Mistress and Commander

Celebrating the more militaristic side of our little hobby.  Destruction, brutality, war, death… it’s sad there are these things in our world, but there’s nothing wrong with having a little sexy fun with them, is there?

As a British citizen, I don’t actually carry ID, but I do have an ownership tattoo, so let’s hope that will suffice.


happens. You know, the ninth Women’s Gestapo regiment once managed to
lose an entire infantry divisions-worth of POWs. Careless, but war’s
messy, right?

Her way’s a lot quicker, too.
Obviously enough, a lovely image from the British Institution
You know, there are lots of organisations called “The British
Institute” of this, that and the other.  I hope they enjoy the
ocasional accidental surf to prison.

Don’t worry. You get at least four more opportunities for appeal. We are going to fight this!
The divine, lovely, commanding Mistress Eleise de Lacy is no longer associated with Femme Fatale films and is cross with them (but oh, it’s wonderful when Mistress Eleise is cross with you, as I can personally attest!).  So I won’t be linking to them, for images featuring her.  And the not-always-in-charge Miss Woods is here.

Right, like her name’s really Vinyl Queen, huh?  Dommes, eh? Do they think the rules don’t apply to them?
  I’m guessing that’s who it is, from a Google Image search.  Do correct me if I’m wrong.

Since love is blind, then from the mind, all womankind should rout them.

… because she hates men.

It’s nice when newlyweds have pet names for each other.  But ‘bully’ just isn’t appropriate.  ‘Boss’ is a good one – he could try that, maybe?

I’m glad she’s taking precautions because some itching powders can be really nasty.  But see those gloves?  That’s safe BDSM play.  She’ll be fine. 

Oh – stop worrying!  They’re not going to starve to death or anything!  This blog can’t abide excessively violent scenes, you know that.  No: they’ll die of thirst long before they starve.

Let’s hope this one turns out better than the previous 117.  But if not, that’s valuable knowledge too.  Science: it’s all about reproducibility of the results.
Very lightly.  Safe, sane, consensual – remember?

You can wear the uniform and I could play along

And so it goes…

“…and if there’s war between the sexes then there’ll be no people left.  “
Actually, I’ve never believed that. Some of us would be traitorous quislings from the start, for one thing.

PS – she didn’t recognise him, actually.  Not her fault – they used to get a lot of men at OWK.  They all look the same after a while, I expect. 

The holiday starts here.


Some of us have high natural levels of this chemical in our bloodstreams already.  It’s produced in the spleen, I expect.  Mostly because I enjoy typing the word ‘spleen’, which is a rather underused organ in femdom porn, I’ve always felt.




It’s best not to let the cute ones off too lightly.
Nazi dominatrices!  Cute, huh?  A bit illegal in Germany, but hey – this is the blog that treats its readers with contempt, remember?

Blonde justice

C’mon now!  Are you going to let her get away with that? Huh?
Oh.  OK then. 


Yeah, the human body has remarkable self-healing powers. And if not, there are lots more men out there.


She should watch out… illegal to watch that sort of thing in Britain.  Illegal just about everywhere to actually do it too, so don’t worry about a thing – she’s only playing.


Just try to hold onto the memory. For about eight weeks.


I like to be helpful.

Respectful silence

Get ready… they’re rough.


It adds a bit of tension to an otherwise dull game.


Very wise.


Of course, there’s always a risk in catching up with old schoolfriends, that they’ll make you feel bad by being, like, waaay more successful. But really, when your future’s the butcher’s hook, there’s no point in drawing fine distinctions, I say.


The love of women and the fear of women.  I have both conditions.

Hmmm… She’s merely disappointed, not repulsed. I’ll consider that as progress.


It’s a sacred bond – or a device for getting the housework done, depending on whether your finger’s on the button.


Don’t worry: he’s very professional.  You can be tied tightly naked over his trestle, and no matter how horny he’s feeling, you won’t have a thing to worry about. Well, except the savage beating you’re about to receive, obviously.


…and she does mean everywhere.
She’ll track them down. She’s very persistent. Anyway, can’t have feral males running about the place can we?


It’s a tonic for the troops!



Women, eh? Sometimes there’s no pleasing them.  You try to apologise, and they just run you over with a tank anyway.  Still… I guess we wouldn’t have them any other way, eh chaps?


Cathie might need a new lawyer in her stable.  She gets through slaves quite quickly – doesn’t look after them properly, truth be told.

She has a plan.
 This is the delightfully delightful Miss Tiffany Naylor. ‘A dominatrix based in Milton Keynes.’ To be honest, for me that’s a hard limit right there.  But it would be worth it, to meet her.

I suppose there’s little chance of either being a blow job? No? Worth asking…

I suppose any Radio 4 listeners amongst you will want to point ou that I got the apostrophe in the wrong place.  Radio 4 listeners are like that.

The rest of you have no fucking idea what I’m talking about, have you?  I don’t know myself sometimes, to be honest.

Back under the saddle

Ah well, summer holidays over and it’s back to the daily grind.  Which to be honest can leave you quite sore, especially when you then have to get up and go to work.  But who am I to argue?

I hope you enjoyed the archival clear-out over August.  But not that you enjoyed it so much you did anything you shouldn’t.

Back to normal.  More of the same, but written more recently.

Down you go.  You’ve got at least 10 hours before sunset.


Submissive man not actually very good at housework, in reality!  Who’d have thought?


It’s just her thing. Go with it.
She got you, babe.


Yes.  Anyway, it really doesn’t matter how big it is, if you’re not allowed to do anything with it.

A little found femdom for you, while I’m busy

I love found femdom – femdom themes in stuff that is not explicit femdom porn, basically. This from a photographer called Chen Zhun is really rather nice, with my favourite amongst all of them copied below.


Expect to see a few of them captioned here from time to time, although it’s not as if they need it.
Just thought I’d share those with you as I sit here trying to sort out Windows 10.  No, Microsoft, I really do not want to share all my photos and videos with my family and friends, thank you very much.  Yes, RealPlayer, actually I would like to continue to be able to download videos even with an upgraded browser, but no, I really don’t want to upload all of my photos and videos to your cloud, thank you.  No, oddly enough I don’t want to post them all on Facebook, either…. sigh.
Less problematic but always amusing is the way Microsoft’s browser pretends it has never heard of Google. “You want to use a search provider other than Bing? Bit weird, but, yeah, sure, you’re the boss I guess.  Let’s see now, there’s Ask, Yahoo…quite a few alternatives, so – sorry, what’s that?  Goo-guhl?  Err… doesn’t ring a bell.  How are you spelling that?”


Untruth or consequences

So, what did you do in London, my mother asks me as I walk in.

Paid someone to tie me up, beat me and piss on me.  I think.

Oh – nothing much, I reply.  Just saw some friends.

You smell nice.  Have you just washed your hair?

Well yes, actually.  Rather thoroughly.

Strange sort of life, we live.  Well, I do anyway.  But so do you, probably.

Fucking off now, Ma’am.


Many marriages become oppressive and abusive after a while.  In this case, about 11 minutes.


I have a very literal mind.  It’s quite convenient, because it means I don’t need to take offence every time I’m called a ‘wanker’.
She can annex my southern regions with an illegal plebiscite any time she likes.
Geddit? Bit-o-politics, bit-o-politics


Yurshhh mw’am.  Gulp.  Bleah!

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