Blessed art thou among women

There seems to be a discontinued Christian blog, that had the same name as this one.  I occasionally like to run headlines like that, to make a few minds explode.

Rather naughty, I know.  Fortunately, it seems I’ll be getting a beating quite soon, so there will be penance.

More sinful pictures below:

Riding ladies with horsewhips...yum
Bet you’re glad you didn’t look at their bottoms, aren’t you?  Oh.  Oh dear.

OWK ladies love to starve you
Actually, the way the ones who are already thin react to the starvation diet can be even funnier.

NO escape from the domme
Come on – don’t be such a baby!  It’s not as if she hasn’t whipped you before!

Over her lap yet again
My favourite place.

Anne gives you a faceslapping
Another little service you can do for her.

Learning to crawl

Chrissie Hynde.  What more could there be to say on a blog about female domination?  Chrissie Hynde.

Anyway, that was Chrissie Hynde.  Here are the captioned images of female domination.

Dommes mostly love rules.
Actually, it’s only by making mistakes that we learn.  Well: by making mistakes and being whipped for it, I mean.

Because she says so.  And has a whip.
Don’t worry – you’ll have plenty of time.

Lucky househusband
He was hoping for a new ironing board but managed to hide his disappointment.

OWK dreams and reality
What a lot of text.  Click and zoom, click and zoom.  Y’know, I’ve always thought those ‘guardress’ uniforms are just so…so…excuse me, I really must click and zoom.

It must be such a relief not to have to cope with all that begging for mercy, not to mention the hysterical screams.

Reasons to be cheerful

Part 3.

Anne illustrates the party escort submission position.
Ah, the divine Miss Hathaway.  Think of her when you’re being pumped from both ends, and it won’t seem so bad.

Obedience is recommended
You could try disobeying, if it’s something really horrible that she wants.  I mean, what’s the worst thing that could happen if you do?

The cane awaits
Miss Woods.  She’s got plenty of time.  And there are still another nine questions to go.

Femdom wife does not want to know
Maybe she’ll let you explain afterwards, if you’re capable of coherent speech.

Bondage means not worrying about whether he'll leave you alone
Did you notice it’s Christmas?  I expect she’ll enjoy unwrapping him in the morning.  Or the afternoon.,  Whenever she gets round to it, anyway.

The Power and the Glory

For ever and ever.  Awomen.

Femdom wife prefers to use the cane! width=
There’ll be plenty of things to discuss later, though.  How very, very sorry you are, for example.

Anne Hathaway spanks oh my!
The divine Miss Hathaway again.  I’d like to write her a thank-you note for existing.

Lesbian wife has cute new girlfriend
Seems nice.  Let’s hope this one doesn’t insist on your sleeping on the floor in the kitchen.  Like the last two.

Not just a pretty face
And don’t forget to laugh at her joke, every time she makes it in front of a new client.  Keep that smile on!

Nurses accidentally domme a man or possibly two men
I think Nurse Collins is the one on the right, but that’s just my opinion and it’s quite worthless.

**Update.  Well for some reason (probably technical incompetence) I can’t seem to comment on my own blog today, so I’ll take this opportunity to thank Ralph D for his comments.  I’m glad you don’t mind my using a picture found on your site.  It works the other way too, of course, so help yourself!  We’re in agreement about Anne Hathaway too (and Marie Louise Parker… and what a good idea, I’ve got a few more pictures of her around here somewhere).  I think it’s the eyes.  You just fall in and are lost.  Have you seen the Tim Burton film of Alice in Wonderland?  If not, you must.  Anne as an ethereal White Queen apparently innocent of all the world, but actually scheming and manipulative.  Lovely.  Sadly, it’s her sister the Red Queen who actually behaves like a dominatrix (“pig!”).

Obedience is bliss

Willpower…I lack it, She has it in abundance.  There is a deal to be done here.

She makes the rules and enforces them too
He has so much to learn…

These boots were made for licking
I think it’s the healthy outdoor air that’s the main attraction.

A whipping from each guard and then another
Silly really, because he’s paying a fortune to be there for the month – and there’s such a long waiting list to get in.

What are you going to give her for her birthday?
I don’t want to give the impression that anything too extreme is planned here.  It’s just play.  Fantasy.  She would never really do it.  Not without your consent, anyway.  So just relax, and let her play.  And if she asks for consent, and you’re not comfortable with the idea of being castrated at that time, you just say no.  OK?  And the next time she asks, well if you still don’t want to. you can say no again. No problem.

So, the secretary messed up, but you’re the one getting a spanking.  Is that fair?  I mean, just because they are the superior sex and we are insignificant maggots.  Honestly, it makes me so angry.


The power and the glory

…of images of divine female authority.  What this blog here, run by this boy here, is all about.

Femdom rests feet on captive male and does some useful work on the computer
And I understand Dell are bringing out a ‘slavetop’ range of computers, for the real power users.

Femdom wife makes the position on sex quite clear
I think that it’s important that men and women talk about things like this.  He’s talked to her quite openly about his sexual frustrations, she’s told him quite openly he’s never having sex again.  There we are – all done.  Now that’s a marriage that will last.  Because they talk, you see?

Dominatrix with tattooed men thinks they look a bit stupid
She’s incorrigible, though.  There are three more waiting upstairs, as she has ambitious plans for a triptych.  I suggested she should develop her drawing skills on paper first, but she just beat the crap out of me and chained me to the drainpipe for three weeks.  Women, eh?

