A daily act of brutality

Unusually for me, a themed post.  See if you can guess the theme.
All images taken from the public spaces of “The British Institution”, or tumblrs, not from behind the paywall to my knowledge.
Well worth a visit – once you’re in, you’ll find you can’t leave.  Not for five years anyway, even with good behaviour.









Worm’s eye view

Do worms actually have eyes?  Or a point of view?  I know I’m not allowed one of those, not about anything that matters.

Ah well, on we go.

Oh well.  Never mind.
 This of course is Princess Kali, whose perfect balancing of sweetness and cruelty presses all the buttons I have.  It’s the little tiara that always does it for me. Aaaahhh.

Oooh!  Maybe Steve’s going to get a blowjob too?  How exciting.
 The lady in the picture is Ashley Edmonds.  She’s fantastic.  Don’t know who the males are.  But who cares?  Just males. 

I can imagine being very polite.  But I expect she’s right.  She usually is.

Well, that’s very kind.  She’ll stop being kind soon, don’t worry.
 Domina Irene Boss, of course, whose boots I am not fit to lick (I mean, even more than those of most ladies).

Must be awful.  Don’t you think?

My unfair lady

All I want is a boy somewhere
Far away from the city square
Tied down across a chair –
Aow, wouldn’t it be loverly?

Lots of choc’lates for me to eat,
Whip in hand for his own hot treat.
Thrashed arse, he’ll beg at feet
Aow, wouldn’t it be loverly?

Aow, so loverly…

Standin’ abso-bloomin’-lutely still.
Scared to move, so the pail don’t spill;
His pleading, high and shrill,
 Aow, wouldn’t it be loverly?

Someone restin’ across my knee,
Warm an’ tender as ‘e can be.
Who’s scared to death of me,
Aow, wouldn’t it be loverly?





Drowning in her eyes
Those eyes.  I could just drown in those eyes, couldn’t you?

Huh.  Brad!  It’s been ‘Brad this’ and ‘Brad that’ ever since he arrived.  Frankly, I am seriously considering giving him notice.  It’s not as if we need a pool boy anyway, not having a pool.

It’s funny to think, really, that you’re just about the only man she encounters most days who isn’t begging at her feet for mercy!  You probably help her keep a sense of perspective – and that’s very important, for someone with a job they really love.
If you like Cruella, you’ll probably love The British Institution.  I do.  Both.

Damn… I was really looking forward to November.

Actually, most chastity belts are massively over-engineered.  What might feel like irresistible pressure really hardly puts it under strain at all.  I mean, steel’s pretty tough.  So don’t worry, OK?

A love beyond price

darling, you’ll never guess what happened today when you were out at the interview.  The strangest thing!

That man came round – the one we met in the market the other
day.  He’s called Reshad.

Anyway, he just came to the door, so I invited him in for
coffee.  I thought it was a bit creepy at
first – you know, maybe he was interested in me.  But he’s not. 
Not at all.  Do you know what?

He’s interested in you!

No, really.  He said
you have a perfect rose-bud mouth, if you can imagine!

Anyway, of course I laughed and said you were spoken
for.  And do you know what?  He offered me money!  I was laughing, and saying ‘no, no’ – you
know, making a joke of it.  But I think
he was serious.  Apparently, slavery is
legal in his country and he has a place way out in the desert where he keeps
all these men.  Well, as slaves!  Isn’t that just the weirdest thing!  He was offering $350,000 by the end.  Imagine! 
That would pay off all our loans in one go.  Actually, it would leave us $165,000 over, even if we paid off everything.  He must be really rich.

Anyway, he was very persistent.  Wouldn’t take no for an answer!  So I said I’d think about it – just to get
him to go away, you know.  And he straightaway said he’d
come back this evening with his two brothers and a van. And he said he’d have the
money in cash – now what was it he said in that funny accent of his? 
Oh yes – he said “not that $350,000 peanuts bullshit! But proper money.”  I don’t suppose he will, though.

He must be so rich. 
Imagine being able to pay $350,000 just like that!  Or even more!

I mean obviously you’re worth a lot more than $350,000!  Oh – I don’t mean I’d ever be tempted!  I mean, really!  Even for that much money.  Or even more. 
Anyway, it’s barbarous, keeping people as slaves.  I shudder to think about what they’d have to
do to you to make you use your little rose-bud mouth on them!  You’re not at all like that, are you? 

I mean if you wanted to try it that would be
different.  But you don’t want to try
being a sex slave in the desert, do you? 
Do you?

No, I didn’t think so. 
Well, I expect he was probably just joking anyway.

Anyway, how did the interview go?  Do you think they’ll give you the job?
Aww…poor baby.  Never mind.  I’m sure something will turn up, sooner or later.

Don’t forget to drink up your milk, darling!  I got it specially for you.  Drink up every last drop.  Down it goes!  That’s right.


Oh hi!  You’re Paul, right?  From IT?  I’m Jane.  I guess I’m the “boss” in this part of the company!  Oh, but just call me Jane – we’re very informal around here!

