My goodness!

‘Readers’ of this blog might have picked up on the subtle hints I have ocasionally dropped here, that I might have a bit of a thing for Anne Hathaway (the living actress, not the dead wife of William Shakespeare, although I don’t doubt she was very lovely too).   Very regular ‘readers’ will also be aware that earlier this year I posted a video of an interview with the divine Anne, in which she had to speak quite firmly to the young male who had been privileged enough to be allowed into her presence to interview her.  I have to confess I found that firmness somewhat… stimulating. Obsessive ‘readers’ might even have noticed that I then developed something of a compulsion to publish a series of captioned images all with exactly the same caption, whenever the facial expression or the situation seemed to warrant it.

At the risk of alienating what few ‘readers’ I have left, I am afraid to have to tell you that the compulsion is still with me, so more of the same – exactly the same – below.  Sorry about that. This is an extra post, though, so it will not diminish the twice-weekly postings of captioned images that don’t all have exactly the same words (just the same tired old set of ideas and jokes).

 So… as is traditional, we’ll start with the original, then repeat the same theme ad infinitum (where ‘infinitum’ is here understood to mean ‘seven times’). 






















So… about a month ago I posted a video of the divine Anne being interviewed by a distinctly ‘forward’ young man and quite rightly chiding him on it.  Alas, no footage exists of the blistering and thoroughly-deserved spanking that undoubtedly followed, and clever Anne attempts a little misdirection at the end of the video, by pretending she is not really cross.*
Oh go on, then: here it is again.
Anyway, Anne’s mocking, sweetly menacing ‘What a forward young man you are!’ has stayed with me and I seem to hear it everywhere.  So I decided you might as well see it everywhere too.  Perhaps this will be the only caption I write from now on, it certainly works for me.  It’s the only caption you’re getting today anyway.  Sorry.


And of course…


* She was cross.  But she’s a great actress, so it doesn’t show.  Now this (bonus image) is what Anne looks like when she’s cross. Isn’t she wonderful? Honestly, if you lived with her wouldn’t you want her to be at least a little bit cross with you every single day of your life?

What a forward young man you are!

Readers of this blog who have ever fantasised about being spanked by the divine Anne Hathaway (or, more succinctly: readers of this blog) might be interested in viewing the video below.

Admittedly, we do not witness the actual act but any viewer pausing at 0.40 could be in little doubt what fate (richly deserved and almost explicitly asked for) awaits this very forward young man, once the cameras stop rolling.  Clever Ms Hathaway manages some subtle misdirection after that point, but I think we all know that’s just in response to her PR agent frantically gesturing, behind the scenes.


Obviously, this blog prides itself on being fresh, original and creative unlike those awful, repetitive ‘adult’ blogs that just consist of the same thing all the time. Good captions, for instance – imagine how tedious it would be if I published those all the time.

Nonetheless, taking advantage of fact that males have short memories and attention spans, the blog does feature a few regular stars. Famous dommes, obviously, such as Mistress Eleise, The Hunteress or the OWK Ladies (especially Katarina).  But also some lovelies whose sadism and dominance is masked beneath a vanilla persona.  Each such lady has her own ‘tag’ used to label a post featuring her, but as no one but me has any idea which tag refers to which goddess, it’s all a bit pointless.

Hence this post.  Five regulars are featured below, in new never before seen captioned images.  Can you name them all?  Can you match them to their ‘tags’, listed in the labels section of this post? Try clicking that label and seeing if you were right.*

The accent’s quite important.  Clue: its not a mid-Western American drawl and if you are reading it to yourself like that, you’re doing it wrong.

It is a truth rarely acknowledged that any Tumblr featuring high-heeled leggy ladies will one day discover this goddess and post about twenty pictures in a row, all of her.  I have at least that many captioned images of her, but as so often in your sex life, I’m afraid you are just going to have to wait.**

Goddess playing a demi-goddess.  Slumming it a bit, therefore, but I am not complaining.