Femdom wife finds a good whipping works wonders
Curiously, Mike’s horoscope had said “Your wife will bind your arms and legs tightly together and whip your blindfolded naked body until you’re screaming for forgiveness.”  Astrology – there’s more in it than you think.

Femdom refuses to discuss it until you are in a proper state of mind
It’s just that it’s best to be in the proper frame of mind for this sort of discussion.  And face facts, you’re only really in that right frame of mind when you’ve just had a good hard beating.  Am I right?

I give unto you a prophecy, according to the spirit which is in me

I was going to blog some captioned images of female domination, or maybe a silly short story or two, when a strange rosy glow filled the room, an eerie portal appeared before me and – in the fraction of a second it was open – three objects dropped onto the floor.

They appeared to be magazines.  One garish, glossy, cheap and cheerful, one refined and serious, printed  on thick quality paper and the last one – well, I could tell it had been put together by men, as it is badly printed, on poor quality paper, and held together just by a single staple.

I had time just to scan the cover pages and post them here.  I considered not posting the childish scribbles of “Adam’s Apple” but it strikes me (ouch!) that these apparitions might be a scientific event of some importance, so I thought I should share all the materials.

Could this be a vision of the future?  Its warm rosy glow promising us all a better tomorrow?  It’s all too much for my poor male brain, so I will simply post them for the world to see, without further comment, while I go off to do the ironing.

Dominant Lady Quarterly with Madame Sarka is not available for perusal by males - please delete this file if downloaded in error

Fight the power!  Rebel against the oppression of female domination!
I am sorry for including this ridiculous rag.  Male liberation indeed…probably a sort of schoolgirl joke.

From the sublime

..and I won’t complete the quote.

‘Sublime’, to me, means ‘stuff you can’t even try to describe without sounding completely gormless’.  For an example, have a look at the Anne Hathaway picture at the bottom of each page.

Anyway, on with the show.

Captioned dominatrix feeling a bit tired
It’s only fair.  She gave you a really hard beating yesterday.  And at the weekend too.  She must be quite exhausted.

Captioned image of a really sweet loving wife
I wonder what she’s thinking of?  Bet it’s something sexy.

Rebecca is a very scary femdom indeed
He’s quite right, you know.  Rebecca’s pretty scary.

Femdom caption making herself very clear
Look into her eyes.  No, stop looking at the glass of cool, refreshing water and look into her eyes.  Do you doubt her resolve?

Femdom OWK welcomes perverts
Looking down here won’t help you now, you know.  They know how to treat deviants like you at the OWK.

Altered Images

…were a brilliant 1980s band (well, they were a four-hit wonder actually, but I liked them and anyway they had Clare Grogan).  But this post isn’t about them, it’s just more daft captioned images of female domination.

Captioned femdom image of three domme wives
I’m a traditionalist, I’m afraid, and I don’t really believe in mens’ lib.  Planning a series of stories on this, actually.

femdom captioned image of businesswoman
The notion of changing your name is just delightfully subtly submissive, and public too.  Several posts about this on other (more serious) blogs lately.

femdom captioned image human dogs
This is of course the divine Mistress Valkyrie.  Combining the best traditions of English (ow!) and Czech (thwack!) femdom.

femdom caption slightly spooky dont you think
A little off the usual trajectory for me, but something had to be done with that picture.  That artwork ‘obscure title’ by the way, is nothing like as weird as some I’ve seen.

femdom caption lesbians kissing ahhhh
Quite why anyone would even consider looking at marmalade in this situation bemuses me, but then I’m not a male maid with a housework obsession

Short fiction: In the morning

Jennifer quietly stood at the door of the kitchen, having followed the aroma of breakfast cooking from her bedroom.  Her husband/slave, Alan, standing naked but for a small pinafore which left his buttocks exposed to the air, hadn’t heard her enter.
She looked with satisfaction at her oblivious submissive, quietly getting on with serving her without specific instruction or fuss.  This was how it should be.  She caught sight of the marks on his lower left buttock, and she giggled softly.
Alan looked around in shock, and instantly dropped to his knees, crawling over to her to place his face against the ground just before her feet.
“You may.” she said quietly, after a moment, and he quickly placed light kisses on each of her feet, in the approved greeting.
“I’m so sorry, Mistress, I didn’t hear you come in…” he stuttered.
She smiled down at him.  “That’s all right, I was just standing there.”
She looked down affectionately at the blackened marks on his buttocks: her initials JMV somewhat stretched and distorted by his kow-towing posture.  She smiled again.
“You know, I just arrived at the kitchen door to see you preparing my breakfast so diligently, and I was so much reminded of the day of your branding.  Do you know why?”
Alan nodded urgently.
“I think so Mistress.  It’s that in my servitude to you, I know you are with me always.  That I am your slave, in attendance to your needs to the best of my poor abilities even when you are elsewhere, because I carry your name for ever.  The terrible pain from those red-hot brands not only seared your name into my flesh but burnt it into my very soul, and made me yours at all times.”
Jennifer leaned down and stroked his hair gently, thinking of that day and her husband’s desperate screams of agony and love.
Actually, she had been going to say that it was the smell of grilling bacon that had so vividly taken her back to it.
But a wise Mistress does not always tell her slave the whole truth, and so she merely murmured.
“That’s exactly right, my slave.  How well you know my mind.”
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