Look – we’re really grateful that you’ve come to help us out, OK?  I mean I know you’re all so busy down there, with that…computer stuff.  Fixing things… brilliant!

But we’ve got such an important meeting tomorrow – really important clients, right? – and I saw you give that presentation in Head Office last month and I just knew you’d be perfect for it!  So I asked Karen, and –

Which one?  Do you give a lot of presentations?  Oh!  Well, you have to send me invites to them.  I only saw the one – but you were great.  It was the one about computers.  Something about a… network, was it?  It was brilliant, anyway!  And I just thought – that’s what we need for next Wednesday!  The clients will love it.  And Wednesday’s tomorrow now… and here you are!  Brilliant

Hmmm?  Yes, yes that topic would be fine.  Computers…networks…all that.  They’re very interested in that stuff.  They’ve got lots of computers. I mean, it’s a bank so they’re bound to, aren’t they?

Oh!  One little thing.  Silly really.  Erm… you were wearing these, mmmm, white trousers?  Not quite sure what sort…I’d recognise them again if I see them.  They were…quite tight.  Really tight actually!  Anyway, I thought that was very effective.  Really helped to…well, the audience could see you very clearly.  I certainly could.  Do you think you could, erm…wear them tomorrow?  Hmm?  That be OK?

No…not quite sure what brand they were.  Do you have a lot of pairs of tight white trousers?  Oh.  Well, that’s good, isn’t it?  Tell you what – bring all three pairs in tomorrow morning and we’ll see which works best, OK?  Great!  We can have a little fashion show!  Right here.

Slides?  What do you mean, slides?  Oh PowerPoint slides!  Yes, definitely.  Got to have slides.  PowerPoint’s brilliant, isn’t it?  And then we can darken the rest of the room, so it’s like you’re just there in a spotlight…all in white.

No, I know.  Not all in white.  But the trousers are.

Oh…there was a little thing you did.  At one point you dropped all your notes, and you sort of bent over and picked them up for a bit?  And you looked kind of humiliated and embarassed as you did it?  That was quite effective too, I thought.  Really got the audience’s attention.  Put them at ease… An accident?  Was it really?  Oh.  Well, you know if you were to do it ‘by accident’ tomorrow, I’m sure the client would like it.  Possibly several times.

Great.  Well, I think we’re all set, then.  The client arrives at about 4pm, and we’ll go straight into the meeting.  No you don’t have to be there for that bit – that’s the serious business of the day.  Then we’ll talk to her a bit about the joint venture (you don’t need to worry about all that – boring old financy things!)  then when that’s all agreed we’ll have your presentation at the end of the afternoon!  Deal all done, down go the lights, onto the stage goes Paul and it’s all about…internet protocols for the rest of the afternoon!  Great!

Oh, is ‘internet protocols’ different from ‘networks’?  OK, well either really.  Gosh aren’t you clever – knowing about both!

Anyway, I expect we’ll all go off for a drink or something afterwards.  You should come along.  She’d like that.

Brilliant.  Look – tell Karen I owe her one for this, all right?

Oh wow.  You really call her “Miss Oldfield”?  Oh, that is cute!  Look – forget what I said about calling me Jane, OK?  You can just call me Miss Summers tomorrow, OK?  In front of the client.  I’d like that.  I’d really like that!  Or…you could call me “Boss”.

Go on – just for me.  Say “OK, boss!”


School bullying

Scenes from Servitor’s so-called life part 2 (of rather too many).

I guess it won’t surprise regular readers of this blog to learn that I was bullied at school.  It was rather traumatic actually, still something I can’t really face properly when I look back upon it.  There was this gang of older girls at break-time, and they’d take my lunch money, and beat me up, and pull my trousers down and spank me… and all sorts of frankly quite sexual humiliations.  Then one day they refused to take the lunch money any more, so it all had to stop.  They never told me why, never told me what had changed.  A heartbreaking moment.


OK, on with the therapy.

Femdom bullies biology project
You’d think that having biology teacher as their test subject would have helped, but he never made one useful suggestion the whole time.  Just cried, and pleaded – that sort of thing.  Very disappointing.

Caned on first name terms
They later got married!  True story.

Dominatrix is not playing
Oooo!  Do you think they’re planning some sort of surprise for him?  What fun!

Wife led marriage
I used to find these big decisions really difficult, so it’s great not being allowed to take them any more.

Cross domme
A new femdom fetish meme: dommes feeling humiliated.  Really, you don’t want to stand too close to one.