A new addition to the pantheon, this Goddess.  But we’ll be seeing more of her.***

Anyone who gets this one wrong, let me know so I can block you from seeing the blog ever again.  In fact, I think I should install a gadget that pokes you vigorously and repeatedly in the eye, if ever you try to visit.  Then there’ll only be two readers.

*  Hmm? No, I know you don’t see the same captioned image if you click the label, moron.  I mean you see different captioned images of the same goddess. Yeah?  These are new: I did say that.  Got it now?  

** Yes, you do have to spell her surname correctly, to win the prize.   Anyway, there isn’t a prize.

*** What?  No of course I don’t mean you’ll be seeing her nipples, you wretched little man.  Not on this blog.  I just mean you’ll be seeing her more frequently.  Why are you asking all these questions? 

I’ve suffered for my art

Now it’s your turn.

I suppose a little light felching’s not going to harm my heterosexual credentials.

Brave?  I don’t know the meaning of the word ‘fear’.  Janice does, though.

Safewords only work if you’re actually safe.

Goths, eh? Better humour her, she’s obviously very upset.

Or unless they commit serious crimes, such as making sexist jokes or publishing disrespectful captioned images of famous actresses, obviously.

Boys will be toys

Maybe I’m just hungry… I expect she’d say that’s because she’s feeding me too often.
Lots of men find it quite hard to turn a woman on, sexually, but if you’re ever lucky enough to meet a real hard-core sadist, you’ll probably find that just doing whatever comes naturally pushes all her buttons in just the right way.
And she’s having sex for both of you now, so it’s quite a lot of work.

Nasty words can leave an unpleasant taste in the mouth.

Bob’s shortlisted for an Oscar, I understand, now.  If he wins, I wonder if he’ll put the credit where it is due in his acceptance speech?  Behind every successful man, they say…

I hold these truths to be self-evident

That all women are created equal, and that men are all equally useless.  I’m certainly looking forward to voting for Female Supremacist candidates… I’d really rather not bother my little head about it, but apparently if they’re successful, I won’t have to vote again, which is a relief.

Fail better

I do that. I’m really good at failing, actually. 

A bit of a shame to call in sick – the girls at work recognised you and have something special planned, whenever you’re next in the office.

Marriage is always a learning experience. She’s just determined to make the learning experience a bit more structured, that’s all.

I’ve always tried to use humour to defuse tense situations. On my very first… time with a woman, if you know what I mean, I was very nervous indeed.  Fortunately she burst out laughing as soon as I’d taken my clothes off, and she was still giggling when her taxi arrived ten minutes later. I’ve always been able to make women laugh: it’s a gift.
I suppose that must mean she has a basement too – they’re all the same, the houses on that row. I wonder what she keeps down there?

Funnily enough, it turns out Prop 677 wasn’t even necessary. Enough Californians worship Anne as a goddess for her to qualify for the religious exemption, so she didn’t have to pay taxes anyway. Still: it was a nice gesture.

Reader: I pegged him

Even more hot chicks in empire-line dresses! One of the earliest CtD posts – probably dating from the 18th century itself, truth be told, but re-posted in 2011, dealt with this highly topical theme.

To quote that early post:  

“Well-born males degradingly forced to engage in social intercourse with ladies below their proper station!  Wild tea dances! 

Remember, you saw it here first!  And probably last.”

Little did I know…. eight years on, same old nonsense. 



Lovingly brutal

My SO has some lovely heavy rubber gimp outfits she likes me to wear.  But for some reason only in summer. This time of year I’m not allowed to wear them. Or indeed any clothing at all.  (I don’t count anything made of metal as clothing).

On the other hand, he does have to pay for it.  A sissy slave doesn’t, which is just as well as they’re rarely allowed much pocket money.

She’s Head of the family now that her mother has passed away, of course. I mean, her father’s still around, I think, but no one ever paid much attention to him anyway.
This is the magnificent Goddess Sophia, on whose dungeon floor I have occasionally had the honour to be an unsightly smudge.
I think it’s all a bit unfair, really.  I mean the hunters have trucks, high-powered rifles and female brains.

I think she wants creative control. And the biggest trailer on the set, with a soundproofed playroom too, obviously.

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