Stories and pictures themed around female domination and male subjugation and servitude. Unsuitable for children, for alpha males, for hard-core practitioners with an interest in the politics of bdsm and the mechanics of complicated rope work. Of interest to perverts like me, basically.
As you’ve probably noticed, this blog features ‘themed posts’ on a Sunday. Well, I… what do you mean you haven’t noticed? You don’t just come here to look at the pretty women and wank, do you? This is supposed to be a conversation between me, the artist, and you sitting there, with your trousers down around your…
OK, well anyway, not exactly a themed post today but I noticed I was doing more and more captions, defacing the lovely image of a lady called Nicola Cavanis, so I thought I’d do a special on her, give her her own tag and so on. I expect she’ll be rather pleased, don’t you?
Remarkably, for a young lovely whose photos are all over the Internet, she appears not to be Russian.
But… ?
That’s the great thing about femdom – you can just turn many ordinary household implements into sex toys. Whether it’s something sharp, something blunt and heavy or just something vaguely cylindrical and sufficiently large, there’s almost always some kind of scene you can work with it.
Are you going to stand there and let her speak to you like that – you, a grown man? Stamp your foot, dammit – or run to your room, throw yourself onto the bed and scream into the pillow while kicking your feet. She’ll soon realise she can’t treat you this way.
I’m not even tired. Not fair.
I just can’t imagine why he would have wanted not to spend hours handwashing her panties… what’s wrong with the guy?
Be prepared, sissy, be prepared. I myself never go out without lubing up a little, just in case I should run into one of my SO’s former boyfriends and find myself being whored out to his mates. I’m not saying it happens every time, obviously, but when it does I’m usually glad of a little lubrication back there. I usually carry some mouthwash too – you never know when you’ll need it, do you?
She did initially feel some sympathy… well, pity, anyway, which is practically the same thing.
To be fair, a dentist trying to act as a professional dominatrix for the first time would probably feel a bit unsure of herself too. It’s best to ignore those fearful, nagging voices that say you can’t do it and just have a go.
My SO once made me lick my own feet clean, after a long day’s pony-play. As I’m in my fifties, you might imagine I’m not supple enough easily to get a foot to my mouth, and you’d be right, but fortunately she had a strong bondage harness that could bring disparate parts of my body closer together and with a lot of effort she finally managed to get me buckled into a position where I could reach. The funniest thing was when she released me just a few short hours after I’d finished cleaning my feet: I couldn’t walk and had to lurch around bent double, for a couple of days. How we laughed! Well, one of us did anyway: the one who matters.
She’s quite possessive about stuff; has a controlling personality. She knows about it and tries not to go too far, but mostly she takes the view that people around her just have to learn to accept it.
I think it’s really important that couples should discuss these things. Many ladies new to chastity play might be surprised just how much fun they can have, talking to their partner about the frequency of release or the likelihood of its being imminent.
Kitten can be awfully careless, with things that aren’t expensive designer items. She can be quite forgetful too, often letting things she said she’d do drift for months at a time. Months and months. But you have to forgive her.
Dommes are goddesses and should just spend their days in leisurely pursuits such as lounging around wearing uncomfortable rubber and leather gear, having the dirt on their boots pointlessly smeared around by a devoted slave’s tongue.
I will proudly bear the marks of any Mistress who chooses to beat me, as long as she doesn’t object to all the snivelling and frantic pleading for mercy that inevitably ensues once I realise that it’s much less fun in reality.
Try to make the most of it: after all, you’ll almost certainly never be as happy again as you are right now, on honeymoon with your beloved.
Schoolgirls hunt in packs – teachers should always remember that. By the way, in case you are worried, they didn’t like, kill, Mr Hargreaves or anything. I’ve been assured he’s still alive, although obviously the location they keep him in is a closely-guarded secret.
Don’t worry: as an experienced keyholder, she’s very well aware of men’s sexual needs and makes sure they’re satisfied – unless there’s an urgent deadline, she’s teleworking or you receive a ‘needs improvement’ on your performance review, or something. Not their sexual wants, you understand, but definitely their needs.
There’s really no need for males to learn mathematical techniques beyond basic counting and thanking. I often even get that wrong, to be honest.
If its something you’re already good at, then maybe you should try that 10,000 hours technique, you know? That’s all you need to become really expert.
It’ll be good practice for when he’s released to forage for himself.
Aitor might make a bit of a mess later too, so thank goodness you’re around.
That was my SO’s advice to me, soon after we married. As with all her advice, following it has made my life a lot easier.
And if at first she doesn’t succeed, no harm in trying again.
Make sure you empty the bath with buckets and carry the soapy water back down to a proper drain when you’re done, OK? It’s more environmentally friendly. Or just remind her to make sure you do it – that’s probably going to be more effective, actually.
Thank goodness someone’s there to keep up standards.
Don’t worry – she’ll be keeping an eye on the situation, via the livestream. She’ll step in if she decides it’s all too much.
They always make sure that their New Year resolutions are kept.
It’s odd, because generally she prefers to be asked for her approval for everything I do.
Now this one’s just putting on a show of indifference to suit the ‘callous uncaring domme’ persona. Inside, she’s a swirling mess of worry that licking up cow shit might make you horribly ill, but she is concealing it – true professional that she is.
She does teasing and denial play too. That’s when you pay her and fuck off, frustrated and lonely. It’s only very subtly different from the findomme variant, to be honest.
Happiest day of your life, boy. Remember that.
Looks like she has stuff lying around the house she doesn’t need or want any more. Many people do, at this time of year. Best to just take the bold decision to throw it out, rather than leave it cluttering the place up. She won’t regret it.
Yes, more of those scenes of pre-war femdom. Oh I know it can be bit of a bore at times and absolute murder on the bloody knees, but chin up and bear it, eh? Worse things happen at sea, you know.
What’s that? Oh, I ticked ‘make me cry’ on the session negotiation form? Oh yes, so I did. Sorry, my mistake: go ahead then.
Just hand me the lipstick and stand aside, little lady. I got this.
Very public-spirited of them to help out, I say.
You might worry that if she just gets high grades without effort, she might end up with no skills and in a low-wage dead-end career. Don’t worry: she’s developing lots of skills and her future in a high-paying professional career is almost guaranteed.
What, did you think she just… I dunno… abducted guys and skinned them in her basement? You’ve been reading too much lurid fantasy. Relax, OK?
I wonder why she went too far like that? She’s supposed to be a professional.
She’s getting mixed signals here. Fortunately, the ones she’s giving are entirely consistent.
Thank goodness for that.
My own SO avoids this problem by only fucking guys who despise me. Fortunately, that doesn’t restrict her freedom of action at all.
Honestly, given the choice between fucking her and fucking you, it’s hard to see how anyone could prefer not to play it straight. But some guys have weird sexual preferences. I’ve heard.
Actually, I have a funny story about a pair of masturbation gloves and some nettles. Well… it was funny at the time, anyway. For her.
I suppose it’s polite to ask, but really she should just make herself at home.
He looks pretty trustworthy to me. You’ll be fine. Just think about something else for 20 minutes.
No, she’s not particular. Well…she is, obviously. Just not about that sort of thing.
See? There’s always a solution if you just talk it out. It’s like the time I finally told my SO I was finding our ‘lifestyle’ a bit difficult and in just a few minutes ‘talking it through’ we hit on the solution of shutting the fuck up and never complaining to her again. So simple, in retrospect and it’s avoided so many problems since.
She’s definitely going to go down there and check he’s OK, though. There’s just something she needs to do first, that’s all.