Office relationships are complicated



Oh!  Well, ermm… I mean I’m flattered obviously,
no, it’s not that I’m doing anything else, it’s just that…
as we’re going to be working together I took the liberty of looking you up on
ratemyboyfriend.com.  And it –
– oh, it’s a sort of dating information
site.  Women-only.  It’s very popular
just now.  Most men are in it –
I was looking you up on that and you’re in the five inches or fewer category, you see, and I just think I like to have a slightly larger
penis than yours, if you don’t mind.  You
know – I mean I could live with six inches or even a bit less, but… 
no problem at all.  Nothing personal, I
hope you weren’t offended?
Great.  Actually, I don’t think it would work out
anyway.  I tend to like to go a few
times, so I look for an average of at least three or more per night, and yours
is only 0.6.  I guess it doesn’t always
work?  I know there are some women who
don’t mind that.  But I do.
Oh – and the thing you like to do with the sweaty
trainers?  I’m afraid I’m just not
Hmm?  Who?  Oh, someone called Cindy I think.  Probably not her real name.  Prostitutes rarely provide them.  It was only last Tuesday anyway, so you must
remember –
Sure!  Sure, we’ll say no more about it.  See you in the team meeting tomorrow!  Have a good evening!

Come closer honey that’s better…

A favourite line… She presents a gardening programme on BBC nowadays.  Strange but true.

OK, now more of this:

OWK pony playtime
She has a great sense of humour, Mdame Sarka.  I’ve commented ont his before, I think.

Cheerleader humiliation yum
Actually, Brad’ll be spanking you anyway, as part of the performance.  But there’s time enough to find that out later, when you’re in your cute little outfit.

Forced bi eventually
Edward certainly is, after all.

Heels and palms
The stigmata help you contemplate the divine.

Medical femdom gone mad
Of copurse, it’s not quite at the same time.  I think the castration’s first.  So if you really hate it – don’t worry. A bit later on, maybe you’ll be losing those bits of your brain that hold the memories.

Locked and loaded

It’s not as much fun as it sounds.

And nor is this, but I’m incorrigible… despite knowing quite a few ladies for whom correction is a career.

Why don’t I just shut up and get on with it, you ask?

Oh.  OK.

Balls busted
OK, so she shouldn’t have done that.  But then he shouldn’t have got cross, should he?  I mean, really.

Call femdom wife an escort
Good thing you were there to help out.

What’s the problem?  He still paid, didn’t he?

Streetwalker humiliation
Too much self-loathing there for you?  Oh, you’re really not going to like the one below, then.

Self loathing as a fetish
I did warn you.  Loser.

Rewards and penalties

A silly humiliation story, written to amuse my Significant Other.  Names have been changed to protect…well, me.

reached out eagerly for the steaming coffee.
“That’ll be one forty-nine”, the young ‘barrista’ behind the counter
said, brightly.  “Do you have a loyalty

looked straight back into her eyes as he handed her the money.

“No, I don’t have
a loyalty card but I do have a ridiculously small penis that I like to stroke
until it squirts into my pants.”

girl froze in the act of taking his money, carefully transferred it to the till
and turned her whole body to face the next customer, without a word.

grabbed the coffee and almost ran from the coffee shop in horror, feeling the
shocked and amused stares drilling into the back of his neck, his down-turned
face burning with humiliation.  He walked
rapidly down the street, slowing to a normal pace only when he was almost half
a mile away from the scene of the catastrophe.

had he said?  How was that possible?  He felt sick and shaky.  If he were still a drinker, he told himself,
this would be a double vodka moment.  As
it was, he gratefully saw a Boots Chemists sign ahead and went in to buy some

you have a Boots advantage card?” the middle-aged lady at the check-out asked

he heard himself say, with growing horror. 
“But I do like to take advantage of my little cock by wanking until it’s

time he didn’t even pick up his purchase: as soon as the words were out of Servitor’s
mouth, he was pushing past the stunned customers and heading straight for the

on the street, Servitor panicked. 
Loyalty card?  As he thought that,
the words “sweaty little cock” jumped into his brain.  Loyalty card. (‘tiny prick’).  Something about those words, about saying
loy-…the L word.  Or anything like it,
remembering the Boots experience. 
(“Frequent flyer”? “Frequently wank myself silly”).  He mustn’t even think it.

could he shop?  He had to go places where
they didn’t have a loya- a – a programme for rewarding customers.  There was a corner shop just ahead, and
steeling his nerves, he went in and bought bread and a few tins of food.  He marched up to the counter, heart thumping.

the man behind the counter said, not looking at him.  Servitor held out a fiver with shaking hands
and clenched his teeth tight shut.  The
shopkeeper pulled at the note, and looked up in confusion as Servitor’s fingers
held it tight.

“Sorry” Servitor said,
and released it.

walked out in triumph.  No mention
of…rebate programmes…and no problem. 
Well, he wouldn’t starve.

couldn’t face the Tube, so he took a cab home, thinking furiously of all the
things he normally bought and whether the shops selling them had…discount
schemes.  It should be do-able, maybe it
would wear off soon anyway, he thought wearily.

cab pulled up outside his house and the driver drew the little window
back.  “Do you need a receipt mate?” he
called cheerily.

I don’t need a receipt.” Servitor heard himself saying.
“But I do need my naughty bottom spanked very
hard for not buying Ms Sandra a Christmas present.”


In a different town, in a different county, Mistress Valerie was tidying her toy cupboard.  She picked up a box, rifled inside it and

haven’t been fiddling with my hypnotic suggestion tapes, have you?” She

Sandra leaned round the door.  “Me?” She
replied, innocently.  “Why would I do

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