little bit extra like that.

Femdom humiliation without even trying
But you have to pay her €500 first.

I think this is one of those times when it’s just up to you to decide how to take it, you know?  On the one hand you could get angry – let’s face it, it was a pretty mean trick.  But on the other, you could just be pathetically grateful that they noticed your miserable existence at all, couldn’t you? 

Actually, to be entirely accurate, you won’t be able to leave one small corner of the basement.

Her obedient servant

Whipping beauty
Hurry up, she wants you suspended and well flogged before going out – and the dinner reservation is for eight!

Hunting femdom
Dave season starts today!  Actually, that’s not true.  Every day is Dave season.

Hard day femdom
Just try to empathise.  Men aren’t very good at it, but women know that and often make a particular effort to make their feelings known.

He can’t tell Coke from Pepsi, but he can tell Paolo from Antonio.

Oh well, never mind.  You’d probably have been rubbish at it anyway.

Another quick one

Oh, hi – is that Mr Harris? 
Good morning, it’s Lisa here from Megabank Card Services.

I’m very well, thank you. 
Now the reason I’m calling, is our fraud detection system flagged some
of your credit card transactions as unusual, so I just wanted to check that
those were really you.   It’s probably
fine, but we just need to check.

OK, so can I just run through some recent items?
Right,  now on
Thursday you purchased two books from Amazon? 
“Dealing with sexual failure” was one I think, and “Spanked in front of
the girls”?  OK, fine.

Then the next day, I’ve got a purchase of a web subscription,
3 months non-recurring, to “Diaper boys and strict nannies”? And then a
purchase of premium access to the same site, two hours later?


Fine.  And then the next evening there’s a charge for “Samantha
Strict’s chatline”?  No?  Oh – that wasn’t you?  Are you sure?  OK, well we’d better log that.  Only there’s several, you see.  There was “Small penis humiliation”, for £45,
then two hours later I’ve got “Wank on my command”.  So I’d better alert our fraud department, and
start a –

 – what’s that?  Oh they
were you?  That’s fine then, because…oh
yes, don’t worry.  It’s strange how quickly we can forget these things, isn’t it?  It’s just as well, because
there was another this morning:  “Piss
boy humiliation”.  Oh – and one’s just
popped up on screen from this afternoon: “Beg to cum”.  That’s probably why your number was engaged when we
called 10 minutes ago – you’d have been just finishing that one off, I expect.
OK, well if that’s all fine, I can clear the suspected fraud
flag.  They can update your profile, you
see, so that similar purchases won’t set off the warnings.  That way I won’t need to keep bothering you
by phoning up – I expect you’ve got better things to do!
And your profile will be updated throughout the bank’s
systems.  That way we can provide you with
better, more personalised financial products and offers, you see.  Whenever you call, or if you drop into the
bank, whoever you’re talking to will have all your details in front of them on
the screen, so they’ll know exactly who they’re dealing with.
Now, is there anything else I can do for you today?

No, not at all.  My
pleasure.  Bye now!

Self discipline is over-rated

Always better to get someone else to do it for you, either a professional or an enthusiastic amateur.  That way you’ll get a proper job done.

Swallow or a whipping - or both
Don’t worry about the bruises.  Most clients like them.

Prom date humiliation
It’s not your fault.  I’m sure she won’t be taking it out on you.

Spanking disciplinary wife
I usually find that a short discussion is enough, but often she wants to go into things at much greater length.

Lesbian lust but not for you
Don’t worry – most men experience depression post-castration.  But do you know what?  No one gives a shit.  So that’s OK.

Crushing an insect and your dreams
That reminds me, one of my girlfriends used to have a pet name for me: cockroach. 

They who must be obeyed

The title based of course on the splendid in concept (but disappointing in realisation – just ask a frustated 13 year old desperately looking for femdom material in the early 1980s) nineteenth century novel She, by H Rider Haggard.  There’s actually a sequel too, called Ayesha (although I always thought it ought to have been called She’s Back), which puts me in mind of a remarkable lady with a more serious and worthy blog than this one. She has introduced me and others to the concept of “saudade“, which makes me think that I am perhaps spiritually Galician-Portuguese. 

Anyway, this isn’t getting those captioned images of female domination onto your screens and into your brains, so we’d better get on with it.

Judicial caning x2
Or don’t keep calm.  That bit’s up to you.

I think she’ll come to appreciate the gift in time.  Young love is all very well, but experienced wives know the value of a good leather whip.

If you’re considering asking for a refund, do bear in mind that she is still holding the whip.

Public humiliation and respect
I don’t know why some men pay for public humiliation.  It’s easy enough to get it for free, I find.

Littls snuff scene here but tastefully done
She genuinely doesn’t want to drown him.  There was such a fuss about the last one, after all.

Marriage is an institution, but who wants to live in a – oh, hang on, never mind.

All rather domestic this time.  Lovers of evil dominatrices in black leather…goodness I enjoyed typing that, let’s go again… evil dominatrices in black leather, look elsewhere.  The very next post, frinstance.

Femdom travel and stay at home husband
Look on the positive side of things.  You and her mother have never got on – let’s face it, she hates you.  This might be the time when you really get things sorted out.

Humiliated bridegroom
Just as long as it’s not Nadine.  Oh please don’t let it be Nadine…

Domestic chores and domestic discipline
Ah…recently married couples.  So sweet.

Slave husband no opinion
You’ve got hers, so why would you want your own?

Wormy little slave
It’s a good point, and one she’s made before. At the wedding reception, for a start.

Sometimes sorry is the easiest word to say

A really heartfelt “sorry”, gasped through the tears, that is.  Sometimes that will melt the harshest heart, and bring forgiveness, won’t it?  And sometimes not.

More captioned images of female domination follow, obviously.

Female domination is a journey
*”Trunk” for American viewers.  But I think you’ll agree that “boot” is a much sexier word than “trunk”.  Unless you have a fetish for elephants… Pervert.  We don’t want your kind here on this site.

Double dildo
What went up must also go down.

Ponyboy with money - whats not to like
They’re surprisingly economical to keep, too.

You can struggle if you like
But I want to be clear – you can ask her to stop if it’s getting too much, OK?  Just go right ahead and ask.

Just beg enough and perhaps she will
You won’t have to worry about money ever again?  Isn’t that great?
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